When is the best time to go to China to relax?

An amazing country, famous for its original culture and an incredible number of attractions, welcomes guests. Tourists rush to the Celestial Empire to get acquainted with the unique relics of the past, make profitable purchases and have a great rest.

Travel preparation

Travelers who are willing to spend time and money on a trip carefully choose when to go to China. It seems to many that in a colorful country, rest will always be unforgettable, but bad weather can easily ruin it.

Some will not be able to sunbathe and swim freely, while others will not go on excursions, and the impressions of the trip will definitely be spoiled by everyone. You need to prepare for the upcoming trip in order to choose the best time for it and get the most out of it. And from a financial point of view, it is important to have ideas about:

  • high and low tourist seasons;
  • climatic features of the selected region;
  • type of rest.

Features of rest in the resorts of the Middle Kingdom

So when is the best time to go to China? As you know, the Celestial Empire is located in several climatic zones at the same time, and it is natural that in such a vast territory, which is divided into three parts, the climate cannot be the same. It is no coincidence that the tourist season begins at the resorts at different times. For example, to relax in its south is best from mid-September to late May, and in summer it is very hot and humid.

Shanghai (China)

Weather features

Winter is considered a low season, and at this time, accommodation prices fall several times. The air temperature drops to 0 ° C, and in the north and in the center to minus 17 ° C. Those who come to China from December to the end of February can be advised to go to Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai to go shopping. On New Year's Eve and after a colorful holiday, local shops organize sales. In addition, tourists are waiting for ski resorts, because the country has majestic mountain ranges. For example, you can go to Yabuli, in Beidu or Chenbai.

The majestic mountains of China

In spring, the climate in the Chinese regions is significantly different. So, in Shanghai it is quite cold (temperature does not exceed 9 ° C), and in Hainan the swimming season is in full swing. However, this is a great time, conducive to sightseeing. In the south of the country, the onset of spring is most noticeable, and already in April the air warms up to 25 ° C. However, in the rest of the territory there is a frequent change of weather, precipitation and a squally wind blowing.

The summer months are a high tourist season. In some regions of the country it is very hot, high humidity is observed and typhoons even collapse, and when planning trips, you should carefully consider the weather forecast. In such cases, a ban on swimming in the sea is established. Throughout China, the average temperature is 20 ° C, and in the south it reaches 30 ° C. The rainy season begins in the second half of summer.

The weather in autumn (average air temperature is 20 ° C) is less hot than in summer and is perfect for excursions. But at the end of November, the thermometer columns freeze at around 10 ° C, and every day there is a truly winter cool. In the northern regions, as nowhere else, there is variability in weather conditions. As the temperature gradually decreases, it is necessary to have warm clothes so as not to freeze.

North of china

We will not be unfounded and consider each climate zone of the Celestial Empire separately so that vacationers themselves decide for themselves when it is better to go on vacation to China.

China, Liaoning Province

The north of the country (Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Shanxi, Tianjin, as well as the autonomous regions of Xinjiang-Uygur and Inner Mongolia) is characterized by cold winters (air temperature is minus 7 ° C) and very dry summers (on the thermometer you can see the mark of 35 ° C). The temperate continental climate prevails here, so do not be surprised at the large amount of precipitation.

This area is chosen by those who love eco-tourism, as the northern territories are famous for their amazing landscapes, as well as unique flora and fauna. In addition, history buffs will not be disappointed: there are a lot of architectural monuments of antiquity. And fans of alpine skiing combine active and sightseeing vacations.

South of china

It is no exaggeration to say that the south of the country is the most popular territory, which has a tropical monsoon climate. To the south of China lies its mainland, the islands of Hainan and Hong Kong.

Hong Kong (China)

When is the best time to go on holiday to China? Tourists are not recommended to come here in the summer because of private typhoons, and it is best to visit the country's southernmost province, rich in sea resorts, in spring or autumn. It is at this time that the optimum temperature for relaxation is established, and the amount of precipitation is significantly reduced. Most tourists are happy to combine a beach holiday with a sightseeing. However, in Hainan, the swimming season lasts all year, and the water temperature is 25 o C.

