Irga: varieties for the suburbs. Irga in the garden

How often in the dachas there is a virgo ... Varieties for the Moscow Region practically everything is suitable, since the berry is not picky. Everyone knows this bush of the Rosaceae family under different names, but the essence of this does not change. He is equally loved by children and birds. Over time, the overgrown bush begins to take up a lot of space, which is not too good for a small area. But this drawback is offset by a huge crop of delicious blue berries. But it is worth picking up scissors, and the tree obediently turns into a beautifully formed ball or cube; in this way you can make a charming fence that will delight you with a crop. So, the topic of our conversation is Irga and its varieties. Let's get started!

Irga varieties for Moscow region

Pros and cons

You need to figure this out if you decide if a jerk is needed on your site. Varieties for the suburbs - all as one - very tenacious and prolific. They will not dry out during the hottest summers and will not freeze out during the harsh winters, and from spring to autumn they will diligently occupy your area with young shoots. Therefore, you need to remember that you need to monitor your garden. Moreover, irrigation and top dressing play far from the first role, the most important thing is to restrain the growth of the berry, form its crown and give shape to the bushes docked in a row. But with the shoots it will be more difficult, it will still get out, no matter how much you destroy it.

However, many gardeners still want to see them grow up. Varieties for the suburbs are surprisingly durable and hardy plants, which, no matter what, will produce a crop.

the best varieties of irgi for the Moscow region

Spring in the garden

About two weeks after the appearance of the green leaves, the delicate silver flowers of the irga are released. Varieties for the suburbs are famous for early harvests, and fragrant flowers feed many insects. The plant considered by us does not differ in the variety of species, usually it is either round-leaved or spiky ridge, although there are much more of them. And each is more or less productive, and also differs in shape and size. However, if you re-plant the plot with fruit shrubs and trees, then you will probably be interested to know more about these varieties.

Canadian Irga

Since we are limited by the scope of the article, we note only the best varieties of irgi for the Moscow region. The first one I want to consider is the Canadian variety, which is distinguished by high decorative properties. The bush has a natural rounded shape with drooping branches. The plant is especially beautiful during the flowering period. By the way, irgi can be grown as a bush or as a tree, it all depends on your skills. In the first case, it turns into a luxurious bush up to 6 meters high. Keep in mind that the snowdrop in the garden should be accessible for harvesting, so it makes sense to form a bush lower. Thin drooping shoots are beautiful at the time of flowering: they are literally strewn with white flowers. And then they become completely blue from the berries.

Irga in the garden

Irga is round-leaved

We continue to consider what kind of iragh is. The types and care are not too different, but certain traits characteristic of each variety are still there. This variety without pruning grows up to three meters. It grows almost throughout Russia, and bears fruit well in the suburbs. The leaves are oval, serrated. It is characterized by good productivity, as well as amazing stability. It is even very difficult to remove from the site.

Irga alder

This is a multi-stemmed shrub, its height is up to 4 meters. The leaves are rounded; in the fall they turn yellow. The flowers are white with a faint aroma. The fruits are purple, very sweet and quite large. It can produce up to 10 kg of berries per season, which can be attributed to good results. The tree itself is unpretentious, resistant to various diseases. Very similar to her is another species, called blood-red irga. This is a shrub up to 3 meters high. It has oblong leaves and flowers, the berries are sweet, dark, very tasty.

Irga species and care

Large-fruited varietal plants

The work of breeders does not stand still, and today at the exhibitions such species and varieties of irgi as Alytaglow are demonstrated. Its feature is the fruit of white color. Another good variety for the suburbs is large-fruited Forestburg and very fragrant Pembina. Other types of igruas are also represented at the exhibitions, featuring record-breaking large berries: Munlake, Nelson, Slate, Regan and others. We will not dwell on the peculiarities of caring for them, since the opportunity to acquire these plants is still very small. Typically, the stores sell old, good, proven varieties.

Shrub care

Have you decided to plant an irga at your summer cottage? Which good variety to choose, you can ask in the next issue of "Summer resident". Most often there will be presented only the varieties listed above. By the way, they can be borrowed absolutely free from the neighbors, because the overgrowth of irgi gives a lot. This is a completely unpretentious plant that will withstand even the most severe frosts.

