Doorway: dimensions and installation features of the box

Carrying out repair work, you need to carefully approach various calculations. For example, the doorway dimensions may have different depending on the design of a particular room. Therefore, when replacing door structures, it is important to correctly calculate everything. What should be taken into account?

doorway dimensions

Size matters

As you know, doors - interior or exterior - play an important role in any interior. Accordingly, the approach to their installation should be correct. In order not to get into a situation when you have to deal with the completion of wall decoration, you should determine in time what size the doorway is. When choosing designs, it should be remembered that different manufacturers offer different solutions. So, most domestic and foreign brands offer systems under the doorway, the dimensions of which have a height of 2000 mm with a width of 600 mm to 800 mm. The designs of some manufacturers have a height of 1900 mm and a width of 550 mm. The thickness of the boxes also varies.

Possible problems and inconsistencies

Such a variety of solutions suggests that when choosing input structures, it is necessary to take into account the parameters that a doorway has: dimensions and its design features. Otherwise, several problems may arise:

  1. The unit simply does not stand in the doorway in the load-bearing wall, which will lead to the need to expand the opening.
  2. Any increase is a huge amount of dusty and dirty work, during which the entire profile will undergo deformation. And this only promises extra time, nerves and money.
    what size doorway
  3. If you build a doorway, the dimensions of which were calculated incorrectly, you may encounter the following problem: a wooden platband will not block the entrance in width or height, and this will affect the fact that you will have to perform a number of works. Accordingly, this is also an extra waste.

How to calculate?

So, to determine the size of the doorway of the front door, you need to proceed from the following indicators:

  • width and height of the selected canvas;
  • thickness of boxes and their width;
  • width of wooden platbands;
  • the presence of a wooden threshold.

Let's say your door has the following dimensions - a height of 2000 mm and a width of 800 mm with a frame thickness of 25 mm. To determine the size of the opening, you need to add the width and thickness indicators plus the gap between the frame and the door - about 20 mm on each side. That is, the ideal width will be approximately 880 mm. Under such an opening, most models offered today are suitable. The height is calculated in the same way, only a clearance is added to the height digit above and below - it turns out 2050 mm for a door without a threshold and 2080 mm if a threshold is planned. As for the thickness, the door frame designs of 75 mm are most often offered - they are designed for typical houses. However, there are exceptions to any rule, and therefore may require extra if the thickness of the walls of the opening is not the same.

doorway doorway size

Thus, the preparation and careful calculations of the doorway is a very responsible work that will allow you to complete the installation more correctly and faster, and most importantly - without additional financial costs.


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