State youth policy - these are programs and measures aimed at successful socialization and effective self-realization of youth

State youth policy in the Russian Federation is the activity of the authorities to implement a system of financial, economic, regulatory, scientific, personnel, organizational, managerial and informational measures aimed at spiritual, moral, civil and patriotic education of the young generation, expanding opportunities to realize its potential .

state youth policy is

These measures are carried out on the basis of interaction with various public institutions and individual citizens and active interagency cooperation. The goals of state youth policy are to achieve sustainable social and economic development, competitiveness and national security of the Russian Federation, and to strengthen its position in the international arena.


In Russia, there are different socio-demographic groups, which include people of different ages. Youth among them all occupies a special place. Currently, much attention is paid to the development of the young generation .

The age of young people, according to general rules, varies from 14 to 30 years, and in some cases stipulated in regulatory enactments, up to 35 or more years.

Youth is a socio-demographic group of people that stands out on the basis of age and social status. It is characterized by special interests and values.

Features of the formation of state youth policy

The program of measures is developed by authorities in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, federal laws, presidential decrees, government decrees and other regulations issued in Russia subject to international agreements.

As an analysis of modern conditions shows, those countries that are actively working with socially active youth have strategic advantages. It is she who is the main carrier of innovative potential.

Russian youth as the most susceptible and fairly mobile part of the population has always supported progressive transformations and participated in their implementation. Her political aspirations contributed to the development of industry and science, ensuring economic growth and improving the quality of life of society.

New challenges that are associated with global changes in the international arena, qualitatively new socio-economic goals require improving mechanisms and tasks of state youth policy. This means that among the priority areas of state activity should be the strengthening of the educational functions of the state, society and the institution of the family.

In Russia, the fundamentals of state youth policy have become quite clear. Currently, it is being implemented not only at the federal and regional levels, but also in municipalities. The needs and interests of young people are taken into account when developing programs for the socio-economic development of the country.

festival of youth and students

Over the past few years, the government has been able to reverse certain negative trends in society and achieve a significant improvement in the quality of life of the young generation. Mortality among young people has decreased significantly, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle has increased, and the level of unemployment and crime has decreased. Today, many young people become highly qualified specialists in various fields, winners and prize-winners of international competitions, competitions, creative contests.

Actual problems of modern society

Currently, the influence of a number of negative factors, both internal and external, increasing the risk of increased threats of a socio-economic, social, value character is noted. One of the problematic factors is the destructive impact of information on youth. Its consequence may be religious, national intolerance, aggression, which subsequently may well become the cause of social tension. A decrease in the number of young people β€” the result of the demographic crisis of past decades β€” can have a systemic effect on the country's economic development, lead to a reduction in labor reserves, population decline, an increase in the pension burden, and weakening of the state’s defense capability.

Priority Directions

The youth of Russia deserves to receive and realize opportunities for building both their future and the future of the country as a whole. The most important task of the authorities is to develop a priority of national identity in the youth environment, to foster a sense of pride in their homeland.

The strategic priority of state youth policy is to create the conditions necessary to create a harmonious, constantly evolving, competitive, erudite personality with a moral core and at the same time able to quickly adapt to a changing world. The main task is to educate a patriotic generation with independent thinking, creating a worldview and professional knowledge. It should demonstrate a high culture, including interethnic communication, the ability to make decisions independently and be responsible for them. In this aspect, the support of talented youth is of particular importance. The authorities and society must form the basic conditions in which it will fully realize itself in the socio-economic, socio-political, cultural and other spheres of life of the country. The development of individual qualities should be accompanied by a manifestation of high social activity.

The complex of all these factors determines the importance of forming an adequate state youth policy. This means that it must correspond not only to modern realities. It should take into account possible new political, social, economic, cultural challenges.

The effectiveness of state youth policy is manifested in ensuring a steady increase in the number of positive-oriented young people who share national and universal moral values, have good health, are constantly working on the development of their personal and professional qualities, who love their country and are ready to protect its interests. Its main goal is to improve the socio-economic situation of the young generation, increase the degree of its involvement in the affairs of the state.

youth committee

Key principles

The youth state policy approved before 2025 is based on constitutional guarantees of the inviolability and equality of freedoms and rights of citizens. It is implemented on the basis of a number of principles:

  1. Responsibility of the state for the interests of the younger generation.
  2. Recognition of youth as an equal partner in the creation and implementation of youth policy.
  3. Responsibility of the young generation for the exercise of their rights and obligations in the field of public and state life.
  4. Priority state support for the most vulnerable categories of citizens.
  5. The provision by the government of the bulk of services to ensure cultural, spiritual, social, physical development, educational opportunities, creating a family, starting a professional activity, and choosing one’s life path in general.
  6. Support the work of youth organizations and associations.
  7. Development of public-private partnerships and cooperation with public institutions.
  8. Improving the efficiency of the use of available information resources, as well as infrastructure in the interests of implementing youth policy.
  9. Strengthening regulatory mechanisms, the unity of activities of government at the federal, regional and territorial levels.
  10. The interaction of different departments in the implementation of the developed and approved strategies in relation to youth policy.
formation of state youth policy