However, she has her own requirements for the conditions of detention. Irga will survive in any conditions, but it shows the maximum yield on fertile, loamy soil. The plant loves well-lit places, but will grow even in complete shade. Quite calmly refers to the drought. A great design idea could be to plant a snow leopard along the fences. This will give it a special decorative effect, especially if it is beautiful to trim the bushes.

types and varieties of irgi

Shrub planting

It can be planted both in spring and in autumn. At the same time, choose seedlings that have reached the age of 1-2 years, because fruits from younger ones will have to wait long enough. The hole for one plant should be at least 80 cm in diameter. After planting, do not forget to water the seedlings abundantly. It remains to mulch the soil around - and you can leave the plant alone. It takes root almost immediately, it is for this quality that many gardeners fell in love with an irga. Care and breeding are intuitively simple. The only thing needed for a good harvest is regular watering.

Bush formation

In order for the plant to look good and not to block too much useful area of ​​the site, but at the same time it would be convenient for you to pick the berry, you need to regularly prune it. First of all, you need to make the bush as strong as possible. He will need care in the form of sawing out old trunks, removing long and weak branches, as well as cutting off damaged shoots. To emphasize the decorativeness of the planting, you can form an irga as a multi-stem bush. To do this, leave only strong shoots, and cut off the weak ones. In this case, you need to follow a number of rules. In the first three years of plant life, leave all strong shoots, then annually control their numbers, leaving a new one in place of the removed one. A fully formed bush consists of 10-15 branches of different ages. After this, care will consist of an autumn inspection, removal of broken branches and extra shoots. If you see that the growth and fruiting of the bush is deteriorating, then once every 4 years you can perform a rejuvenating procedure, that is, cut off the entire 2-4-year-old shoot.

Jirgu what a good grade


If you have enough time, then you can try to grow quail from seeds. To do this, collect ripe berries, select seeds from them and rinse them from the pulp. Immediately after washing (preferably in September), the seeds must be sown in the soil. They will germinate next year or in a year.

However, it is much easier to use vegetative methods. Most often, the plant is propagated by root shoots. What is needed for this? Dig up a shoot and select seedlings 10-15 cm long, with well-developed roots. An excellent result is shown by those whose shoot thickness is from 0.5 cm or more. They should be planted vertically. For such seedlings need constant care in the form of abundant watering. Young bushes of irgi can be propagated by division, but this method is not suitable for old plantings. You can use the cuttings procedure. To do this, cut the annual shoots 12-15 cm long. After cutting, the material needs to be planted in a greenhouse. If the air is sufficiently humid, then roots will soon appear, and in a month young seedlings will be able to plant. However, it will give roots no more than 20% of the total number of cuttings.

Irga species and care

Top dressing

To harvest you every year, you need to feed your plant. To do this, you can use organic fertilizers (manure) in the fall and mineral fertilizers in the spring. Like all fruit trees, the berry is very responsive to top dressing, as when growing a large number of berries, a large amount of nutrients is expended. If the soil is very poor, then the bush will dump some of the fruits, and those that remain will be small, and there will be much less useful trace elements in them.

Pests and diseases

Irga rarely suffers from diseases, most often only slightly affected by leaf-eating insects, which do not cause much harm. Birds do much more damage to the crop - they love to enjoy berries. However, usually the bush of the irgi gives so many fruits that it is enough for you and feathered friends. If the bush is small, then you can tighten it with a net so that it is difficult for the birds to get to the berries.

Irga care and breeding

If you notice spots on the leaves of a berry, similar to rust, then this is a clear sign of a fungal disease. With moniliniasis, brown rot forms on the fruits, and the crop is ruined. Necrotic necrosis of the bark leads to drying out of shoots and branches, which can contribute to the death of the entire bush. In addition, the defeat of the jiri is often found in the gray tinder fungus, which causes a white, fibrous, putrefactive raid on the trunks of the old jerba. To protect your garden, you must timely treat with insecticides and antifungal drugs. One procedure in early spring will help to avoid all these problems, which means that you will calmly enjoy delicious and healthy berries.


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