South Africa: attractions, history, climate, population, environmental issues. Law enforcement system, form of government, embassy, ​​currency, flag and coat of arms of South Africa

“Different people unite” - this is the motto of this unusual state. This phrase perfectly reveals the history and essence of the country called South African Republic. Where is she located? How is it arranged? What interesting sights are on its territory?

Where is the country located?

The South African Republic is an amazing conglomeration of cultures, traditions and nationalities with a difficult history of its formation. The country is located on the southern tip of the African continent, fully justifying its modern name. By area - 1.2 million km 2 - it can be attributed to the largest states in Africa.

The capital of the Republic of South Africa (main) is the city of Pretoria with a population of 740 million people. Although the capitals in this state are not so simple. However, more on that later ...

South african republic

South Africa (South Africa - full official name) borders on five states: Mozambique, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Botswana. In addition, an enclave, the state of Lesotho, is also located inside its territory. In the south, the country has extensive access to the oceans.

The South African Republic is one of the most prosperous and developed countries in Africa. This is the only state of the "black continent" that is part of the G20 - an international club of the world's leading economies. The Embassy of the Republic of South Africa is in Moscow (address: 1 Granatny Lane). By the way, getting a South African visa is not so simple. The package of documents that must be provided to the embassy is practically no different from the British.

The nature and environmental problems of South Africa

Beautiful virgin nature and landscapes unique in picturesqueness - this is what attracts tourists to South Africa. The photo of one of the corners of the country, presented below, will not make anyone doubt it.

capital of the Republic of South Africa

The country is characterized by a large variety of terrain. In the east and south, mountain landscapes prevail (Cape, Dragon Mountains). Here is the highest point in South Africa - Mount Jesuti (3410 meters). In the interior of the country, a plateau-like surface (Veldy) prevails, which gradually turns into the Namib desert, which is huge in size. In general, the diversity of landscapes and natural conditions is exactly that feature that the Republic of South Africa can boast of.

The climate of the country is also very diverse. So, in the south-west of South Africa it has Mediterranean features, in the extreme east - subtropical, and in the interior regions - extremely arid. Air temperatures can vary over a wide range: from −10 ...− 15 ° C in the Eastern Cape in winter to +40 ... 45 ° C in the Kalahari region.

South Africa is one of the first places in the world in the number of protected areas. The nature in this country is really treated very carefully. Nevertheless, pressing environmental problems still exist in the Republic of South Africa. In particular, the food problem, the problem of land degradation and pollution of coastal sea waters is extremely acute here.

History of South Africa. Apartheid

The history of the Republic of South Africa, like any other state in Africa, is closely connected with European colonization. The Dutch started it back in the middle of the 17th century. Then the baton was intercepted by the British, having conquered the country at the beginning of the XIX century. Local residents of Dutch origin (Boers) were forced out into the territory. There they founded their states: Transvaal and the Orange Republic. Subsequently, the British and Boers actively fought each other on the lands of the future South Africa.

In May 1910, the Union of South Africa formed, which still remained dependent on Britain. He received his independence only in 1961.

In the middle of the twentieth century, the country entered a difficult and unpleasant period of its history, which was called "apartheid". The right-wing National Party came to power in 1948, which immediately began to implement a strict policy of restricting rights for the black population. "South Africa - for whites!" - That was the slogan of this political force.

environmental issues in the Republic of South Africa

Gradually, blacks in South Africa were deprived of basic democratic rights and freedoms. They were forbidden to marry with whites, to participate in elections, even the freedom of their movement was significantly limited. The ruling party did not react to threats and sanctions by the UN and continued its policy. Of course, all this provoked mass unrest and protests throughout the country, the ideological leader of which was Nelson Mandela. It was only in 1989 that the newly elected President Frederic de Klerk began breaking the apartheid system. However, its consequences are felt today. In particular, millions of blacks in South Africa still suffer from poverty and lack a good education.

South Africa: Population and Living Standards

About 50 million people live in South Africa. According to this indicator, the country takes an honorable 26th place on the planet. 5.7 million of this number are infected with the immunodeficiency virus, which is an extremely acute problem for the state. There are about 79% of blacks in South Africa, and no more than 9% of whites. At the same time, the number of the latter is gradually decreasing due to the outflow to more prosperous countries of the world (USA, Netherlands, Australia).

South African incomes are close to world averages. However, the state suffers from a huge gap between the rich (about 10% of the population) and the poor (more than 50%). Unemployment and high crime are two very acute problems of the modern republic.

Political system, army and law enforcement system of South Africa

The form of government of the Republic of South Africa is represented by the classic parliamentary republic. The country's parliament consists of two chambers and has 490 deputies.

Until 1994, South Africa was a federation, but today the state is unitary. The republic consists of nine provinces, which vary greatly in the size of their territories.

