How to leave home: methods, procedures, necessary documents

Increasingly, citizens are thinking about how to leave the house or apartment in Russia. Next, we will try to clarify the situation. Consider all possible scenarios. Some people claim that de-registration in a private house is different from a similar operation conducted with an apartment. This is actually not the case. And these processes can be considered as a whole. There is no fundamental difference in them.

Registration and discharge

About registration

How to check out from home? You will have to prepare for this. This is recommended in advance.

According to current laws, registration in a private house or apartment is carried out only with the consent of the landlord. And what about the cancellation of registration?

Firstly, registration is different. Namely - temporary and permanent. This is an extremely important point that you will have to pay attention to when de-registering.

Secondly, during the operation, as a rule, the person being written out either addresses the relevant authorities independently, or sends his representative to submit a request.

It follows that the presence of the homeowner is not necessary. It is only required when citizens plan to renew their temporary registration.

Right to refuse

Can I leave the house? Some people say no. Fortunately, this is not true.

From any housing in which someone is registered, you can make an extract. The main thing is to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions. Which one? We will talk about this later.

How to leave an apartment or a house

Ways to implement the task

Can I leave the private house? Yes, it’s not so difficult. Even a poorly versed person is able to cope with the task.

In general, there are such methods of deregistration in migration services:

  • through the court;
  • after the expiration of the registration;
  • by correspondence;
  • through a personal visit to the registration authorities;
  • contacting migration services through a representative.

How to act? It all depends on the specific situation. Deregistration through the court will take a quick look. This process is very troublesome and it is rarely related to private homes.

Where to send the request?

How to check out of a private house? The first step is to find out which organs help to cope with this kind of task.

The thing is that citizens of the Russian Federation can apply for an extract in:

  • MFC;
  • passport office at the place of registration;
  • Department of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation;
  • migration department at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of one or another region;
  • single window service;
  • passport and visa center.

In some cases, you can contact the management company at the place of registration for help. There are often passport desks and employees of migration services.

Is it possible to contact the registration authorities remotely? Yes, but you have to prepare in advance. We are talking about registration and verification of identity on the website of the State Service. How to check out from home through this page, we will discuss below.

Personal appeal - procedure

Now consider all the possible scenarios in detail. What do I need to leave the house?

Let's start with the simplest method - with a personal appeal to the registering authority. To achieve the desired result, you must:

  1. Form a specific package of papers. We will review the list of documentation for deregistration in migration services below.
  2. Fill out an application for canceling registration at one or another address.
  3. Contact your local migration service with pre-prepared certificates.
  4. Get a certificate / stamp in your passport on your discharge from the apartment or house on time.

It would seem that there should not be any problems. In fact, difficulties arise at the stage of preparing papers for the implementation of the task. We will deal with this nuance later.

Registration and discharge stamps

By proxy

What do I need to leave the house? The second scenario is the appeal to the migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs through a representative. For example, a relative or a good friend.

It doesn’t matter who the trustee will be. The main thing to adhere to this procedure:

  1. Write a power of attorney to this or that person. In the document, the citizen must indicate that he permits an extract from residential property.
  2. Draw up a notary for a notary in accordance with all the rules established in Russia.
  3. Collect documents for discharge and apply to the MFC / UFMS with a statement of the established form.
  4. Put a stamp on the statement or take a certificate of the relevant operation.

It is done. In real life, such situations are less common. Thinking about how to get out of the house, people usually immediately look for new housing. And there are legitimate reasons for that. Therefore, often discharge occurs in parallel with registration in a new home.

At the same time as registration

What documents are needed to get out of the house? As practice shows, the package of securities will vary depending on the situation.

Suppose that a person decided to immediately change his place of residence. In such circumstances, registration and discharge will be carried out simultaneously. And therefore, for one call to the migration services will provide two services at once. They cannot refuse this.

An instruction for discharge with simultaneous registration in another housing has the following interpretation:

  1. To carry out the formation of documentation requested by the migration services for registration in an apartment or new house.
  2. Contact the registration authority with the appropriate certificate package.
  3. Fill out a registration application. It is advisable to immediately inform employees that they want to write out in parallel.
  4. Give the petition and wait. In some cases, the registrant is asked to separately write a request for an extract from the old home. This is a huge rarity, but to prepare for such requirements is still necessary.
  5. At the appointed time, pick up a certificate of residence registration at the FMS at a new address or put a stamp on your passport. In the second case, the applicant will be printed 2 records - on deregistration in the old housing and on registration in the new one.

By time

How to get out of an apartment in a house? In the same way as in the case of registration from apartment to apartment or from house to house. These are almost completely identical operations.

Many are interested in how an extract from housing is carried out after the expiration of the validity of a temporary residence permit. Ideally, a citizen should:

  1. Contact the MFC or the migration department at the place of residence.
  2. Write a statement for discharge.
  3. Take a certificate of deregistration in one or another "haven".

Otherwise, migration services can independently verify the data on registration of citizens, and then make changes to them. The tenant will be discharged automatically, but no one will issue certificates in their hands. This will cause many problems in the future.

Statement for discharge

Judicial debate

Getting out of the house through the MFC is easy. Unfortunately, sometimes the studied operation can be carried out through the court. The plaintiff is the owner of the residential property.

