How to choose a centrifugal pump for irrigation? Centrifugal pumps for watering the garden from a pond, from a river, from a well, from a tank

The centrifugal pumps for watering the garden are quite different in design. The most common are considered to be single-stage modifications. The impeller of the model can be located horizontally or vertically. Pressure devices are also separated. In this case, fluid may enter the pump through one or more nozzles. There are quite a lot of manufacturers on the market, and getting confused in choosing the right model is very simple.

centrifugal pumps for watering the garden photo

How to choose a model for watering gardens from a tank?

Centrifugal pumps for watering the garden from the tank need to be selected not too bulky. The maximum pressure the system must withstand at least 29 meters. The throughput parameter should be approximately 10 cubic meters per hour. It is also important to pay attention to the limit frequency indicator. He hesitates mainly around the 55 Hz mark.

Power consumption for the pump must be at least 2.2 kW. It is also necessary to evaluate the temperature of the liquid and the environment at which the unit can be operated. Shells are usually made of cast iron. In turn, the impellers are brass. It costs an average good pump for irrigation in the region of 35 thousand rubles.

Devices for watering gardens from the pond

Centrifugal pumps for watering the garden from the pond should be selected with a capacity of at least 3.3 kW. In this case, the maximum pressure of the device must be at least 50 meters. Even before buying, it is important to evaluate the throughput rate. Ultimately, the performance of the unit will depend on it. On average, the specified parameter does not exceed 15 cubic meters. meters per hour. However, in this case, much depends on the manufacturer.

centrifugal pumps for watering the garden Agidel

The maximum current frequency for models of this type is on average 55 Hz. Cases are better to choose cast iron. In addition, you should pay attention to the seals. Most often they are made of brass. It costs an average good model pump in the region of 40 thousand rubles.

Models for watering gardens from the well

Centrifugal pumps for watering the garden from the well are selected only with a vertical impeller. The throughput parameter in this situation should be more than 20 cubic meters. meters per hour. The shaft should be at least 3.2 cm in diameter. As a rule, the blades of such models are set wide. Some pumps also have superchargers.

centrifugal pumps for watering the garden from the river

Engine power is on average 5 kW. Diffusers for such devices are installed with outlet pipes. The current limit frequency parameter must be at least 60 Hz. It costs an average of this type of pump 65 thousand rubles.

Centrifugal pumps for watering the gardens "Agidel"

Centrifugal pumps for watering the garden "Agidel" have a high throughput parameter - at the level of 15 cubic meters. meters per hour. It should also be noted that this model boasts a high-quality supercharger. Directly the gland is installed wide. An o-ring is provided on it. The maximum voltage the device can withstand is 230 V. In this case, the current limit is 45 Hz. Of the shortcomings, it is important to mention weak blades. If you believe the opinion of buyers, they often break. The unit presented in the store is about 30 thousand rubles.

Pumps for watering the gardens of "Speroni"

Centrifugal pumps for watering the garden of this campaign are very simple to use. They are produced mainly with a horizontal impeller. Models with two nozzles are provided in the assortment of the company. The average power of devices is 3.5 kW. In this case, the throughput of the model also depends on the parameter of the limiting current frequency.

The indicated indicator averages 33 Hz. If we talk about design features, then models with superchargers are not produced. Diffusers installed at the pumps are quite high quality and rarely break. There is an average model of the campaign in the region of 50 thousand rubles.

Models of the company "Leo"

This company produces centrifugal pumps for watering the garden from the river. As a rule, they have one outlet pipe. Oil seals for models are made exclusively of brass. The power parameter of the units fluctuates around 5.5 kW. In this case, the guides are made of steel. The pump capacity itself depends on the current limit. This parameter is usually 55 Hz.

Racks for all configurations are mounted on bearings. Among the shortcomings of the models, it is important to mention the complicated maintenance of the devices. It is not possible to remove the impeller from the model yourself. There is an average centrifugal pump for watering the garden of the brand presented in the region of 42 thousand rubles.

garden centrifugal pump

Features of Octopus devices

These centrifugal pumps for watering the garden (photo shown below) are very simple to maintain. If necessary, the outlet can be cleaned independently. If we talk about general characteristics, then the power of the model is 4.2 kW. In this case, the throughput of the unit is provided rather high. Separately, it should be noted high-quality diffuser. In this case, the suction pipe of the model is located in the upper part of the structure. End seal for model is provided.

The pump stand is mounted on bearings. The unit is quite simple to use. If necessary, you can spin the impeller. The network voltage of the device withstands a maximum of 230 V. If we talk about the shortcomings, then many owners complain about the blades. In some cases, they can move away from the impeller. As a result, the throughput of the model is significantly reduced. There is a pump on the market about 55 thousand rubles.

garden centrifugal pumps

Models for watering the gardens of the company "Roteks"

This company specializes in the manufacture of pumps with diffusers. In this case, the power of the models is on average 4 kW. The limiting current frequency parameter does not exceed 65 Hz. The capacity of the models depends on the type of supercharger. In some cases, it is installed with an oil seal.

Maximum pressure, these pumps can withstand about 45 meters. Suction nozzles for models are installed with a large diameter. Pump guides are usually made of steel. In this case, there are cast-iron cases, and they can withstand large loads. An average pump will cost the buyer around 48 thousand rubles.

Apogee device specifications

Centrifugal pumps for watering the Apogee garden are very simple to use. They have a diffuser with a special casing. If you believe the opinion of buyers, then you can clean it yourself. The suction nozzle of the model has one, and it is located in the upper part of the structure. If we talk about the parameters of the unit, then the maximum pressure of the system can withstand no more than 40 meters. The mains voltage is exactly 220 V. The throughput of the model is quite high.

The shaft in the presented configuration is installed with a diameter of 3.3 cm. There are four blades in the design. If you believe the opinion of buyers, then the impeller has to be changed very rarely. In this case, under the gland there is a volumetric chamber for pumping liquid. A sealing ring on the drive shaft is provided. There is no supercharger in this design. The mechanical seal is erased quite quickly, and this should be considered before purchasing a pump. The model in our time is no more than 62 thousand rubles.

centrifugal pumps for watering a garden from a well

Devices for watering the gardens "Varisko"

These centrifugal pumps for watering the garden with a maximum current frequency are capable of boasting at 55 Hz. However, the model also has flaws. First of all, buyers note weak blades. In this case, the impeller is sometimes erased. The seals in the presented model are quite wide. They are made entirely of steel. The shaft is used in the design with a diameter of exactly 3.5 cm.

The camera under the gland is not very voluminous. There is no sealing ring on the shaft. A supercharger is also not provided in this design. If we talk about the characteristics, then the pump power is 4.4 kW. In this case, it is possible to pump water at a temperature of at least +10 degrees. The housing of the pump is quite durable. It is made standardly from cast iron.

centrifugal pumps for watering the garden from the tank

Features of the Garbarino models

This company produces pumps exclusively with diffusers. They are usually located at the drive shaft. On average, the power parameter does not exceed 6 kW. In turn, the throughput of the models can vary greatly. If we talk about the maximum pressure parameter, then it fluctuates around 50 meters. The mains voltage of the device can withstand no more than 230 V. The impellers of the modifications are located in a vertical position.

Mechanical seals are not used in designs. Oil seals for models are used brass. Stuffings on them are used dense, and they are erased very slowly. Also, the pumps of the brand are distinguished by high-quality guides that can withstand heavy loads. Superchargers under the glands are installed conventional. It costs an average pump on the market no more than 55 thousand rubles.


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