Tanzania: reviews of tourists about the rest, photo

Africa attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world every year. Its unique beaches, exotic nature, local color will allow each guest to plunge into this unusual, full of adventure and positive emotions world. Tanzania, reviews of tourists about which will help to better understand the essence of such a vacation, is always open for travelers. In order for the vacation to go most successfully, you should plan your route in advance. Having studied the reviews of tourists who have already visited Tanzania, it will be easy to identify the most attractive places for themselves.

Country Overview

The state of Tanzania is located in eastern Africa. It borders countries such as Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, Zambia and Malawi. The Indian Ocean washes Tanzania from the east coast.

Quite a colorful and varied vacation in Tanzania. Traveler reviews of this place celebrate the beauty of nature, the original traditions of the locals and the clean climate. There are practically no industrial enterprises in this country. The new capital is Dodoma, and the former is Dar es Salaam. In this state, officially two capitals.

Tanzania tourist reviews

The structure of Tanzania includes the island archipelago of Zanzibar, reviews of which are advised to go here on vacation. This is one of the most attractive countries to visit. Many tourists from all over the world annually visit its open spaces. How is life in Tanzania, that are fraught with natural and man-made sights, will help to understand the reviews of people who once visited here.

What to see in Tanzania

Tanzania, reviews of tourists about which will allow you to navigate in the direction of the rest, is a hospitable country. In this country, guests are always welcome, because tourism brings a lot of money. It is best to come here from December to March, and also from July to November. The rainy season falls at the end of March – May. In Zanzibar, this weather lasts until mid-July. The small rainy season lasts from November to December.

Reviews of tourists about Tanzania indicate a mandatory visit to a safari (photo is presented below).

Vacation in tanzania reviews
In the organization and conduct of this event, the represented state has no equal. The safari begins with the cities of Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Zanzibar. One can observe the annual migration of a large number of artiodactyls. They are chased by predators living in the African savannah.

This country is rich in national parks. The most famous of them are Serengeti, Tarangire, Ngorongo. According to the reviews of tourists, it is worth choosing tours to Tanzania, including a visit to the lakes of Manyara, Selous, Arusha. For climbers, there are climbs to the highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro.

National Park Attractions

To plunge into the world of the unique and exotic nature of this continent, you should go on a safari in national parks. The largest of them is Selous (55 thousand m 2 ). In the park you can find many species of animals and birds, which are rich in Tanzania. Reviews of tourists (the photo is presented below) note a huge variety of species, the presence of a large number of individuals of elephants, buffalos, and rhinos.

Tanzania Travel Reviews

Arusha is recognized as the smallest national park. But this does not diminish its attractions. Arriving in this park, you should visit Mount Meru, Lake Momela and Ngurdoto Crater.

The most famous park in all of Africa is the Serengeti. Some experts characterize him as the best in the world. There is a process of great migration of artiodactyls in the drought season.

In the north-east of the state is another park called Tarangire. In the dry period, a huge number of animals go here for a watering place. They go from the Masai Maar steppe to the Taragiri River. But in the park of the Snake Meserani there is a large number of unique snakes and reptiles.

Mount Kilimanjaro and Ngorongo Crater

Mount Kilimanjaro rises above the flat plains. Her snow caps rest against the sky. The top is often covered by clouds. This is the highest peak in the world where you can walk.

Life in tanzania reviews

Traveler reviews of Tanzania indicate the possibility of ascending to the top of the mountain in August-October, as well as from January to March.

But life in the Ngorongo Crater is unique. Here for many years its own unique system of vital activity of organisms has formed. They cannot get out of an extinct crater. Therefore, they developed according to their specific laws.

Parks on island archipelagos

Between the national parks of Ngorongo and Tarangire is the national park of Lake Manyara. There are many lions.

Tanzania zanzibar reviews
They can even climb trees. Holidays in Tanzania, reviews of which are presented in various sources, note a large number of birds near the lakes. They eat fish in such places.

It will be quite interesting to visit islands such as Pemba, Mafia and Mnemba. Also noteworthy is a small atoll. Together, these islands create a unique island reserve. However, this island is practically not inhabited.

Zanzibar is the main island of the archipelago. Coral reefs surround it from all sides. Therefore, there are all conditions for diving.

Beach vacation

Many people hit the road to relax on the magnificent beaches that Tanzania is famous for. Zanzibar, reviews of tourists which indicate the possibility of diving, is the largest of the considered archipelago. This is one of the best diving sites in the world. White beaches consist of coral sand, which is distinguished by its fine fraction, softness and silky feel.

Vacations in Tanzania

In the northern part of the island there is a wonderful beach, on which palm trees and mango trees grow. This is Nungwi. The view of this beach is the most famous in this archipelago. It is as if painted in a picture, like a piece of paradise.

