Game Life is Strange, episode 5 walkthrough: features, codes and recommendations

Finally, the final part of the adventures of two friends came out - Maxine and Chloe, the main characters in the mystical game Life is Strange. The passage of episode 5, as well as the disclosure of all the secrets and endings awaits you in this guide.


Waking up, the main character will understand that she is sitting tied to a chair in the development room, where a little earlier she and Chloe found a photo of Rachel and the other girls. Now she needs to free herself. To do this, try moving your limbs. After some effort, you can free your leg. A little to the right of you is a cart; you need to move it to yourself. Above you will find a photo in which Max sees himself bound, lying on the floor. Focus and return to this moment.

life is strange episode 5 walkthrough

The main character will be on the floor, while the psychopath will photograph her. The moment he tries to pump up the girl again with drugs, kick the cart with his foot. The potion will spill, and you will return to the moment when Max will sit, tied to a chair. But now there will be other photographs in the cart that Mr. Jefferson took out from his wet folder. To continue the passage of the game Life is Strange (Episode 5), focus on the photo and move again in time.

Psycho arrest

Talk to Jefferson. During the conversation, you will notice your diary, in which there is a photograph taken in the lesson. To get to it, you need to move back into the past: talk with the teacher before he leaves, and ask him about your diary. Jefferson will throw it in front of your nose. Focus on the photo and return to the moment when it was taken - Max will be in the classroom. Now we need to wait for the call, after which we climb into the bag and find the number of Chloe's stepfather, David Madsen. We call him and talk in detail about Jefferson. Now we need to cheer up Kate and give the teacher a competitive photo.

walkthrough life is strange episode 5

Events will change dramatically: Jefferson will be arrested, the police will find Rachel Amberโ€™s body, Kate will not go to the roof, Chloe will survive, and the main character will win the Hero of the Day contest and win a trip to the exhibition.

San Francisco

Passage of the game Life is Strange: Episode 5 will continue on the plane. You need to read a newspaper article about the arrest of a psychopath and the exposure of the Prescott family. Next, you will have a conversation with Principal Wells.

life is strange walkthrough 5 episode maze

After Max is at the exhibition, you will need to talk with different people. Now go to the picture made by Max. At this point, you will feel bad and bleed from your nose. Sit down and get your phone. When you see 6 missed calls, call Chloe. From the conversation you will find out that a tornado flew into the glorious town of Arcadia Bay. Max will understand that she did not change anything with her actions, and she must again try to fix it.

Again in the lair of a maniac

Go back to your picture and focus on it. You will return to the hostel at the moment this photograph was taken. To change the future, you need to get rid of it, for this tear a masterpiece. And again, a change in events awaits us, however, this happens quite often in the game Life is Strange, the passage of episode 5 of which we are considering. Now Max does not win the competition, and, accordingly, does not go to San Francisco. She is again bound in Mr. Jefferson's den.

When the psychopath tries to give you a lethal dose of drugs, the door will open and David will enter. But Jefferson will be faster and knock out your savior. Now the main character needs to try to help David and rewind time ago, which we successfully do throughout the game Life is Strange. The passage of episode 5 was no exception, and again we are moving into the recent past.

Second attempt to defuse jefferson

We rewind the time until the maniac goes for the next dose to the table. Stop it and ask to fulfill your last wish: the right answer would be to take another photo. After this, the psychopath puts the camera on the bedside table. Now you can help David when he enters the room. When Chloe's stepfather falls during a fight, shout to him about the camera and he will be able to protect himself from the maniac. The psychopath will run after the gun, and you will need to stop him. To do this, pull the wire on the left side. With the noise, a lamp will fall and this will attract the attention of Jefferson, which will enable David to neutralize the maniac.

life is strange walkthrough 5 episode code

The psychopath is connected, you are free, and David asks you a question: where is Chloe? This time, the right decision would be a lie. Say that everything is fine with her, otherwise David will take the gun and kill Jefferson, and this will negatively affect his future fate.

Way to Two Whales

We continue the passage of Life is Strange: Episode 5 - Polarized. Max needs to find a photo taken at the party. Get out of the development studio and contact Warren. He will say that he is now in an eatery. Take Jefferson's car and drive there. But you will not be able to get to your destination, because there will be many obstacles on the way. As soon as you reach the blockage, get out of the car and continue your way on foot.

Along the way, you will find several people in distress. Having met a trucker, help him free his leg. A little later, Max will see how a kid will be killed by a piece of metal. As usual, we rewind time and talk with Evan - this will save the boy from death. Go to the right side of the street and help Alice. To do this, move the board to the girl so that she can go down on it.

To go further, the main character needs to get into the building located on the left side of the street, but inside the flame rages. On the left, find the fire switch and put out the fire. The moment you turn on the electricity, the man in the room on the left will die from electric shock. To avoid this, go through the place where the flames raged, and return to the past - this will help save the fisherman. It remains only to get out of the building and continue the passage "Life is a strange thing: Episode 5".

Chloe's Rescue

As you approach your destination, you will see how the Two Whale eatery explodes. To avoid this, return to the past and fill the gasoline track with the sand found on the right. Now you can go inside. Talk to Warren and take his party photo from him. Focus and go there. Next, you need to make sure that Chloe does not go on that holiday. This can be done if you tell your friend the truth about Mr. Jefferson and the death of Nathan.

walkthrough life is a strange thing episode 5

Situations will change again: a friend will survive, a psychopath will be arrested, but a tornado will not go anywhere and will continue to destroy your city. Once with Chloe on the beach, you will lose consciousness. When you come to, find yourself in a lesson, but everything around you looks somehow unusual.

Strange reality

The bell will ring, after which everyone will disappear. Go to the exit. Near the door you will meet Mr. Jefferson. Talk to him and leave the classroom. You will find yourself in a hostel. Find a table near the toilet and take the key to room 218. Go there, and then go through rooms 224, 221 and 219. Now Max will go to the academy, but everything will be vice versa. Go to the women's toilet, and you will be transferred to some strange place.

walkthrough life is strange episode 5 polarized
Now you need to get to the lighthouse. Sit on a bench next to you and watch the strange scenes in which everyone will blame the main character for their misfortunes. Now you will find yourself in the toilet again, but it is not so easy to get out of it.

The endings in Life is Strange. Walkthrough - Episode 5

The code for the toilet door can be seen in the mirror - this is the number 0311. Now you will find yourself in the โ€œThree Whalesโ€ eatery, and a series of memories will begin. After viewing them, go to the lighthouse. At this point, Max comes to his senses, next to her is Chloe, and around - an increasing hurricane. Here, the main character realizes that the tornado has appeared and is gaining strength due to her time travels. To remedy this situation, Chloe will give Max the last photo that started it all. The main character made this image of a butterfly in the toilet when she first came back in time to save her friend.

walkthrough life is strange episode 5

Now you have to make a difficult choice, on which the end of the game Life is Strange depends. The passage of episode 5 suggests either sacrificing Chloe or saving a girlfriend at the cost of the lives of all the inhabitants of Arcadia Bay. If you decide that Chloe is more valuable to you, then you will leave with her from the completely destroyed town. If you decide to save Arcadia Bay, then Max will move to the toilet, where he will again be present at the murder of Chloe Nathan, but this time he will not take part in these events, and, accordingly, there will be no hurricane.

walkthrough life is a strange thing

You have the absolute right to choose, and it is up to you how the passage in Life is Strange ends (episode 5). The labyrinth of memories and time movements with attempts to change the past came to an end.


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