The law enforcement system of the Republic of South Africa is supervised by a special Ministry of Police, which is now headed by Nati Mtetva. The tasks of the national police also include the implementation of anti-terrorist operations. This is done by special groups, which, at one time were formed from detachments that fought with black partisans (opponents of apartheid). Members of these groups undergo a very strict selection and are trained according to Israeli methods.

Republic of South Africa population

The Armed Forces of South Africa were formally established in 1994 and include naval, land and air forces. There is no conscription in the republic; national defense forces are manned exclusively at the expense of contract soldiers. The country annually allocates about 1.7% of its income from GDP to the army. According to this indicator, South Africa is 87th in the world.

Currency and national symbols of South Africa

In 1961, the state was formed - the Republic of South Africa. The currency of the new country was "born" at the same time. Its name is South African Rand (code - ZAR). Prior to this, in the era of dependence on Britain, the South African pound walked through the country.

South Africa's currency is represented by banknotes and coins. One rand is split into 100 cents. It is curious that until 1973 a half-cent coin was in use in South Africa. Today in circulation is only five paper banknotes (denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 rand) with a very interesting design. On the obverse you can see a portrait of the national hero of the country - Nelson Mandela, and the reverse depicts animals typical for the South African nature (leopard, lion, rhino, elephant and buffalo).

Like any other state, South Africa has its own national symbols. The republic has its own anthem (“God bless Africa”), a coat of arms and a flag, as well as a motto (“Different people unite”).

The modern coat of arms of the Republic of South Africa was approved in 2000. It is a golden shield with a red border, which depicts two people greeting each other. Behind the shield are wheat ears, and above it there are a spear, a mace, a multi-colored pectoral and a secretary bird with outstretched wings. Below the coat of arms is framed by the tusks of an elephant and a green ribbon on which the motto of the state is carved in white letters.

Absolutely everything in the emblem of South Africa has its own meaning and meaning. Thus, the secretary bird symbolizes rapid growth and development, a spear with a mace - protection from enemies, tusks of elephants - wisdom and strength. People depicted in a greeting pose are a symbol of unity, which is so necessary for the republic, and wheat ears serve as an emblem (amulet) of fertility and prosperity.

The flag of the Republic of South Africa is no less symbolic. It was approved in April 1994. Interestingly, at least 7 thousand different options took part in the competition! The adopted and legalized flag is multicolored and symbolizes both the multi-racial nature of the country and its modern democratic character.

Republic of South Africa flag

On the flag of South Africa you can see six different colors: red (the color of the English-speaking population), blue (Boer), black (black), yellow (Indians), white (all other "white" inhabitants) and green (other "colored" races) .

In government institutions, educational institutions of South Africa, it is customary to raise the flag of your country before the start of the working day and lower it after it ends. If the banners of other states or organizations are set nearby, then the flag of the Republic of South Africa must necessarily be the largest in size.

South Africa: Attractions and Tourism Potential of the Country

South Africa is a promising country for full recreation. Every year the number of foreign tourists here is only growing. Of the cities they are most attracted to Johannesburg and Pretoria, which have long merged into a single metropolis. It houses the country's most famous cultural center - the Market Fieche complex. Theaters, galleries, various art exhibitions and thematic restaurants work here. In the evenings, all tourists flock to the Oppenheimer Garden - an unusually cozy and romantic place.

There is in South Africa and your Las Vegas - this is the town of Sun City with an abundance of bars, casinos and nightly entertainment. The city of Durban is interesting and very colorful. Travelers come here to sunbathe on the beautiful beaches and stroll through exotic local bazaars. In other words, the tourism potential of the beautiful and multifaceted South African Republic is very high.

Sights of the anthropogenic (cultural) origin of South Africa cannot be compared with its main attraction - nature. In this unique country, deserts are adjacent to subtropical natural complexes, and the local flora and fauna are simply unique. In addition, the South Africans themselves are very careful about their natural resources. The first national park here was founded in the century before last!

law enforcement system of the Republic of South Africa

Of course, European colonization did not bring anything good to this land. The active development of mining and agriculture greatly disturbed local animals, disrupting their usual way of life. But today, the fauna of South Africa can be observed in dozens of reserves and national parks, where all conditions for a normal existence are created for wild animals.

Reserves in South Africa

20 national parks exist today in the Republic of South Africa. In addition, the country has many protected areas (some of them are integrated into a single system with the parks of the neighboring countries of Botswana and Zimbabwe).

Kruger, Pilanesberg, Eddo and Tsitsikama are the most famous national parks in South Africa. It is impossible to imagine a visiting tourist who would not visit one of these sites. From the landscape point of view, the most interesting is Pilanesberg Park, because it is located at the junction of two natural zones - the savannah and the Kalahari desert. In the center of the reserve is a beautiful lake. At least five thousand species of animals live in the park itself.

Eddo National Park was created specifically to preserve the eleven remaining elephants in Western Cape. And now there are already more than 300 individuals there. Tsitsikama is the first marine park in all of Africa. It is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean and stretches for 80 kilometers.

In addition to the state, in South Africa there are private reserves. They are called games here. The founders of private reserves often erect small and comfortable hotels on their territory for their guests.

