Silicate block: characteristics, applications and reviews

One of the oldest materials used in construction, which has been used by people for many centuries, is brick. Since ancient times, the method of its production has not changed much, but today this material is one of the most used in construction. However, with the development of new technologies, new modifications of the brick block began to be developed, of which the silicate block is the most used.

silicate block

Modern material

For people ignorant of building materials, brick is divided into two types: white and red. The red block in the professional language is called ceramic, and the white is a silicate block. The white block appeared on the building materials market relatively recently. In this regard, he can not boast the same rich history as ceramic brick. Silicate blocks, however, are actively catching up with ceramic according to application statistics and over several decades they have proved to be strong and durable material.

Wall silicate block is used both in high-rise and low-rise construction: when laying internal and external elevated parts of walls, ventilation ducts (to the attic), partitions in industrial and residential buildings, warehouses, garages, fences, garden houses. Building codes prohibit the construction of socles of buildings from this material, red brick is used for this.

To perform work with this material, it is important to know how silicate blocks differ. Their characteristics, depending on the structure and purpose, determine the scope of their application.

White blocks are divided into views relative to two parameters:

  • Structure.
  • Destination.

Block structure

By structure, silicate brick blocks are:

  1. Full-bodied - a monolithic product in which the number of holes does not exceed 13%.
  2. Hollow - the number of voids in them ranges from 13-50%, but the void is considered optimal in the amount of up to 35%.

Hollow bricks differ in the percentage, amount and size of voids in the body. The most commonly used are:

  • block with three voids, holes with a diameter of 52 mm, voidness - 15%;
  • block with eleven voids, holes - 30 mm, 25%;
  • block with fourteen voids, holes - 30 mm, 30%.

The holes in the body of the block significantly increase the thermal insulation properties of the material. They also affect the consumption of the masonry mixture: the more voids in the block, the greater the amount of mortar required. Walls from hollow blocks need additional insulation.

brick silicate blocks

Material Purpose

By purpose, white bricks are distinguished as follows:

  1. Building, called ordinary, are full-bodied, with a small number of voids, silicate blocks. Characteristics provide this material with high strength, which makes it possible to mount load - bearing walls, columns and pillars, partitions between rooms. On this material, the presence of roughnesses, cracks or bumps is allowed, since subsequently the masonry will be covered with finish.
  2. Front - hollow bricks that are used for facade cladding. The main requirement for them is a uniform color and even forms without damage. They can be coated with decorative imitation.

silicate block sizes

How is it made?

The production of gas silicate blocks is carried out using non-firing technology. The material is a product that has the shape of a parallelepiped and is intended for masonry walls. In the production, a moistened lime-siliceous or lime-sand mixture is used as a binder and aggregates. These components are autoclaved and pressed.

The exact composition of the silicate mixture is as follows:

  • building lime;
  • sand for the manufacture of silicate products;
  • Belite sludge;
  • fly ash from thermal power plants;
  • slag sand;
  • fine ash and slag mixture;
  • alkali resistant pigments (chromium oxide);
  • ordinary water.

The properties of slag and ash are such that they completely or partially replace silica sand, which leads to a decrease in the density of the silicate block. This contributes to the improvement of strength and thermal insulation qualities. At the same time, the consumption of the binder component is significantly reduced by 40% and the autoclave treatment time is reduced, which reduces the cost of producing gas silicate blocks by about 20%.

The blocks can have the original color of the raw material - gray - or be colored when pigment is added at the stage of preparation of the solution.

silicate blocks characteristics

The requirements for technical specifications for the silicate block can be found in the following regulations:

  • GOST 23421-79.
  • GOST 379-95.
  • SNiP 3.03.01-87.