Moral education

State youth policy is a comprehensive program aimed at creating a system of spiritual and moral values, taking into account the multinationality of the state. The implementation of this task involves the creation of the necessary conditions for the patriotic education and development of the young generation, who knows and responsibly implements the duties and rights enshrined in the Constitution, has a humanistic worldview, demonstrates knowledge of the cultural, historical and national heritage of Russia, respecting its diversity. For this, in turn, the following activities are required:

  1. Development and active implementation of educational (interactive, including) projects and programs of a civil-patriotic orientation, dedicated to the propaganda of the symbols of the Russian Federation, the achievements of the country, heroes, important events in modern Russian history.
  2. Implementation of educational activities aimed at strengthening interethnic, social and interfaith harmony.
  3. Popularization of Russian literature and literary language, national, cultural traditions. For this, various festivals of youth and students are held.
  4. Involvement of young people in the implementation of projects to preserve the country's culture, historical heritage and traditional crafts.
  5. Providing systematic support for programs that promote the formation of a civic position, foster respect for different ethnic groups, strengthen spiritual values, interact with informal movements, subcultures, and the prevention of extremism.
  6. Involvement of young people in the vigorous activity of archaeological, prospecting, local history, military-historical associations.
  7. Involvement in creative activity, support for young people who are engaged in contemporary art and do not have specialties.
  8. Popularization of people who have reached heights in professional activity.
  9. Increasing the availability of tourism and the development of tourism infrastructure.
  10. Promoting the participation of youth in the implementation of environmental programs, activities related to the restoration and restoration of cultural and historical monuments.
  11. Development of means and mechanisms for ensuring the accessibility of spiritual heritage sites. This includes the creation and improvement of a unified system of free or preferential visits to exhibitions, museums, theater and concert institutions, etc.
  12. Expansion of the network of sports and sports, computer, military-patriotic clubs, art clubs, libraries and other organizations.
youth age

Educational work

It involves the introduction of innovative educational and educational technologies, the formation of conditions for the self-education of young people. To implement these tasks, special measures have been developed that are enshrined in the state youth policy. It:

  1. Development of legal and humanitarian education of the young generation, raising the level of financial culture.
  2. Improving the quality of training. First of all, attention is paid to engineering, technical and pedagogical areas.
  3. Formation of a system and conditions of motivation for self-education of youth, organization of open access to educational and educational courses in a remote mode.
  4. Improving ways to encourage and stimulate talented youth.
  5. Improving the conditions necessary for inclusive education for people with disabilities.
  6. Improving the certification system of competencies and knowledge gained, including through self-education.
  7. Improving the professional level of persons working in youth affairs committees and other organizations and institutions dealing with youth issues.
  8. Active use of the positive potential of informal associations and community resources for further education of young people.
  9. Formation of conditions for involving young professionals, volunteers, individual entrepreneurs, students, representatives of science and universities in professional activities.
  10. The development of a system of youth self-government in educational institutions, the involvement of youth associations in monitoring the quality of educational services.

Policy Implementation Mechanisms

To implement such a comprehensive program, several mechanisms are needed:

  1. Legal.
  2. Organizational.
  3. Informational.
  4. Scientific and analytical.
  5. Social.

The legal mechanism involves:

  1. Improving the norms of federal and regional legislation, legal acts issued by executive structures of state power.
  2. Development and analysis of programs for the implementation of youth policy, other integrated projects implemented in accordance with its provisions.
  3. Improving the methods of interagency interaction.
  4. The development of public-private partnership mechanisms to engage business communities, citizens and public associations in the process of implementing youth policies.
  5. Creating conditions for self-realization of young people in different regions of the country, stimulating educational and labor mobility.
goals of state youth policy

Organizational mechanism

It is associated with:

  1. Creation of advisory, consultative, coordinating bodies. It is not only about youth committees, but also about youth associations, working groups, groups, etc.
  2. Preparation of annual reports on the situation of the young generation in Russia and the implementation of youth policy.
  3. Development of integrated plans, monitoring the effectiveness of their implementation.
  4. Conducting scientific and analytical research on youth issues at the local, regional and federal levels.
  5. Financing the implementation of youth policy from the state, municipal, regional budgets and by attracting extra-budgetary resources.

Information mechanism

It includes:

  1. Posting information on the implementation of youth policy on the Internet and the media.
  2. The development of municipal and state information systems, including expert networks, databases, providing the possibility of providing public services in electronic form, the implementation of the reverse interaction of youth with government structures.

Scientific Analytical Mechanism

He suggests:

  1. Expansion of youth research.
  2. The regular organization of interregional, regional, all-Russian educational and methodological, scientific and practical conferences, seminars, festivals of youth and students.
  3. Compilation and regular optimization of the list of sociological, statistical, other indicators of policy implementation, ensuring the collection of relevant information.
support for talented youth

Social mechanism

It is associated with:

  1. The development of an integrated system of social protection and support for the younger generation.
  2. Improving the forms and methods of working with youth, providing an improvement in the situation of different categories of citizens.
  3. Formation of a conscious attitude to the implementation of pension rights, improving understanding of the concepts of "legal employment" and "length of service".

During the implementation of youth policy, the introduction of effective mechanisms for the consolidation and coordination of efforts of all entities at the local, regional and state levels is expected. This will significantly improve the development process of the young generation of Russia, improve its spiritual and moral characteristics, and increase socio-economic and political activity.


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