US Navy. The composition of the US Navy. US Navy Base

At the beginning of the 21st century, the military leadership of the United States stepped up several large-scale programs whose main goal was to improve the combat capabilities, combat effectiveness and organizational structure of the naval forces. Currently, the reorganization plans of the US Navy are nearing completion. At the same time, programs are actively being implemented to build up and restructure the composition of the combat fleet, forming its future base of 313 ships. Significantly expanded and supplemented are the strategic principles for the combat assignment of the Navy, together with the coast guard, marine corps and the fleets of friendly and allied partner countries of the United States. These principles are enshrined in the newly developed US marine strategy.

Organizational structure

The US Navy has a fairly conservative and almost unchanged structure for almost two centuries. The current changes have mainly affected the internal structure of individual commands (middle and top management) and the main governing bodies. The navy includes the navy and infantry, which, in turn, consist of reserve formations and regular forces. At the same time, infantry can formally be equated to a separate type of armed forces. There is also a maritime security unit at the disposal of the Ministry of Homeland Security. But this is only in peacetime. In an emergency or war, it becomes subordinate to the naval forces.

The US Navy, whose composition is constantly replenished, by mid-2008 included 332 thousand people. Of these, 51 thousand are officers. The number of marines is at the level of 175 thousand people, of which 40 thousand are in reserve.

navy usa

Two fleets

According to the administrative organization, all armed forces are consolidated in two fleets: the Pacific and Atlantic. They combine the forces of the marine corps, as well as air, surface and underwater forces. In addition, the Navy includes 10 coastal and 4 inter-naval commands of central subordination.

Atlantic fleet

The Atlantic Fleet, created in 1906, changed its status several times. In 1923 he was reorganized into a patrol reconnaissance. In 1941, he again became the Atlantic with a change in command rank. If earlier this fleet was headed by Rear Admiral, now the rank has risen to a full ("four-star") admiral. From 1947 to 1985, the fleet was headed by the Commander-in-Chief (CC). In addition to his main duties, he oversaw ships in the Atlantic. In 1986, he was transferred to the post of deputy. At the end of 2002, the title of Commander-in-Chief was abolished by the Secretary of Defense (became applicable only to the President of the United States), and admirals and generals who occupied the corresponding posts were again called commanders. In 2006, the status of Fleet Command Command (FFC) was upgraded to US Fleet Command (USFFC). And the commander of the Atlantic Fleet began to lead the forces of the United States fleet and received expanded powers.

us navy

Pacific fleet

The head of the Pacific Fleet is directly subordinate to the commander of the US Navy, who provides advice on logistics, training, staffing and deployment of the general forces of the fleet. At the same time, he oversees the forces of both the Atlantic and the Pacific. In addition, the head of the Pacific Fleet has been entrusted with the leadership of the naval forces forming part of the United Armed Forces (USJFCOM) of the Strategic and Northern Command. In the administrative plan, the USFFC submits only the Atlantic Fleet, as well as five coastal and two inter-naval commands.

Operational fleets

These are the highest operational units in the US Navy. On the basis of combining several structures of the Atlantic Fleet, the 2nd (North Atlantic), 4th (Caribbean) and 6th (Mediterranean Sea) fleets were formed. The homogeneous forces of the Pacific Fleet are represented by the 3rd, 5th and 7th fleets. The diverse operational units, formations and groups that make up the operational fleets are equipped with auxiliary vessels, ships and various units (marines, aviation, etc.).

Ministry of the Navy

This is the highest administrative authority for the marine corps and fleet forces. In accordance with Article 10 of the Constitution, the Minister of the Navy controls all the daily activities of the Ministry, including those related to the conduct of demobilization, mobilization and organizational measures, the formation of personnel, equipment, equipment, supplies, training of units and formations of the US Navy, the photo of which is attached to this article. The minister also considers programs for the production (or construction), repair and modernization of ships, equipment and military equipment, as well as onshore structures and facilities. In addition, he formulates strategic concepts and programs related to the preservation of national security, according to the orders of the Minister of Defense and the President of the country.

number of ships of the navy

Navy Headquarters

It is the supreme governing body of the Navy of the country. He is led by the chief military leader (essentially the commander) of the naval forces. The Minister of the Navy entrusted him with the general command of the fleet. He is responsible for using all government resources and promptly responding to the current coastal commands of the US Navy base. He also acts as an adviser to the Minister of the Navy and the President on the conduct of hostilities and is responsible to them for all decisions made. The Navy Commander is subordinate to the First Deputy, the administrative head of the headquarters and four deputies who head the main departments (network systems and communications; development and planning of strategic concepts; education, personnel and training of personnel, which will subsequently be selected for the form of the US Navy; integration of resources and capabilities )

Headquarters of the operational parts of the fleet

Combined with the headquarters of other operational fleets (4th, 5th and 6th) and have a clear organizational structure, verified by many years of military experience. Such a headquarters, headed by the deputy commander, includes full-time departments (reconnaissance, operational, personnel, operational planning, rear support, etc.) and departments (chaplain, medical, security, etc.).


