Ground-based gas holder: overview, advantages and disadvantages

The lack of a stable heating system forces many owners of cottages and country houses to organize autonomous gasification. Having such a fuel source, it is possible to ensure all-weather operation of the boiler or boiler installation with the expectation of providing hot water. It remains only to determine the technical solution to the task. In many respects, a land-based gas tank appears to be advantageous, which can be located within the site by connecting it to home communications.

Terrestrial gas holders in the country

What is a gas tank?

This is a reservoir for the content of gaseous mixtures, characterized by increased protection of the structure and the presence of special coatings. As the material of manufacture, a low-carbon steel alloy with anticorrosive inclusions is used. Simpler technologies involve the use of structural carbon steel without alloying additives. Domestic gas holders for a country house are equipped with devices to control fullness. Modern designs are provided by automation, which can be introduced into the infrastructure for controlling gas-consuming equipment.

When choosing such a store, it is important to correctly calculate the volume. For home use, models are available with capacities from 100 to 5000 liters. On a summer cottage with an irregular flow of the fuel mixture, you can install a ground gas tank for 500 liters. However, a full supply of suburban cottage may require 3000-5000 liters. According to experts, in an apartment building with an area of ​​up to 200 m 2 , an average of 20 liters per 1 m 2 is consumed. For one heating season at such an expense, about 4000 liters will be required.

Installation of a ground gas tank

What gas is needed for a gas tank?

In principle, the design of the tank can store not only gaseous, but also air mixtures in a wide range. Depending on the operational tasks, it can be charged with natural gas, liquefied mixtures, biogas, oil fumes, air, etc.

For domestic use, propane-butane mixtures in a suitable fraction are usually used. Liquefied gas for a gas tank is supplied approximately once a year. Refueling is carried out by special cars or mobile stations. Through a connected hose with a pump, the mixture is pumped into a container. The latest equipment eliminates even the smallest gas emissions into the atmosphere when refueling.

Ground gas tank design

Varieties of designs

The entire segment of gas tanks can be divided into two types according to the principle of fuel content. There are storages of variable and constant volume. In the first case, the inner tank can change the volume depending on the gas filling - this is due to the membrane water vessels with a rising control bell. Typical gas holders for a country house usually have a constant volume at a pressure of up to 1.8 MPa.

Industrial land gas tank

The designs also differ in the place and configuration of the installation. More commonly used horizontal underground models. In this case, a ground type gas holder is considered, which can be both vertical and horizontal. There is also a special category of mobile gas tanks. Such structures are usually used in industry and in remote construction sites, where there is no possibility of connecting to the central supply lines.

The advantages of ground gas tanks

Although the underground method of containing hazardous mixtures seems safer, this is only partially true. One of the main advantages of surface installation of equipment is the minimization of corrosion processes. Especially saline soils adversely affect metal surfaces and these threats are not comparable with the effects of precipitation on the earth's surface.

More importantly, the ground gas tank is always available for maintenance and diagnostic operations. The same centers of corrosion are quickly detected and eliminated. There is also a financial gain. The absence of the need to dig a pit for immersing the tank and, in general, minimizing installation work, saves significant amounts. Another thing is that in itself a gas holder of this type can cost a little more than the underground one.

Ground gas tanks

Disadvantages of ground gas tanks

The main disadvantage of structures of this type can be called freezing in the winter. At low temperatures, natural evaporation of butane occurs, which is dangerous for the operation of the equipment. The output may be additional equipment design with a high-neck evaporator - often ground models contain similar devices in the base unit. Another option to minimize fumes is to fill the tank with a mixture with a high propane content that is not sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

Another drawback is associated with the urban design of the tank. However, a ground gas holder for summer cottage is less likely to be used to decorate the territory. In addition, for irregular seasonal use, investing in a tank with an underground installation is not always advisable.


The presence of a gas tank as part of home engineering support is a good alternative to backbone supply networks. Even if we are not talking about the impossibility of connecting to the central supply line with hot water or gas, it is worth considering the option of autonomous provision of resources. A correctly selected ground gas tank will cover all the needs of a private house in heat and hot water, while requiring low costs. Unpleasant moments of the maintenance of such equipment are associated only with maintenance.

For obvious reasons, the design of the gas tank requires increased attention. Regular checking of passive and active protective systems, revision of the condition of the external anti-corrosion coating, etc. So, a mandatory measure of checking the state of a gas tank is to diagnose its design for continuity and porosity. A similar operation is performed using a spark flaw detector, which allows to identify problem areas on the surface of the tank.


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