What are cheats and why are they needed?

The current world of computer games is so rich in all sorts of terms that a novice user can easily get confused in this information jungle of unknown words and obscure names. In this article we will find out what cheats are, what they are used for. What is their significance both for ordinary players and for the developers themselves?

To answer the question of what cheats are, you can only temporarily return to two decades ago. The first computer games were created and used by a narrow circle of people, which included the developers themselves and their friends, acquaintances, colleagues. But then it became necessary to divide it into an ordinary user and creator, where the first participant would get access only to the game process, while the programmer would work on the system code of his creation. It was then that the first cheats were invented and integrated. These special teams made it possible to influence the game in different ways, activating certain test modes necessary for checking levels, mechanics, images, and other components. After some time, some cheats began to appear on individual game stages, however, in order to gain access to them, a number of basic conditions had to be fulfilled.

what are cheats

But pretty soon, some players began to actively use cheats to facilitate the passage. Endless supplies, invulnerability and other incredible strength improvements of the character nullified all the complexity, allowing you to quickly move from one level to another. Games lost their meaning, because what is the use of the task, if the subject simply avoided the obstacles? The situation worsened with the advent of multiplayer. Cheats for online games introduced an irreparable imbalance in the competition, leaving honest players no chance to defeat the “cheater”. After a series of abuses, most developers began to better hide or completely block cheats, punishing players who use all kinds of loopholes to crack the system for their own benefit.

cheats for dota

Currently released games are affected by two different types of cheats. The first of these, “legal,” is introduced by the developers themselves. Usually it is available only through the passage of a single company. Sometimes the cheat list opens after completing all levels. However, during a game over the network they are automatically turned off.

That is why there is a second type of cheats that affects the game from the outside. If you do not know what cheats are and how they look, then try to find one of the unofficial gaming forums where such programs appear in incredible quantities. The fact is that the game code is not always protected, and if you find the right approach using the process algorithm, you can get a special bonus to the "abilities" of the game character. For example, before firing a long-range weapon, the sight defining the trajectory will instantly shift to the enemy’s head, making it easy to kill him. Or the income of basic resources in economic strategies will be increased several times, allowing you to bypass opponents in development. And cheats for Dota give the user the opportunity to receive much more information about what is happening on the map. This helps to instantly reveal even perfectly prepared covert attacks or enemy movements.

cheats for online games

You can not say for sure what cheats are. Although these commands and programs are used to obtain a certain advantage or activate an unusual mode, it all depends on the direction and strength of such an action. But it is better not to resort to downloading and installing cheats that are not provided for by the game (not contributed to it by the developers themselves). Almost always, such programs contain malicious viruses or cause significant damage to the root files of the game.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8565/

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