Route Yekaterinburg - Nizhny Tagil: how to get there, what to see

Nizhny Tagil is located in the north of Yekaterinburg. The distance between cities is 126 km, if you count in a straight line. Nizhny Tagil is the second largest city in the Sverdlovsk region with a population of 356 thousand people. He is famous for his heavy industry.

Road and travel time

The distance from Yekaterinburg to Nizhny Tagil on the highway is 140 km. The condition of the roadway is good. On the highway, there are two lanes in each direction, the oncoming flows are almost completely divided by the forest. It is easy to overtake on such a road, there are no traffic jams due to freight transport. The average speed of a passenger car is high - 90-100 km / h. The distance by car from Yekaterinburg to Nizhny Tagil can be overcome in about 2 hours.

The road is quite picturesque. It is surrounded by forests. Along the route there are outlier rocks - massive pieces of rock. They were formed as a result of the destruction of the Ural mountains. The road does not go into settlements, which allows cars to keep high average speed.

The road from Yekaterinburg to Nizhny Tagil

What to get from Yekaterinburg to Nizhny Tagil

  • By car, the journey will take 1.5-2 hours.
  • By bus (from the Northern bus station in Yekaterinburg, the travel time will be more than 2 hours, from the Southern bus station - more than 3 hours).
  • By train you have to go a little more than 3 hours.
  • On a high-speed train "Swallow" - 2 hours.

Modern and comfortable trains "Swallow" began to go on the route Yekaterinburg - Nizhny Tagil in 2015. Some people do not like to travel by car or bus for a long time. For them, a fast train will be a convenient alternative way to get from Yekaterinburg to Nizhny Tagil.

Cities en route

On the road from Yekaterinburg to Nizhny Tagil, you can visit other cities in the Sverdlovsk region:

  • Verkhnyaya Pyshma, the most visited tourist attraction in the city, is the UMMC Military Glory Museum of the Urals, a museum of military and automotive equipment.
  • Sredneuralsk - attracts tourists with its natural beauties. The most picturesque place in the city is Lake Isetskoye, on which there are two islands.
  • Nevyansk is a city with a three hundred year history. Known for its leaning tower. Attention also deserves the most beautiful Transfiguration Cathedral.
Nevyansk inclined tower

What to see in Nizhny Tagil

Nizhny Tagil is a large industrial city in the Sverdlovsk region. The basis of its economy is made up of three large enterprises - the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant, the Uralvagonzavod and the UralChemPlast. However, in addition to industrial enterprises in Nizhny Tagil, there is something to see.

The city is surrounded by a taiga forest. A river flows through it. There are several lakes in the vicinity of Nizhny Tagil. In the west of the city runs the ridge of the Ural mountains, whose height reaches 500-700 meters. If you climb one of its peaks, you will be able to admire the surrounding natural beauties and a view of Nizhny Tagil.

Nizhny Tagil

There are two museums in the city. One of them was opened on the basis of an old metallurgical plant, which ended its work at the end of the 19th century. The local history museum tells the story of Nizhny Tagil from ancient settlements to the Soviet period.

In Nizhny Tagil preserved examples of architecture of the XIX century. These are mainly houses of merchants and large industrialists. The building of the Demidov factory office has been preserved to this day.

Dozens of factory chimneys smoking day and night are an integral part of the city panorama. Due to the high concentration of heavy industries in Nizhny Tagil, the unfavorable environmental situation, and in calm weather, smog stands above the city.

You can use trams, buses, minibuses and taxis to travel around Nizhny Tagil. The city has several hotels and hotels, you can also rent an apartment for rent. Nizhny Tagil has a developed catering network. The city has cafes, pizzerias and restaurants.


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