Celery - growing seedlings

Leaf celery has been grown in Russia since the 18th century; nowadays, stem (petiole) and root celery are becoming popular garden crops, the cultivation of which is becoming an object of interest for many gardeners.

Agrotechnical conditions for growing celery.

The agrotechnical conditions for all types of celery are practically the same. Gardens for growing celery are planned in places where crops requiring mineral and organic fertilizers (onions, potatoes, cucumbers, etc.) were placed in the previous year. It is recommended to change the planting site of celery annually and not plant it after other umbrella crops for 2 years, since the pests and diseases are common.

The soil for the future crop is being prepared in the fall: per 1 sq. Km. m in autumn, when digging, manure (5 kg) or compost (3 kg) is introduced; in the spring before planting "under the rake" - urea (15 g), superphosphate (30 g), potassium chloride (15 g). It is necessary to add lime to acidic soil, clay - to loosen with sand. The place should be sunny, watering plentifully. Zoned varieties of leaf celery do not require growing seedlings, and the seeds are sown immediately in the beds.

Stem celery, the cultivation of which is also possible to sow seeds directly into the open ground at the end of April, needs more careful care to obtain full fleshy and tender petioles. But, if the gardener has a choice of stalk celery - seeds or seedlings, then growing celery root seedlings is a prerequisite for obtaining a crop. For the development and formation of the root crop, at least six months are needed, therefore, in our climatic conditions, the cultivation of root celery is possible only by seedlings. Experienced gardeners recommend using seeds that have lain for 2-3 years for sowing.

Growing seedlings of root and stem celery.

Gardeners have learned about root celery relatively recently. Imported canned celery only made it clear that this unpretentious and well-known spicy herb has another variety. Now large, grayish-white rounded root crops can be purchased throughout the year. Under certain storage conditions, root celery retains its taste and โ€œvitaminโ€ qualities for a long time.

Celery of all varieties comes from the Mediterranean, it is thermophilic and has a long growing season. Therefore, celery, the cultivation of which requires such a long time, is sown on seedlings in mid-February. Preliminary, the seeds are soaked for three days, then dried. In a box with humus and sod ground (in equal proportions), seeds are sown and sprinkled with a layer of half a centimeter a mixture of humus and sand on top. Thick seedlings thin out, so that the seedlings do not turn out weak.

Cultivation of seedlings of celery root and stem occurs at a temperature of 15-18 ยฐ C. Moderate watering is also necessary, and better - spraying, because the seedlings are very small and delicate.

When the sprouts have one or two true leaves, the seedlings are dived and transplanted into peat pots, while the seedling stalk must be immersed in the soil by at least half the stem. After two weeks, seedlings can be planted on the beds, but before that it needs to be hardened: taken out to a cool place (balcony, porch) for the night.

Planting seedlings in open ground and caring for plants.

After all the alleged frosts, usually in mid-May, seedlings can be planted. Young plants by this time reach 5-7 cm tall and have 4-5 leaves. Seedlings of stem celery are planted in holes located in rows at a certain distance from each other - at least 15 cm, between the rows a distance of 40 cm.

Stem celery, the cultivation of which subsequently consists in regular and plentiful watering, requires constant soil moisture - a prerequisite for its good development. Plant nutrition is carried out twice per season: the last - in mid-July. Then the stalks of celery are wrapped with paper, straw, matting (leaves are left open) so that the petioles become juicy and tender. Harvest of stem celery is harvested in the second half of August.

Root celery - growing it requires more attention than leaf or petiole. Seedlings are planted in holes located at a distance of at least 30-40 cm between plants and between rows. The apical bud of the plant should not be covered with earth. Then the seedlings are abundantly watered. Celery root is fed three times per season. The first time - two weeks after planting seedlings, the second - during the period of intensive leaf growth. The third top dressing is performed during the formation of the fetus. Root celery harvested in late September - early October.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8639/

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