In the south of the country is Hong Kong - the former British territory, which travelers adore because a visa is not required for a two-week vacation. The best time to visit the tourist paradise is from October to December, when there is no rainfall, and the water temperature does not drop below 22 ° C. But in the spring, very high humidity makes it difficult to enjoy all the beauties of the administrative region.

Central part of the country

This territory (the middle reaches of the Yangtze, Sichuan and Yunnan-Guizhou plateau) is located in the subtropical climate zone, characterized by mild summers and comfortable winters. And when asked by tourists about when it is better to go to China, we’ll answer that you can come to rest in the central part of the Middle Kingdom all year round. It is worth noting that the so-called rainy season lasts from the beginning of April to September, but the air warms up to 27 ° C.

Sichuan Province

There are many resorts that offer a large number of wellness treatments.

Holidays in China: when is it best to go to the sea?

In general, the beach season in the most mysterious country in the east of our planet lasts from early June to October. However, in cities located on the shores of the Gulf of Bohai (Qingdao, Qinhuangdao, Beidaihe), tourists can swim from May to the end of September.

Unfortunately, it is not as popular as sightseeing tours, beach vacations in China. When is it better to go to famous resorts that compete with European ones? You can relax here all year round, taking into account that the seasons still vary. But still, autumn is considered the ideal time to get a beautiful tan, when there is no sweltering heat and strong thunderstorms.

Where to go?

Vacationers are always concerned about the question of where it is better to go to China. Going to the Celestial Empire, it is worth taking care of the tourist path and choosing the necessary directions. Of course, you can not ignore Beijing - a city whose history has three millennia. The capital of the country is filled with interesting places that store a rich past.

Many tourists who have already discovered an amazing country recommend visiting Hong Kong and Shanghai, where life does not stop for a minute. In large cities there are many modern shopping centers, luxurious boutiques, cozy restaurants that lure visitors with bright signage lights. In addition, these are the best places for shopping. Attractive sales prices attract Europeans who want to dress fashionably.

Recently, health tours to China have gained immense popularity. And the city, located on the Liaodong Peninsula, is the most famous resort, where a combination of ancient knowledge and modern techniques bear fruit. Experienced Dalian specialists who have mastered massage, acupuncture, and breathing practices will help get rid of all the ailments.

And those who want to try their luck should visit the "Chinese Las Vegas" - Macau, gathering thousands of players in the casino.

A paradise where it's always good

A true paradise on earth, famous for its pristine nature, clean air, luxurious beaches and a gentle climate, attracts tourists from all over the world. A wonderful island, where the sun shines more than 300 days a year, is a popular health resort in China. When is it better to go on vacation to Hainan (China), which has earned the title of the country's beach capital? It is difficult to give an exhaustive answer to this question. It is worth considering that in summer the amount of rainfall increases, so lovers of sunbathing will have to hide from tropical showers. At the same time, insects show activity, the bites of which will not lead to anything good. In summer, the air temperature is 37 ° C, and for people who can not tolerate heat and high humidity, it is best to come in spring or autumn.

Hainan, China

If you listen to the reviews of tourists who have repeatedly visited a wonderful corner, we can draw conclusions about when it is better to go to Hainan (China). The period from October to May is the perfect time to travel. However, many travelers believe that in a province in the south of the country, which includes the island of the same name, it is always good, because the water temperature in the sea is constantly kept at a comfortable mark. And even in winter, which is replete with sunny days, there is a great opportunity not only to sunbathe, but also to swim.

Tourists combine a relaxed holiday in Hainan, not in vain bearing the name "second Hawaii", with visits to attractions that are so nice to see on rare bad days.

Climate-friendly recreation

Amazing and mysterious China, which is the embodiment of Asia with all its contradictions, offers tourists many opportunities for a perfect holiday. Celestial guests are not only surprised by the amazing nature, historical and modern attractions, but also amazed by their diversity of climatic conditions. The south and north of the country are completely different from each other in weather conditions.

Beaches in the south of China

Therefore, tourists who are interested in when it is better to go to China, and who plan to visit its various regions, should definitely consider their climatic features. And also bring along a bathing suit, warm clothes and waterproof shoes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8532/

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