In the west of the island, beach lovers can visit Mangapwan. A lot of beaches in the east of this island. These include Pwani, Kiwengwa, Jambiani and many others.


Opens up great opportunities for underwater excursions Tanzania. Zanzibar, reviews of which are presented by guests who have been here, offers to go scuba diving to the reef and look at the life of underwater inhabitants. From the west, the depth reaches 14 m. On the reef there is no great depth and dangerous underwater currents. Such conditions contribute to the training of beginners in this sport. Diving inexperienced divers is possible even at night.

At the bottom, scuba divers can watch the ship of Great Britain sank many years ago. All kinds of marine inhabitants now live in it. But in order to observe the coral slides and colonnades, you need to go to the Boribi reef. The variety of flora and fauna in this place is also amazing.

You can watch such a miracle of nature, such as large sea ​​turtles, in the area of ​​Pryson Island. In ancient times, it was a place of slave trade. Now it’s just a fairy tale for divers. The underwater life here is in full swing.


The hotel industry of the state is very diverse. You can find both very expensive hotels, and quite small, cheap varieties of them. It is even possible to stay at a regular campsite.

This makes a very diverse vacation in Tanzania. Reviews of tourists indicate the presence of a large number of hotels with half board. Such hotels provide meals only in the morning and in the evening. Hotels like "lodges" are very expensive, but also upscale establishments. They include full board.

There are many places in the country where you can reserve a room. However, it is better to do this in advance, especially during the tourist season. This will make it possible to choose an institution to your liking.

The voltage in all types of hotels is 220-240 watts. But the sockets are made under the "British style." Therefore, it is necessary to bring adapters for any equipment.

How to get to Tanzania

There are no direct flights from Russia to Tanzania. Have to fly with transfers. It is most convenient to fly in transit through Amsterdam to Dar es Salaam or Arusha. If the trip involves visiting Kilimanjaro, you can fly to Nairobi. There are regular buses from there.

A visa lasting 90 days can be obtained both here at the embassy, ​​and in Moscow. No duty is allowed to enter the page with 50 cigars, 200 cigarettes, 250 g of tobacco and 1 liter of alcohol.

Such features should be considered when organizing tours to Tanzania. Guest reviews also mark the checkout process. Precious metals, coins, stamps, food products can be exported within the limits of human consumption. It is forbidden to export ivory, hides, diamonds, gold and even some spices.

Tanzania cuisine

Tanzania, reviews of which are presented in various sources, is distinguished by traditional cuisine for the East of Africa. Here are mixed products that crop production gives people with wild, sometimes quite exotic, plants from the wild.

There are European notes on the coast in cooking. But Zanzibar combines Arab, Persian and African cooking traditions.

Meat dishes involve the preparation of wild animals and birds. Among tourists, exotic dishes are popular, for example, elephant or antelope meat, etc.

On the coast of the Indian Ocean, seafood is widely used as food. Also, in almost all restaurants, guests of the country will be offered a wide selection of various vegetables and fruits. Sweets are also prepared here, which are quite similar to Arabic delights. In this case, local honey is used.


There are two railway lines in Tanzania. The first goes along the route Dar es Salaam - Kigoma, and the second - Tanzania - Zambia. Moreover, trains are sometimes quite late for a long time. A delay of 12 hours is a common thing.

Almost anywhere can be reached by car. A network of branched roads will help to get to the desired city or village. Of the comfortable vehicles, regular buses should be noted. They walk between the largest cities.

Tours to tanzania reviews
Life in Tanzania, reviews of which are presented by various tourists after visiting this country, is quite contrasting. Poverty borders on luxury. Even taking a ride on an air-conditioned bus, you feel this difference in living standards. Local residents move between cities on donkeys, while all over the world they have been using buses for a long time.

Islands and lakes can be reached by ferry. Their quality can be determined by the price of the ticket. Night transportation is usually much worse than daytime.


Tanzania, the reviews of tourists about which are quite different, will require adhering to simple safety rules. This will save rest from unforeseen troubles.

Locals quite warmly welcome tourists. However, passing through the narrow streets of a city, you should still beware of a possible robbery. Do not carry large sums of money or expensive jewelry.

When walking around the city, you should carry a photocopy of your passport with you. Tickets, valuables and the original passport should be left in the cell at the hotel.

You should also boil water. Even for brushing your teeth or washing fruits, this is a must. Pasteurized foods are completely edible. Meat, fish should be consumed only in the case of their high-quality heat treatment.

Having become acquainted with such a country as Tanzania, the reviews of tourists about which make it possible to build your route, there is no doubt in spending an amazing vacation. He will leave a lot of positive emotions and impressions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8564/

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