The tallest statue in the world ... What is it?

Of course, people have been striving to be closer to heaven, which means to the gods, from ancient times. And huge statues are another confirmation of this.

For example, the huge sphinx, which the Egyptians managed to build many centuries ago, even now inspires awe, proudly looking at tourists and local residents from its 20-meter height. And what about the size of the idol of Easter? Who built them? What for? And most importantly, how? Scientists have not been able to find the answer. And according to local legend, these giants themselves came to the island.

However, we should not assume that we, the current inhabitants of the planet, will no longer be able to surprise our future descendants with anything. the tallest statues are already built before us. In the modern world there are buildings that one can be proud of. I will give a list of the three, in my opinion, the most interesting ones.

Buddha of the Spring Temple
First place. The Buddha of the Spring Temple, rising to the sky by 153 meters, is the tallest statue in the world. Its construction was not spontaneous, and the reason for the construction was more than tragic. The fact is that after in Afghanistan a group of terrorists blew up the unique and highly revered structure of the Bamiyan Buddhas, it was decided to erect a new monument. After discussion and collaboration between British and Indian architects in 2008, the whole world was struck by the appearance of a new Buddha statue. The design is not only a divine figure, but also a pedestal in the form of a lotus.

It is also interesting that they created all this from more than 1000 individual parts. Then they had to be assembled in one piece at a height and with the help of special modern technical innovations. According to economists, the cost of the Spring Buddha is estimated at a whopping $ 18 million, and almost three times as much - $ 55 million was spent on the project itself.

Rumor has it that the local government has already decided to give the monument an even more impressive and magnificent appearance. How to do this if it is not possible to lengthen the structure itself? It turns out very simple! To do this, you just need to increase the hill on which it is located! Those. it is likely that some time will pass, and the tallest statue in the world will grow to 208 meters.

Lechzhun Sasazha
Second place. The small state of Myanmar can rightfully be proud of its architecture. The second largest tallest statue in the world is located here, on Kung Hill, and is called Lechzhun Sasazha. Its dimensions are quite impressive - 130 meters, i.e. it almost rises above the clouds. However, this is not all. The fact is that at the feet of the above is another largest statue in the world, but this is an inclined structure built more than 20 years ago in 1991.
Ushiku Daybutsu

Third place. It is impossible to say with certainty whether it happened by chance or intentionally that all the highest structures of our planet are religious in nature and dedicated to the Buddha, but, nevertheless, in practice this is so. And the third tallest statue in the world is another confirmation of this. In Japan, the 120-meter Ushiku Daybutsu glorifies Buddha Amitabha with all his appearance. Built it in 1995. The Japanese design is also famous for the fact that everyone can visit it and admire the scenery that opens from the observation deck, where tourists in a matter of seconds delivers a high-speed elevator.


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