How to choose and what to wear a red skirt with? Tips & Tricks

A red skirt can be safely called a very original attribute of the wardrobe of absolutely any woman. It is extremely difficult to find any other elegant method of attracting male attention to your own person. However, it is recommended to find out what the wardrobe item is suitable for before the purchase of the model itself.

Skirt styles: what are they?

Understanding what to wear with a red skirt is not particularly difficult. It is important to know what her styles generally exist. It is from the style that the whole image in which a woman can speak in front of others will depend. But on her bow will depend on how she will be perceived in society. It is important when choosing a red skirt to choose the right style.

what is better to wear a red skirt

Options are as follows:

  1. The skirt is red knee-length. This option will be considered youth. The model focuses on the elegance of the figure, beautiful legs. She will also help in the demonstration of new shoes.
  2. Red skirt to the middle of the hip close-fitting. This model makes the female look a little aggressive and confident. It is due to such a skirt that it is possible to gain a leadership position among all competitors who, for example, are fighting for a man.
  3. Skirt in the floor of lightweight fabrics. This model will combine modesty, hidden sex appeal and, of course, the desire to be in the spotlight. The owner of such a style is used to being the best.
  4. Plaid Skirts. They all the time enjoyed great popularity among those ladies who are actively looking for a soul mate.
  5. Leather or leatherette models. As a rule, they look very aggressive. However, the red color softens them a little. At the same time, the woman looks strict and extremely inaccessible.
  6. Flared model. The length of such a red skirt can be absolutely any. It is worth noting that this clothing can be not only magnificent, but also trapezoidal. As a rule, they are preferred by women who try to distinguish themselves from the crowd. In this way, ladies married or girls who are expecting a wedding often appear.

The choice of skirts according to the figure: features of the types

Choosing a red skirt according to the figure, it is necessary to pay attention to the growth, fullness of the buttocks. Also the size of the hips, calves, leg length, foot size and waist, its location. For ladies who have something to hide, long and magnificent styles are most suitable.

A red and black skirt will also be a great option in this style. And which model is suitable for women with a wide waist? It is best to choose a red and white skirt or just a scarlet pencil model. Also, the ladies presented are well suited for a long floor skirt made of completely light fabrics.

red skirt

Trapezoidal options, Scotch suits girls with wasp waist. In this situation, it will not be enough to have a narrow waist. It is important that there are wide hips and very tight buttocks.

red and black skirt

It is extremely difficult to determine the style of those girls who have wide calves. So what to do? Which model is suitable for such girls? It is very important for women with a similar feature of their legs to look at models whose length level is between the calf and the knee. Do not choose options with a very wide hem at the bottom. It will be good if there are any distracting elements in the design.

Pencil skirt: what is this thing?

It is worth noting that this style of skirt is the most popular. This color is suitable for courageous ladies who will not be afraid of their own attractiveness.

Red color itself is already a provocation. A red pencil skirt looks strict and seductive. In this color, it will definitely attract maximum attention to you.

Choosing a pencil skirt: how to find the right model?

Anyone who is going to buy this magnificent thing should know what they are wearing with a red pencil skirt. Since the thing is bright, it is better not to use decorative elements in this case.

what to wear with a red skirt

For girls who have a slim figure, it is worth choosing models above the knee. While it is preferable for magnificent ladies to put on options below a knee.

red and white skirt

If your figure does not have a very pronounced waist, then it is worth emphasizing it. To do this, you can choose a model with a high waist.

For work, a pencil skirt in more restrained red shades will be an excellent option. The most juicy and intense tones are best chosen for summer walks and relaxation.

Irresistibly look models made of leather, denim. As an evening option satin, silk and lace are suitable.

Shoes: choose the right model

For a red pencil skirt, beige, gray, or black pumps are a good choice. It is also possible to consider the option with an elegant wedge. Sometimes a girl in a red skirt chooses shoes under the top of her outfit. When it's cold outside, ankle boots are a great option.

Boots or half boots for a similar model are not suitable. Since the image will be very simple, and all the spectacularity will simply be lost.

girl in a red skirt

When there is a desire to wear shoes of the corresponding shade under a red skirt, it is important that the colors do not match. Shoe design must be concise and without extraneous details, so as not to draw attention to itself.

Accessories: which should be chosen in this case?

The best solution would be a small handbag or clutch. Color can be selected to match the shoe or top. It is possible to take a red handbag only in the form of a β€œbaguette” so that you always carry it under your arm.

No need to overload the image with various decorations. For a top of a neutral shade, it is worth choosing beads of exactly red color. Gold is a good option for metal jewelry.

Combination with clothes: what things will be appropriate in this case?

A red skirt cannot be complemented by a simple thing. It goes well with shades that will not emphasize color saturation. Such variations include pink, white, ivory, gray, black or beige.

what you can wear a red skirt

Skirts are very loose in color. Since in their fabric there are blue threads, as well as black and brown. An excellent combination will be a skirt in this style with blue threads and a blue chiffon blouse. The sweatshirt can be replaced with a black shirt with a blue pattern. In addition to everything else, except for plaid, there are just red skirts in a cage. Then it is best to choose the clothes that will emphasize the pattern.

red pencil skirt

A red skirt in a cage is the only option that goes well with blouses, as well as jackets in bright shades of blue. The image comes out cheerful and catchy.

A skirt with prints such as peas or strip looks unusual. It is possible to choose a black chiffon blouse with white peas, or a turtleneck in black and white stripes.

Do not be shy to combine a red skirt with denim jackets or shirts. Things like that always look great together.

Spectacular color combinations: with which colors can red be combined?

Let's look at some color combinations:

women's skirt in red
  1. White and red. The combination of the two colors presented can be called one hundred percent the most ideal option. Perhaps so matching pair for the red color, perhaps, can not be found. An excellent use case is a red skirt (pictured above) and a white blouse. Complement the look of a red pumps. In this case, a handbag can be chosen white.
  2. Black and red. This combination is classic, like the previous one. The combination of these two colors always looks very successful and expressive. A red skirt will look great with a blouse or a black jacket. You can complement the image with a handbag in tone with a jacket. Pumps in the same color will fit perfectly into the image of a business girl.
  3. Blue and red. These colors can often be found in nature. For this reason, their combination always looks harmonious. However, modern designers recommend diluting this very bright pair with various neutral colors, such as, for example, white. You can complement this look with a light bag with blue and red things.
  4. Green and red. Despite the fact that these colors are completely opposite, the combination looks very impressive. However, it is extremely important to choose the right shades. So, for example, emerald and carrot red look very harmoniously together.

Little conclusion

Now you know how to choose a red skirt, what it can be in style. We also talked about what to wear such a thing. Adhering to absolutely all the recommendations set forth above, as well as periodically flipping through modern fashion magazines, it is possible to learn a little how to correctly combine certain clothes with another. We wish you good luck in choosing the right elements for your red skirt.


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