He must:

  1. Prepare documentation to assert their rights and opinions.
  2. Make a lawsuit about the discharge of a tenant. Typically, problems arise for those who need to deregister a family with minor children or some of the co-owners of the property.
  3. Contact your local judicial authority.
  4. To participate in the court session. During it, the presented documents will be examined and witnesses will be heard.
  5. Get a court order in your hands with the appropriate decision.
  6. Contact the migration service to register the cancellation of registration with a person by court order.

It is done. It sounds simple, but in fact, judicial debate can take a lot of time and effort. And far from always the owners achieve the desired result. Under certain circumstances, they may be denied a residence permit, although this is a rarity.

Documents for deregistration of the owner

What documents are needed to get out of the house? Consider the situation in which the operation is carried out by the owner of the apartment. He will be discharged from his own home.

Under such circumstances, a person will be required to:

  • passport;
  • certificate of registration (if available);
  • application for deregistration.

Nothing more is needed. Additionally, some citizens bring extracts from the USRN or other evidence of ownership of real estate. This is not necessary - the migration services have all the information about the owners of houses and apartments.

Documents for canceling someone else's registration

Need to check out from home? Documents for translating ideas into reality will vary depending on the situation. The next scenario is the process of deregistration of a stranger. That is, not the homeowner.

For the procedure to be successful and without any special hassle, citizens must prepare:

  • a copy of the owner’s passport (if the owner goes with the residents to the FMS, you can take the original identity card);
  • documentation confirming the fact of registration in the apartment or house;
  • identity card deregistered;
  • applications from the owner of the apartment / house to cancel the registration.

The process is very fast. After the actions taken, the former tenant will be issued a certificate of deregistration. It will come in handy in the future.

Documents for discharge from housing

Documents for the court

What documents do citizens need to leave the house? We studied the main situations. But what about the judicial debate?

In this case, the plaintiff must bring with him as many references, evidence and other important documents to the apartment as possible. Here is an approximate package of papers for discharge through the court:

  • grounds for living in an apartment (lease agreement, unified state register);
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of divorce (upon discharge of former relatives and spouses);
  • "claim" with a detailed description of the situation;
  • passports of all participants in the procedure;
  • witness's testimonies;
  • other documents allowing the person to be discharged (for example, certificates of criminal record and the availability of debts).

The more grounds for de-registration, the better. As we have said, such a thing can be lost. Especially if you need to discharge a minor.

Child deregistration

How to leave the house and register elsewhere? This is an extremely simple task, the implementation of which takes a minimum of time and effort, even if children are involved in the operation.

Extract through the MFC

Under the law, minors cannot be written out "nowhere," but this practice is becoming more common. To unregister a child will have to prepare:

  • passport of one of the parents;
  • certificates indicating the registration of both legal representatives of the child;
  • statement of discharge;
  • permission of custody of the operation;
  • documents confirming that the child has new potential housing;
  • application of a standard form;
  • papers confirming the fact of birth;
  • identity card of the child (for persons over 14 years old).

To get out of the house through the MFC? We found out how to cope with the task. If children are involved in the process, it will be most difficult to obtain permission from the guardianship authorities. Without it, you can forget about the discharge of the child.

Important: according to the law, parents can register minor children with them without the consent of the homeowners. Therefore, the presence of new tenants may come as a surprise.

"Public services" to help

How to check out of the house through the "State Services"? This operation is not available to everyone. It is advisable to register in advance on the corresponding service and confirm your identity. Otherwise, the service via the Internet will not be provided.

Instructions for working with "State services" at the time of discharge has the following form:

  1. Go to ESIA in your account.
  2. Find in the catalog of available operations the service "De-registration of a citizen".
  3. Read the relevant data and click on the "Receive" button.
  4. Fill out an electronic application. Part of the information will be copied from the "My Account". This information can still be changed, but, as a rule, there is no need for such adjustments.
  5. Indicate the FMS in which the statement will be made.
  6. Choose a time for a visit. This step is not available for all regions.
  7. Come to the migration service at the selected time by invitation. It will come to the "My Account" on the portal and duplicated by e-mail.
  8. Present to the employees of the migration service pre-prepared certificates and pick up proof of discharge.

Important: sometimes you can upload photos in an electronic application. It is recommended to "upload" scans or high-quality images of pre-prepared documentation here.

The right to life without registration

We found out what it takes to get out of a house or apartment in Russia. Is it possible to live on the territory of the Russian Federation without registration?

Yes, but very few. If someone comes to Russia or leaves his hometown, he may not register at the place of temporary stay for 90 days. After that, you will have to acquire a temporary or permanent residence permit.

Secondary registration (after discharge from the previous apartment or house) is carried out within 7 days. If you don’t meet this time, a citizen will be fined without registration.

Home Book

What documents are needed to get out of the house? The answer to this question will no longer make the owner think for a long time. A detailed list of papers with instructions for deregistration from housing was presented to our attention.

A rather important paper in the described processes is the home book. It must be either the owner of the house, or the employees of the Criminal Code. Upon discharge from an apartment or private residential building, you will have to worry about the availability of appropriate paper.

Extract from home through State Services

The absence of a home book or an extract from it is not a reason for refusing an extract from housing. Therefore, this certificate is often not taken with you.


We found out what to do if you need to leave the house. Documents for the implementation of the task are prepared different. And collecting them is not always easy.

As practice shows, there are much fewer problems with discharge from adults than with incapacitated children or children. But if you prepare in advance, you can solve the tasks.


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