Advantages of silicate blocks, user opinion

The popularity of this material, according to reviews, is due to the many of its positive properties:

  1. Relatively low cost compared to the analogue of ceramics.
  2. No efflorescence forms on silicate blocks, no matter how long their masonry has been laid. Ceramic brick can not boast of such properties.
  3. The silicate block has more pronounced strength characteristics than the ceramic block, on which cracks form over time and which begins to crumble.
  4. The material is easy to operate. To make the laying of a wall of white brick, no special instructions are required.
  5. This brick is used for the construction of partitions at industrial industrial enterprises, as it has good soundproofing characteristics.
  6. Since the block is made from natural materials, it is environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful substances over time.
  7. The material is quite durable: during 50 years of operation it does not lose its qualities.
  8. The house from the silicate block has a finished attractive appearance due to the excellent design qualities of white brick.
  9. Due to non-firing technology has a lower cost compared to red brick.
  10. Despite the fact that in terms of frost resistance, silicate brick loses to other products, the situation changes over time: frost resistance and strength increase due to air carbonization of the material.
  11. Hollow products significantly reduce the weight of building structures, therefore, the load on the base is reduced.
  12. This material has many varieties, small sizes make it possible to build various architectural combinations.

silicate block house

Disadvantages of blocks that consumers mark

The disadvantages of this building material significantly reduce the possibility of its use.

The silicate block, in contrast to the ceramic block, has weak heat and water resistant characteristics. Therefore, according to reviews, its use for the construction of foundations, cellars, sewer wells and other buildings with high humidity is not possible. In water there is a rapid destruction of the material.

The first rows of masonry from these blocks must be performed above the level of falling snow - about half a meter from the ground, otherwise the masonry will collapse. A ceramic block or other building material is laid out before these blocks.

Users also note that this material is unsuitable for masonry furnaces and chimneys, it does not harden and is destroyed if it comes in contact with fire.

For the construction of multi-story buildings, it is still a small product - a silicate block. Its dimensions slightly increase the time of the work performed.

Block classification

Depending on what elements are part of the material, white brick happens:

  • lime-ash - consists of 23% lime and 77% ash;
  • calcareous - ordinary white block, which consists of 92% of quartz sand and 8% of lime;
  • lime-slag - in its composition quartz sand is replaced by porous light slag (approximately 92%) with the addition of lime from 3 to 12%.

The content of components can vary in one direction or another by 2-3%.

Since water is added to the silicate mixture as a moisturizing component, that is, in a minimal amount until the solution reaches the molding qualities, this mixture is called hard: the humidity of the solution is about 8%.

wall silicate block

Size chart

Today, most manufacturers on the building materials market produce bricks of various sizes, including white brick - a silicate block. Its dimensions are as follows:

  1. Single - has dimensions 250 x 65 x 120 mm (L x H x W), average weight - 3.6 kg. This proportion of the sides of the brick is best for alternating the transverse and longitudinal placement of blocks in the masonry.
  2. One and a half (modular) - has dimensions 250 x 120 x 88 mm, weight - not more than 4.3 kg. Basically, such brick blocks are hollow with a corrugated surface.
  3. Double - has dimensions 250 x 120 x 103 mm. Basically, this type of block is hollow, so it is most often used to perform lightweight masonry.

Kind of blocks

A variety of ordinary white brick is a silicate tongue-and-groove block. This material is a slab measuring 500 x 70 x 250 mm with placement on the lateral faces of the tongue-and-groove castle. The need to create such a design was caused by the desire to facilitate the construction of wall partitions and reduce the time required to complete these works.

The plate consists of a mixture of water, quartz sand and quicklime, lumpy lime, is fire resistant and environmentally friendly. According to reviews, due to good air permeability, a comfortable microclimate is created in the room, the material does not rot, does not deform, and absorbs sounds well. Also, this product can be built with a double layer to perform flush installation of networks and insulation.

silicate tongue-and-groove block


The main advantages of this material are ease of use, durability and attractive appearance of buildings made of it. Thanks to this, the silicate block has proven itself among both professional builders and home craftsmen.


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