The most popular national park for tourists in South Africa is Kruger. The area of ​​the park is simply colossal: on its territory the whole of Israel or Luxembourg could fit. Tourists come here mainly to see the so-called big five African animals: a lion, a leopard, an elephant, a rhino and a buffalo (these animals adorn the notes of the South African currency).

The largest national park in the world was established back in 1898 (founder - former president Paulo Kruger). As we see, protection of the natural environment in South Africa was already being dealt with. In the modern Kruger park there is all the necessary infrastructure for tourists. There are hotels, shops, restaurants, there are swimming pools and places reserved for picnics.

Kruger Park also offers car hire. However, traveling around the territory at night is strictly prohibited. In addition, you should remember about the rules of personal safety, because some of the animals can even attack the car. It is also forbidden to feed the inhabitants of the park.

Tugela Falls - a decoration of South Africa

Due to the unusual relief, in South Africa there are many beautiful and large waterfalls. The most famous of them are Tugela, Howick and Augrabis.

Tugela is the second highest waterfall on the planet. It consists of five natural levels (ledges). The total height of the water fall is 947 meters. The width of the waterfall is only 16 meters.

South Africa Attractions

Forty kilometers from the Tugela Falls is the town of Bergville. Here you can stop and prepare for a visit to the amazing miracle of South African nature. The transition to the waterfall is long and difficult. Trained tourists will be able to overcome it in 5-6 hours. On the way to the waterfall you can see the outlandish representatives of the local fauna, swim in the clear waters of Tugela and enjoy the stunning scenery. It is worthwhile to be prepared for the fact that in some places you will have to climb narrow stairs and overcome fairly serious obstacles in the form of boulders or trunks of fallen trees.

Dragon Mountains - the geological wonder of the continent

The real miracle of the African continent is the Dragon Mountains. The creator tried pretty hard, working on this natural masterpiece. It is worth noting that in appearance they somewhat resemble the Crimean mountains familiar to all of us. However, they are much larger and larger in area.

The name of the ridge is more than appropriate. Bushmen since ancient times believed that real fire-breathing dragons are found in these mountains. By the way, pillars of smoke above them can be seen quite often. But this is by no means steam from the nostrils of huge mythical animals, but simply the consequences of mountain fires dried under the scorching sun.

The Dragon Mountains stretch for nearly a thousand kilometers. The ridge is very rich in various minerals. It produces gold, tin, platinum, coal. Endemic species of plants grow on the slopes of the mountains that can not be found in any other corner of the planet. But the main attraction of this area is the stunning and fabulous panoramas that you can admire here endlessly. Perhaps this is why part of the Dragon Mountains has been taken under the protection of UNESCO.

Here you can see the most diverse landscapes: both rainforest arrays, and impenetrable thickets of dry thorny bushes, and alpine-type mountain grass meadows. It is simply amazing how all this nature could fit on such a small piece of land! No less impressive is the fact that this mountain range in winter is completely covered with snow.

In the Dragon Mountains, many tourists are attracted by the Ukashlamba Drakensberg National Park, located a two-hour drive from the city of Durban. All conditions for travelers are created here: hotels, campsites and wooden terraces work from which it is very comfortable to admire the South African nature, listen to the singing of local birds. Here you can taste delicious dishes of national cuisine or taste delicious wines. Active tourists will also find classes for their liking. The park is ready to offer its guests a game of golf, a horseback ride with a guide, or trout fishing in one of the mountain lakes.

9 interesting facts about South Africa

The Republic of South Africa is a true land of contrasts. Here, poverty coexists with unprecedented luxury, and wild untouched nature - with modern megacities. Finally, we bring to your attention some more interesting and unusual facts about this amazing country:

  • in South Africa - 11 state languages ​​and, accordingly, eleven official names of the state;
  • men in this country, according to statistics, live longer than women, which is very surprising for our world;
  • in South Africa, not one capital, like most countries in the world, but three: Cape Town has a legislative function, Bloemfontein has a judicial function; the administrative capital of the Republic of South Africa is the city of Pretoria;
  • South Africa is the world leader in the extraction of platinum and diamonds from the bowels of the Earth;
  • the country occupies a solid third place in the world in the quality of its drinking water, which here, without fear, you can drink directly from the tap;
  • South Africa is considered the birthplace of unique trees - baobabs;
  • tasty and high-quality wine is produced in the republic, which was very loved and appreciated by the great Walt Disney;
  • only in this country can you enjoy dishes made from monkey meat;
  • It was in South Africa that the world's first heart transplant operation was performed (this happened in 1967, and was performed by a heart surgeon Christian Bernard).


The South African Republic is a young state in southern Africa, with a difficult history and good development prospects. This is one of the most prosperous countries on the continent. For tourists, it is also very interesting and attractive. There are already three capitals, 11 official languages ​​and a lot of reserved territories and objects. South Africa is also famous for its wonderful nature, clear water and very tasty wine.


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