Heater "Penopleks" for floors: use, reviews

Penoplex for floors is being used more and more often today. This is due to many factors that are expressed in the positive features of the materials. In the production process, extrusion technology is used, which allows to achieve a finely porous structure. Each of the cells is isolated from each other, while the size of each can vary from 0.1 to 0.2 millimeters. Inside the material they are evenly distributed, which ensures heat resistance and strength.

Moisture Resistance Reviews

foam flooring

"Penoplex" for floors is chosen by consumers for the reason that the mentioned material minimally absorbs moisture. If the insulation is immersed for a month in water, then the moisture will be absorbed in an insignificant amount only for the first 10 days. After this, the structure ceases to accept moisture. At the end of the period, the volume of water in the plates is not more than 0.6% of the total mass. Thus, experts note that moisture is able to penetrate only into external cells that were damaged during cutting.

Insulation Reviews

heater for a floor penopleks

"Penoplex" for floors performs its main task - insulation, as buyers emphasize. If we compare this heat insulator with others, then the thermal conductivity of the first is much lower, its value is 0.03 W / (m ยท ยฐ C). Home masters note that they use this material even in rooms that are operated at high humidity. In this case, the thermal conductivity remains unchanged, it can vary from 0.001 to 0.003 W / (m ยท ยฐ C). That is why experts recommend using Penoplex for warming attic floors. This is true for foundations with basements and floors. In this case, you do not have to use an additional moisture protective layer.

Reviews on vapor permeability and lifetime

penoplex for floor insulation

Penoplex for floors is so popular among the modern consumer also because of low vapor permeability. This indicates that the material is characterized by increased resistance to vapor. If you use a layer whose thickness is 2 centimeters, then the vapor permeability will be equal to 1 layer of roofing material. All buyers who have been using the described thermal insulation for more than a year have noted that with repeated freezing and thawing, the characteristics of the material remain unchanged. The manufacturer guarantees the service life of the insulation for 50 years or more. The deadline will depend on proper installation, operational features and external factors.

Reviews on compression and installation features

foam foam for underfloor heating

If you decide to use Penoplex floor insulation, you can count on high compressive strength. This indicates excellent strength characteristics. Even heavy loads are not able to resize the material. Home craftsmen prefer Penoplex for ease of processing, it can be cut using an ordinary knife. Plates can be used for insulation even in difficult conditions, when work is accompanied by snow or rain. Thus, the insulation does not need to be protected from the weather.

Environmental and chemical reviews

penoplex for floor screed

Today, Penoplex is often used for floor insulation , many choose it because of its environmental friendliness, which is at a high level. Despite the fact that freons are used in the production process, they are absolutely safe when exposed to fire, do not destroy the ozone layer and are not poisonous. Penoplex for the floor, reviews of which are presented in the article, has almost zero chemical activity. Most chemicals used in construction do not react with the insulation of the type described.

It is impossible not to mention the biostability of the paintings, so the plates do not decompose and do not rot.

What does the master need to know when using Penoplex?

foam flooring thickness

In order to preserve the invariability of the size and shape of the paintings, it is necessary to withstand the maximum permissible ambient temperature at which the described heat insulator can be operated. As a rule, this parameter is indicated in the material passport. If the insulation is subject to excessive heat, the characteristics and dimensions of the Penoplex may change, it is able to ignite and begin to melt.

The use of insulation for the floor on the logs

foam floor screed

This option is used for wooden buildings that were erected using a columnar base. The insulation is laid on the surface of the soil between the floor lags and the surface. The process should be divided into several stages, the first of which involves dismantling the floorboard. If necessary, the next step will be the installation of new lags. To continue the work, a waterproofing layer is arranged, insulation is laid, and at the final stage floorboards are mounted . You need to dismantle the old boards in the event that the insulation is planned to be laid not in the construction phase, but in a residential building.

After all the boards are raised, they need to be analyzed for the presence of putrefactive formations. If the elements are in poor condition, then it is recommended to replace them with new ones. In the process of installing new boards, it is necessary to start from the very extreme element. In this case, you need to use the construction level. After this, a beam is installed from the opposite end, a thread is stretched between the elements, along which the rest of the bars will be installed.

Features of the work

After the preparatory work is completed, you can start warming. "Penoplex" for the floor, whose thickness should be 40 millimeters, is laid according to technology. The process starts with laying a layer of waterproofing on the bars. The edges of the material should reach the central part of each log. Waterproofing is fixed using a building level. From above the master should lay the Penoplex slabs, excluding the coincidence of the seams in one place. The resulting gaps are filled with construction foam. As soon as it was possible to fill all the seams, the material can be fixed with dowels or special construction glue. Wooden boards are nailed on top.

Use of insulation with a subsequent screed

If you decide to use Penoplex for a warm floor, then after laying you can equip a warm floor system. 40 cm gravel is laid on the ground surface in an even layer. The material must be compacted, sand laid on top. The thickness of the backfill should be slightly less compared to the previous layer. This indicator is usually 10 centimeters. Sand also needs to be carefully compacted.

At the next stage, concrete screed is poured on the ground, however, the reinforcing cage must first be laid. After all the above manipulations have been completed, you can begin to insulate the floor. First, waterproofing is done, then Penoplex is laid, the next step will be the pouring of the concrete screed. If Penoplex is used for screed flooring, this option is the most optimal solution. However, before pouring concrete, it is necessary to lay the floor mats.

At the final stage, a finishing floor covering is arranged.

Recommendations for work

For waterproofing, it is recommended to use sufficiently dense polyethylene, which is able to withstand temperature extremes and high humidity. The cost of this material is quite acceptable. It is important to take into account that it is unacceptable to lay waterproofing on a non-dried concrete surface, as this can cause a violation of the thermal insulation characteristics of the material.


If you decide to use Penoplex for floor screed, it is important to observe the dressing of the seams. This will provide moisture protection and durability. Speaking of the above, it should be noted that a fiberglass mesh is stretched on top of the insulation. This is necessary to strengthen the concrete screed and protect it from cracking and other damage during the maturation and operation of the mortar. Whatever method of warming you use, you should be guided by the presented technology, which will become the key to success when carrying out work. It is also important to prepare all the materials and tools, the presence of which will not distract from work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8612/

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