US Navy

Due to its potential (balanced structure and combat capabilities), it always corresponded to the volume and scale of operational and strategic tasks set throughout the twentieth century. After the end of the Cold War and a significant β€œwarming” of the international military climate, the military personnel were greatly reduced. But this is only a temporary measure. Although when compared with other countries, the United States is not so bad. For example, the ratio of the Navy of Russia and the United States is 1 to 10.

At the beginning of the XXI century, the country's leadership and members of the high command of the Navy thought about increasing sea power. They justified this with the entry of the United States into the war on international terrorism. In fact, the cause of this war is not a terrorist threat, but the threat of an international energy crisis. This war is still going on in the Middle East, transforming into an outright struggle for total control over international commodity markets.

aircraft carriers navy usa

Air force

This includes the US Navy multipurpose aircraft carriers, which are the main core of the strike groups and formations and one of the most important components of the naval operational fleets. Currently, ten (out of 11) ships of this class have nuclear power plants.

When there is an operational deployment of aviation strike groups, each aircraft carrier begins to take on board the wing assigned to it. Since one out of 11 vessel is constantly undergoing the planned overhaul, the leadership of the regular Navy has formed ten such air wings. Each of them includes up to 80 helicopters and airplanes. Moreover, the composition of the squadrons is completed from the Pacific and Atlantic fleets and partially from the Marine Corps. In total, the Navy has at its disposal 4,000 air units.

The pace of construction of aircraft, helicopters, submarines and surface ships is determined by the regulations for the formation of the necessary naval, expeditionary and aircraft carrier strike groups.

base navy usa

Surface forces

This includes surface ships of the US Navy of the main classes: 22 cruisers (Ticonderoger), 33 landing ships, 52 destroyers (Orly Burke), 30 frigates (Oliver X. Perry), 10 universal Taravs. In addition, there are 9 helicopter docking ships, 12 transport docks and 14 mine sweeping Avengers. Thus, the total number of ships of the US Navy is 104 units. In the future, it is planned to significantly increase this figure.

Surface warships provide all types of protection in combat areas and when navies navigate the sea. They also take part in special operations to launch missile and artillery attacks on coastal and naval targets. In addition, landing ships were included in the updated composition of the naval formations. There are also mine-sweeping vessels independently participating in mine operations. By the way, recently in the Russian media it was mentioned about two new ships of the US Navy in the Black Sea. Vessels appeared there on the eve of the Olympic Games in Sochi in order to ensure security.

Contracts for the construction of the first 2 destroyers (DDG -1000 and -1001) were signed in early 2007 for a seven- and eight-year term. The leadership of the Navy also allocated funds for the construction of 5 similar ships (DDG-1002-1006). By 2018, they will be fully prepared. In 2011 and 2013, construction began on 2 cruisers of the CG (X) project. Their transfer to the fleet will take place in 2019. These ships were designed on the basis of the DD (X) project and were planned as a replacement for 22 Ticonderoga-class cruisers. However, to continue the construction of a series of ships of the CG (X) project is very problematic. Therefore, the Navy is considering various alternatives. One of them is the creation of 5 URO cruisers. But the final decision has not yet been made.

The importance of naval operations in coastal areas gave rise to the creation of a completely new class of ships under the LCS project - coastal combat ships. The first two ships (Independence and Freedom) were already transferred to the fleet in 2008 and 2009. The construction of the following 2 vessels (LCS-3 and -4) was suspended due to the exorbitant increase in the cost of work under previously signed contracts. These contracts have been terminated. Of course, multipurpose ships of this class are very important for the Navy, but construction financing has been postponed indefinitely. In total, 55 ships were planned for the LCS project. The final decision will be made only after a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the combat characteristics of already built models. Then the Navy will choose the best project. In any case, the completion date of this program will have to be moved much further than the 2020 plan.

navy usa composition

Submarine forces

They include 4 SSGNs (Ohio), 52 multipurpose submarines (45 Los Angeles, 4 Virginia and 3 Sea Wolf) and 14 SSBNs (Ohio).

The life of atomic submarines (PLA) in the US Navy has been extended until 2040 in accordance with the general development plan. By that time, it is planned to adopt a new generation of ballistic missiles and submarine missile carriers.

According to the current fleet development program until 2020, the naval forces will need submarines in the amount of 48 units. But this figure is not final and can change both up and down.

Every year, starting in 2009, one multipurpose nuclear submarine (Virginia) was built. The latter will be commissioned in 2015. These submarines will replace part of the Los Angeles boats, which have practically used up their operational life. Since 2011, it was planned to allocate funds from the budget for the construction of two submarines annually, and by 2018 - to provide the U.S. Navy with the 30th submarine of this type. The likelihood of implementing this plan is very high.

Auxiliary fleet

Currently represented by 10 rear service vessels and 32 mobile. In addition, the submarine floating base is included in the category of specialized vessels, and the SSBN floating base belongs to the missile and nuclear forces of the MB. Now the fleet also includes 5 units of ammunition transport (a new type of Lewis & Clark) and supplies. The total number of US Navy (namely ships) was indicated above.


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