Transgender - what is it? Transgender Baby Angelina Jolie

Now the word "transgender" has entered the vocabulary, and few people know what it means. One guesswork, from here comes a lot of unreliable rumors. What is a transgender baby? Is this a problem? Let's try to understand these issues.

What is transgender?

Transgender baby - what does it mean? Let’s get started with the term itself. This is a discrepancy between the internal self-awareness of a person and that recorded by doctors when a floor is born. Some transgender people compare themselves with members of the opposite sex, while some generally go beyond the boundaries of two sexes. Transgender people are also called transgender people. Very often, when the inner world of such a person does not coincide with the external qualities of his body, depression or a desire for death occurs. But transgenderism does not affect a person’s sexual orientation.

what is a transgender baby

Transgender child

What is a transgender baby? He is the same as everyone else, but with a different, non-standard thinking and perception of the world. Such children are much harder to realize themselves in any activity. They need help and support from relatives and relatives, and especially parents. In no case should you mock, mock, or say nasty things to a child. The psyche at an early age is so vulnerable that you need to take this moment into account when communicating with such a little man. He needs help in self-determination, and no matter what path the child takes, he needs to be supported. After all, the world is already not very friendly towards such children, and condemnation from parents and close people can push it to suicide or to leave home. A full awareness of transgenderism itself comes about 25 years old. Then a person is already independent and knows what he wants from life, what he wants to achieve, he has already developed a model of behavior in accordance with his attitude.

transgender child what does it mean

The reaction of parents to the problem of transsexuality

What does transgender baby mean? What is the meaning of this definition, we found out. But what should be the reaction of the parents? In childhood, the boy is asked why he was not born as a girl, and girls, in turn, become hyperactive, playful, showing with their whole appearance that they belong to the opposite sex, although they look very elegant and elegant. At first, many parents do not pay attention to such behavior of the child and are in no hurry to control and correct it, giving them complete freedom of action.

Parents sometimes perceive excessive sensitivity and femininity in boys incorrectly, ascribing homosexual inclinations to their child, and begin to put pressure on the psyche, showing, in their opinion, the correct model of behavior. As mentioned above, in no case should this be done. It is necessary to give the child time to figure out everything himself. Pressing on the not completely formed psyche of their child, parents thereby form a negative or completely negative attitude towards the closest and dearest people. Time will pass, and the child himself will choose the path along which he wants to continue to live his life. And it is up to him to decide whether he is doing the right thing or not.

what is a transgender baby photo

The inner world of a transgender child

We’ll take a closer look at what a “transgender child” means. What is his inner world? There were cases that such children were very often subjected to violence, all kinds of injuries and injuries. The older generation sometimes can not come to terms with the fact that their son puts on feminine clothes, and with the help of violence they try to change the situation in the other direction, the right one, in their opinion. They are not fully aware of the problem, thereby alienating the child from themselves and making enemies of the family instead of friends. Transgender children at this age are most often drawn to peers of the opposite sex, it is easier for them to perceive such friendship. Almost all children with this problem become white crows in the world and continue to live surrounded by constant pressure and ridicule from peers and loved ones.

what does a transgender baby mean

Which way to choose?

What is a transgender baby? Photos of such children are presented to your attention in the article. By puberty, teens are even more vulnerable. If a protest is generally characteristic for this age, then such children begin a period of complete abandonment of the outside world. They find themselves at a crossroads, not knowing which path to take. Another important factor at this age is the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. Due to such internal struggles and contradictions, a teenager very often cannot release his sexual energy and satisfy the most natural needs in a close relationship with the opposite sex. And all this happens because the child is faced with a choice and is deprived of support from the adult generation. A significant portion of transgender teens are lonely. They have a growing sense of alienation, and they begin to feel like outcasts in this world. There is hatred for one’s own body and unwillingness to comply with generally accepted standards of society. They hide their terrible secret from everyone, but the spiritual pain is growing , which is becoming unbearable every day.

what does a transgender child mean

Obstacles to the desired result

What is a transgender baby? What else is fraught with such a problem? This may be followed by a change of gender and all necessary documents. An adult teenager is faced with paperwork, with the legal and medical aspect of this difficult question. A considerable period of time passes to change everything necessary. Qualified medical hormone therapy is available only in large regional points and is practically absent in regional ones. Here the question of the financial plan also arises. Attempts were made to take hormonal drugs on their own, without the supervision and recommendations of doctors, which led to disastrous consequences. Very often transgender people face the problem of being recognized as transgender people at the legal level. Many are not ready for publicity and leave everything as before, thereby continuing to escalate internal psychological discomfort. And perhaps the most important thing to think about is the attitude of others towards people who have decided, and sometimes changed sex.

Transgender baby with Angelina Jolie

Speaking about the financial problem of solving and changing sexes, it’s worth talking about celebrities who have encountered such a situation. Talk about the baby Angelina Jolie. The press in America began to notice several years ago that the daughter of a celebrity shows an increasing disposition towards the behavior and tastes of the opposite sex and becomes less and less like a girl. She once said that she wants to change the female name to the male one. Transgender child Jolie increasingly began to appear in public in the attire of a boy. Parents fully support this image, without exerting any influence on the girl. Journalists were shocked to say the least. Many still condemn both the child and the stellar mother.

transgender baby jolie

Stellar family reaction to the problem

Many critics allowed themselves harsh statements on this subject, but the star family does not pay any attention to criticism and continues to live its measured life. For several consecutive years, the daughter of Angelina Jolie wears only short boyish haircuts, dresses exclusively in men's clothes, thereby denying her belonging to the female sex. And since this has been happening for several years, the option with childish prank and star fever immediately disappears . The press began to seriously talk about the fact that the daughter of Angelina Jolie is a transgender. The child’s father, the famous Brad Pitt, said that if one of his children turns out to be gay, he will not dispute this decision and will only support the chosen path. There is evidence that he himself is in a society of people with a non-traditional orientation.

transgender baby with angelina jolie

Humble or resist?

What is a transgender baby? How to counter this? And is it worth it? In our time of unstable relations, everything familiar is being replaced by a lot of non-traditional innovations. People try to stand out from the gray mass, and many resort to methods that are often not perceived by others and are often ridiculed. In the West, this phenomenon is more common than in Russia. There, such behavior is considered the norm, and in our country - an event that goes beyond the usual and correct. Although no one knows where the correct solution to the problem. And very often a transgender person is constantly choosing the right one for himself and for others. Sometimes these concepts diverge. Perhaps modern society needs to come to terms and accept these people as they really are. After all, it is their choice and their decision.


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