Construction 3D printer. New house building technology

The connection of the construction industry with computer technology has been forming for years and nowadays its benefits are obvious to specialists in various fields. Mainly virtual modeling tools are used, which allow developing architectural and design projects with high accuracy. But this does not limit the potential of new technologies. Not so long ago began the popularization of printers with three-dimensional printing, which work on the basis of the same design solutions with virtual components. The continuation of the concept was a construction 3D printer. In Russia, Andrei Rudenko is mastering this idea, offering a quick way to erect walls and some engineering structures. Similar technologies are also being developed in China, Holland and the USA.

General technological process

building 3D printer

In general, the process repeats traditional construction. Work also begins with the development of a general building concept, the preparation of a design solution and the selection of materials. The initial stages of construction may also include the use of computer modeling - in any case, direct installation activities will use the power of computers.

Next, a concrete mixture is formed, on the basis of which the walls will be laid out. Actually, the first models of building printers could carry out only monosyllabic tasks for laying wall structures. In modern devices, it is provided not only the ability to arrange structures of various configurations, but also to supplement the construction stages with insulating and facing works. Of course, we are not talking about the construction of full-fledged completed facilities, however, equipment manufacturers are striving for the idea of ​​construction that does not involve post-processing.

Construction technique

3d printer for building houses

Technologically, this method is similar to the operation of conventional printers for three-dimensional printing. Only in the traditional version is it supposed to form small-sized objects from special masses based on plastics and polymers. In the case of construction vehicles, there are two fundamental differences. The first is the size of the printer. Depending on the version and features of the technological process, it can correspond in size to both a truck crane and a small truck. Secondly, the construction 3D printer uses concrete mortar as the working mass. The mixture is also supplied through a special extruder, operating in automatic mode.

High accuracy of operations, by the way, is determined by the precise positioning of the printer head. Thus, it is possible to lay the foundation, walls, floors, staircases and other structures. Depending on the printer model, small openings, engineering holes and communication niches can be made. In some cases, the construction 3D printer allows you to form special holes for the further implementation of reinforcing bars.

Features of Chinese 3D construction

Chinese developers are pioneers in this direction of construction. They created a technology according to which you can build a house in a day. Another thing is that the building will be budgetary and with the inherent disadvantages of cheap housing in this category. In this case, not only concrete mix, but also environmentally friendly industrial waste is used as the basis for the building material. This decision is due to the desire to reduce the cost of the process.

In addition, 3 D-construction using Chinese technology provides for the inclusion of fiberglass in the bulk. This significantly improves the quality of the result, since lightweight composite reinforcement not only outperforms traditional metal in a number of strength indicators and weight, but also simplifies the installation process. Moreover, in the case of the printer, crushed fiberglass is used in bulk, which eliminates the design from the disadvantages that arise when introducing metal fittings into finished openings.

house building technology

Dutch technology

Dutch engineers are mastering several other directions in promoting the construction printer concept. They focus not on laying mixtures as such, but on the manufacture of building materials and structures. Quite successful was the production of ceramic brick, which is produced through an extruder from the mass of cinder block.

The low cost of raw materials and the minimum cost of the material manufacturing itself makes this technology financially viable. But the process of building houses did not go unnoticed. The fact is that a 3D printer for building houses produces blocks with a conical shape, which eliminates the need for workers to use binders. Also, some companies are mastering the frame construction of buildings. In this case, the printer prints full-fledged mounting panels, from which house kits are subsequently formed.

Serial production of printers

So far, the creators of construction printers have not decided on the full presentation of their products on the market.

building 3d printer Price
Although such attempts, of course, are. It is enough to note the BetAbram model and the domestic developments of the SpetsAvia enterprise. At the same time, devices available to a wide range of consumers can be divided into two classes. This is a large-sized construction 3D printer, which has practically no restrictions on the construction of typical buildings in terms of size, as well as small devices included in rail systems. The second option is more affordable in terms of finances and allows you to change the design depending on the requirements for construction tasks.

Additional option

The construction process in the classical sense provides for the implementation of many operations. This is not only the laying of walls, the installation of partitions and installation of structures under the roof, but also the facing work, the laying of communications and the arrangement of openings. In almost all modern versions of the 3D printer for the construction of houses allows for the laying of concrete mix. However, for other operations, manufacturers provide auxiliary devices. For example, a hydraulic lift is offered for installation activities on the same roof, and a high-pressure washer can be used in the finishing work.

It is provided in some versions and the improvement of the basic capabilities of the equipment. For example, a mortar mixer saves the user from self-preparation of concrete mix. On it you can create the optimal mass with the characteristics that the technology provides. Building a house with a printer also requires special power supplies. To organize this part, the developers offer input wiring and power cabinets.

The benefits of building printers

construction stages

Building on new technology is advisable to use only in some areas. In particular, high quality is noted when laying monolithic structures. Creating a foundation, for example, significantly outperforms traditional techniques in speed and performance. Some developments relate specifically to the replacement of vibropressing of concrete mass, since automation of construction in the form of an exact layer-by-layer formation of a screed eliminates the formation of air voids. By and large, such printers increase the speed of the process and optimize logistics operations, which is what attract large companies.

Disadvantages of building printers

3 d construction

Even in modern designs, construction printing equipment is not able to provide a full cycle of installation and repair operations. Despite the desire of manufacturers and technologists to bring closer the reality of eliminating the need for construction, this idea is still very far away. In addition, practice shows that in its current form, technology (building houses by 3D printing) loses to skilled manual labor. The execution of the screed is no less qualitatively produced by an experienced team of builders. This applies to traditional masonry walls. However, the printer wins in terms of speed and accuracy.

Price issue

One of the main factors that inhibits the spread of such technology is cost. Nevertheless, in specialized areas there is considerable demand for a construction 3D printer. The price of serial entry-level equipment is about 700-800 thousand rubles. For this amount, you can count on limited functionality, which, however, is enough for the quality performance of concrete coatings, the creation of walls and foundations. Complex technological operations such devices will not pull.

Units that are able to erect a fully frame basis of houses are very common, but they are also not cheap. As a rule, this is a massive construction 3D printer, the average price of which is 2-3 million. It should be borne in mind that special materials will also be required in the form of working mixtures - also at rather high prices.


building 3d printer in Russia

With all the shortcomings, experts note the prospects of this area of ​​construction technology. At this stage, it is too early to talk about the economic feasibility of introducing such developments on the market with the expectation of commercial success. And the point is not only that a 3D construction printer is expensive, and it shows its best qualities only in individual works. As a rule, the capabilities of such equipment are not competitive when compared with traditional manual power. The only obvious advantage justifying the use of such equipment is the high speed of construction. But, again, this area has been developing for only a few years, and it is possible that in the near future, developers will take a new step in the promotion of building printing.


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