Camel Spider: scary, but not poisonous

A camel spider is an unscientific, but accustomed name for the representative of arachnids, belonging to the class of phalanx or salpuga. In Russian, the name bihorch is sometimes used, and in English the wind scorpion, because it is able to run at a speed of 53 m / s. This arachnid lives in almost all desert places, with the exception of Australia.

camel spider
The camel spider has an impressive size. Its structure and lifestyle are combined with signs of high development (tracheal system) and primitive features (anatomy of limbs, dismemberment of the body). It has a frightening appearance due to hairiness and large chelicera (such as claws). They are equipped with teeth and open in a vertical plane. Body length can reach 7 cm, yellowish and brown-black tones predominate in the color. The trunk and limbs are covered with setae and hairs, different in stiffness and length.

The abdomen is large, consists of 10 segments, on the first of which there is a genital opening covered by the side flaps. Pedipalps (leg analogs) with tactile appendages at the ends without claws. With their help, a camel spider moves, grabs and holds prey. The photo shows him in all its glory. The arachnid representative of the saltpug has no poisonous glands. It can penetrate human skin, and if it makes an infection, complications are possible.

camel spider photo
A camel spider is able to move at high speed, including vertical surfaces. A frightened phalanx can jump up and grab hold of something by the chelicera. In desert places, this often turns out to be the camel's groin, hence the unusual name. In case of danger, takes a threateningly defensive posture, like some spiders. The photo shows that the front of the body is raised, the open claws are forward, the front legs are raised towards the enemy. Some species also chirp or squeak by rubbing chelicera.

A camel spider is a nocturnal predator, in the daytime its activity is reduced. In the daytime, he prefers to sit out in shelters, under stones, in holes. Light at night attracts many types of saltpugs. These arachnids feed on any insects, small rodents, in general, all with whom they are able to cope. Large individuals even attack lizards, small rodents, scorpions and chicks. Their gluttony has already become a byword, they literally can eat up to the point until the abdomen bursts, but this is possible only in captivity. In the natural

spiders photo
under conditions, a fed up salpuga is not able to catch up with the victim. A camel spider grabs its prey instantly, holding it, breaks it, crushes it with chelicera, moistens it with digestive juices and sucks it.

Mating is usually carried out at night and lasts several minutes. The male is always very active, unlike the female, which remains almost motionless. During fertilization, he pours a spermatophore onto the soil, transfers it to the partner's genital opening with chelicera. After some time, the fertilized female gains mobility, and if the male does not run away, then she can be eaten by her.

After mating, the female becomes especially voracious. After a certain time, she pulls out a mink and lays eggs with developed embryos, from which cubs soon emerge. They cannot move, because covered with a kind of film, and the articulation of the body is not yet developed. After 2.5 weeks, the first molt occurs, as a result of which the integument is divided and solidifies, and the ability to move appears. From some sources it follows that the mother guards the offspring for some time, delivering them food, but this has not yet been proven. And this is not the only question related to the camel spider that needs an answer.


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