Social benefits for civil servants in Russia: a complete list

Civil servants in the Russian Federation have long been an object of observation, people are trying to calculate the income of various government officials, to compile a list of benefits, subsidies and other delights. Unfortunately, few people think about the other side of the coin - the great responsibility that falls on the shoulders of workers. So in this material we will mainly talk about the benefits that this category of citizens enjoys.

Government official - who is it?

Civil servant photo

First you need to define the term “civil servant”. Who is it, what regulatory acts regulate its activities? And then some citizens know only about the receipt of benefits by civil servants and can no longer say anything on the merits of the issue.

The rights, duties and guarantees of public civil servants are determined primarily by two regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, adopted in July 2004 and which has undergone a large number of amendments and additions.
  • Federal Law No. 58-FZ “On the Civil Service System of the Russian Federation”, approved on May 27, 2003.

According to Article 13 of Law No. 79, the status of a civil servant as a person engaged in professional activities in the civil service system is defined. It is further specified that the status is acquired by the act of appointment, a contract is concluded with a civil servant. The same article also speaks of monetary compensation, but the concept of “compensation” is not disclosed.

There are, as it were, two levels of civil servants - federal and local, funding for representatives of each level, respectively, is carried out either from the federal budget or from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. And the same principle applies to the benefits of civil servants.

Warranty Guaranteed

The law of benefits

Federal Law No. 79, the main normative act for public servants, singled out a whole chapter to describe state guarantees. Article 52 lists the main guarantees, but, unfortunately, what benefits for public servants in Russia exist, is not mentioned in this chapter (and throughout the document).

Although the individual points spelled out in the chapter can tell you something. For example, paragraph 5 says that government employees are guaranteed health insurance. And not only to them personally, but also to members of their families, not only during the state civil service, but also after retirement. So, we can talk, if not about benefits, then at least about preferences. Yes, and the federal law is a separate one that reveals in detail the mechanisms of medical insurance for civil servants.

Moving is not a problem

Another thing that makes the lives of civil servants more enjoyable is the reimbursement of expenses when moving. Civil servants with privileges and preferences, when transferred to another state body, will be able to return the funds spent on the road, transportation of things and households.

The conditions for receiving compensation for relocation, mechanisms, and the procedure for reimbursing expenses are prescribed in regulatory documents and are again regulated at two levels:

  • federal;
  • local.

During personnel rotation, the “receiving party” will reimburse the costs, after retirement and the decision to move, the civil servant applies for reimbursement of expenses at the last place of work.

The next guarantee, which cannot be attributed to the category of social benefits for civil servants, is reimbursement of expenses for hiring a dwelling in the case when office rotation was not provided during the rotation of personnel in a new place of life.

A special procedure applies to retiring civil servants; another federal law regulates the provision of pensions for this category of workers.

List of benefits

what are the benefits of civil servants

We proceed to consider a specific issue, what benefits does a public servant have. On the one hand, he who works in the state civil service is also an ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation. Therefore, all social guarantees laid down to Russian citizens apply to him.

On the other hand, there are a number of benefits that are available only to those who occupy high and responsible positions in the economy, politics, science or culture. In 2018, civil servants can enjoy benefits in the following areas:

  • the medicine;
  • finance;
  • retirement.

Consider the benefits provided to a public servant in a little more detail.

Medical care: preferences

The first important answer to the question of what benefits are provided to public servants is free treatment in public health institutions. In principle, it does not specify which hospital or clinic can be contacted. In practice, public servants, as well as members of their families, are usually attributed to the so-called special clinics.

In these health facilities, you can get a full range of treatment services, if necessary in an inpatient setting. On a free basis, officials take tests, undergo various medical examinations, physiotherapy and surgery.

The list of medical services available for free to government officials and dental services:

  • treatment;
  • prosthetics.

There is one unpleasant moment for civil servants - you will have to make small amounts when prosthetics with cermets or precious metals. Pensioners, veterans of public services also use clinics for free.

Financial bonuses

Promotion incentives

The answer to the question regarding the financial sector is positive whether civil servants receive benefits or preferences in this direction. Firstly, they are entitled to receive an annual one-time payment, which is conditionally called "premium". Secondly, the cost of gasoline spent by a public service employee is compensated if he used his own car for work.

A very important preference (benefit) is the receipt of an additional salary upon retirement. The payment amount is considered average, the last 10 years of labor of a civil servant are taken into account. It is clear that the payment is solid, especially in comparison with the salary of most of the country's population.

Service preferences

Service benefits

Let us consider in more detail what benefits civil servants have, so to speak, in the workplace. Among the guarantees to workers in this area are standardized working hours, holidays on public holidays and weekends (as well as other workers).

It was emphasized that civil servants have additional days to leave for those positions that are defined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and spelled out in special regulatory legal acts. In them, in particular, it is emphasized that for each year of work in the field of public service, an employee receives an extra day for well-deserved leave. Unfortunately, for veterans, adding days does not last forever, limited to 10 days. This means that if you work in the field for more than 10 years, then preferences are lost.

Another preference is related to education, the regulations emphasize that public servants must continue education at different levels in order to improve their skills. At the same time, payment will go at the expense of the budget, and with full-time education, the employee will retain his place.

An increase in pensions depending on the length of service can also be considered as benefits to the former civil servant. The longer the length of employment for a person employed in the public service, the greater the size of the pension.

Main benefit - housing subsidy

benefits to former civil servants

In the list of benefits, according to many state and ordinary citizens, the main place is occupied by the housing subsidy. It is spelled out in federal law No. 79, and in local laws, and in various regulatory legal acts.

Article 53 of the Federal Law No. 79 discloses the issue of additional state guarantees to civil servants. The most important is subparagraph 4 on the payment of a one-time subsidy for the purchase of housing for the needs of an official and his family. It is specified that a civil servant has the right to take this opportunity only once during the entire period of his career in this field.

Subsidy Procedure

In January 2009, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 63, which regulated the issue of granting officials a one-time subsidy. This decree approved the rules for providing subsidies to public civil servants.

privileges for civil servants in Russia

The rules clearly define the categories of civil servants entitled to a subsidy, the mechanisms for its receipt. There is even a clause that states which of the officials has the pre-emptive right, that is, there is also a “line” here.

First, the civil servant must register, having submitted a sufficiently large number of various documents (in originals and copies). Special commissions consider documents submitted by civil servants. Benefits in the form of subsidies are provided only if no violations, false documents, or other factors hindering the implementation of this social guarantee have been identified.

Summing up all of the above, it can be noted that there is a fairly large list of social guarantees, preferences and benefits provided by public servants. On the other hand, the state is doing everything possible to ensure that all these bonuses are awarded according to the law, deservedly.


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