Remizov Alexey Mikhailovich: biography, selected works and features of creativity

The unique Russian writer Aleksei Mikhailovich Remizov remained in literature as a bright stylist, creator of his own art world and the "dream" method of writing. His life was full of emotions, eccentricities, love. Having lived most of his biography in exile, he preserved the traditions and spirit of Russian literature. He left a worthy literary legacy, which significantly enriched Russian culture.

remizov alexey Mikhailovich

Childhood and family

Alexey Remizov was born in a wealthy merchant family on June 24, 1877 in Moscow. His mother belonged to the old Russian family of the Naydenovs, known for observing traditions and rituals. His uncle N. A. Naydenov, the brother of his mother, was the founder of a large Russian bank and the chairman of the Moscow Exchange Society. He was a man of great erudition, was engaged in research on the history of Moscow, sponsored the restoration and preservation of monuments. His richest library was one of the best in the city, and Alexey Remizov read a lot of books thanks to this. In his early years, Alexei's mother was distinguished by advanced views, participated in the Bogorodsky circle of nihilists, but an unhappy love story prompted her to marry the owner of the haberdashery shop Remizov.

The couple had five children, the youngest of whom was the future writer, but there was no happiness in the family. Maria Alexandrovna, tired of the torment in her marriage, took the children and returned to her parents' home. Her broken, full of suffering fate became the basis for many female images in the works of A. M. Remizov. His father was the son of a simple peasant; he owes all his successes exclusively to his hard work. But his influence on Alexei turned out to be minimal, since the children in the family were almost always in the care of the servants, and his father died quite early - in 1883. But the influence of his uncle, N. A. Naydenov, to whom Alexey was very similar, was great. Remizov always spoke of him with pride, although their relationship was not smooth.

Since childhood, Alex was distinguished by a rich imagination and a craving for mischief. His childhood hobbies - music, painting, theater - remained with him for life. Strong myopia prevented him from receiving a systematic music education, but had a beneficial effect on the development of fantasy. The game beginning of life, which he accepted for himself as the main one, accompanied him all the following years.

Remizov alexey Mikhailovich biography

Years of study

Alexey Remizov studied at home first, he, like his brother, was given a good basic education: foreign languages, literature, the basics of mathematics, geography, history. This allowed Alexei to enter the gymnasium with ease at the age of 7. But due to poor health, he missed many classes, and they, together with his brother, were transferred to a commercial school, whose board of trustees was N. A. Naydenov. This transfer closed for Remizov the opportunity to enter the university in the future with a scholarship.

From school years, Alexei has remained excellent handwriting and mastery of calligraphy. At the end of the school, the guardians urged him to take an accountant position in his uncle's bank. But Remizov decided in his own way and entered as a volunteer at the natural faculty of Moscow University, with the right to attend lectures, including at the philosophical and law faculties.

Remizov alexey Mikhailovich vortexed Russia

Social work

After the first course, Remizov goes on a trip abroad, which became fatal for him. From abroad he brings a suitcase of forbidden literature, this became the reason for the close attention to him from the police. On the memorial day of Khodynka’s victims, Alexei participated in mass gatherings, for which he was detained by the police, then he was accused of organizing riots and sentenced to two years in Penza. There, he only aggravated his position by joining the circle of V. Meyerhold. This led to new charges and exile in the Vologda Oblast for three years under police supervision. In Vologda, he happened to meet many Russian philosophers and public figures. Also, several fateful events happened to him there: he met his future wife, finally realized his creative mission and forever rejected revolutionary activity for himself.

biography and books of the author of remises alexey

The first literary experiments

In the same place, in Vologda, Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov published his first texts in the Courier newspaper. He begins to write under the influence of Veselovsky's work on Russian verse. Then the first edition of the novel "Pond" appears, in which he anticipated the traditions of existential literature.

Kiev period

After the exile, Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov, a writer of great talent, comes to Kherson, since he is forbidden to live in capitals. Then he moved to Kiev, here he collaborates with Meyerhold, who creates a theater studio. Remizov manages the repertoire of the theater.

Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov books biography

Petersburg period

In 1905, the writer is allowed to return to Petersburg, where he enters the service in the magazine Vyach. Ivanov's "Questions of life." He closely draws close to the circle of St. Petersburg modernists, especially Vyacheslav Ivanov, under the influence of which Remizov writes the book of fairy tales "Posolon." A little later, the writer publishes a collection of apocrypha "Lemonar", which received a wide response among intellectuals. In 1910, the story “The Sisters of the Cross” was published, which showed mature Remizov, the successor of the best traditions of Russian literature. In the Petersburg period, he writes a lot, improving his artistic style. The biography and books of the author are well known to a wide Russian readership. Remizov Alexey in 1912 released in the publishing house Vyach. Ivanova 8-volume collection of his works. By 1917, he was already a popular, established writer.


Remizov Alexey Mikhailovich met both revolutions without enthusiasm, for a long time already not believing in the possibility of power transformation of society. He took the 1917 coup as a metaphorical fire, in the fire of which a new world is born. But he understood that these events would cause great suffering for the people. After the revolution, Remizov writes a lot of journalistic texts, in which he comprehends what is happening through associations with the Troubles of the 17th century. The pinnacle of this activity was the work "The Word of the Perdition of the Russian Land." This text was a complex polyphonic narrative. So a new genre appeared in the work of Remizov. The situation in the country and the state of health made the writer begin in 1920 the chores of going abroad.

Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov selected works


On August 7, 1921, Aleksei Mikhailovich Remizov, books whose biography was closely connected with Russia, left their homeland. He was sure that he would not leave for long, but it turned out that forever. First he comes to Berlin. For two years he was in a state of uncertainty, petitioning for his return to the Soviet Union. However, in November 1923, the Remizov family moved to Paris. The reasons for this choice remained unknown. Here they will live until the end of their days. Remizov Alexey Mikhailovich, whose biography was now for many years connected with Paris, all his life he continued to consider himself a part of Russia. During the Second World War, he actively empathized with the Soviet Union. Years of emigration have become very productive for the writer. He writes a lot, continues to paint, in the 30s he even earns food for his drawings.

Personal life

Remizov Alexey Mikhailovich was happy for many years in marriage. In 1903, in Vologda, he married Seraphim Pavlovna Dovgello. She was fond of anthropology, ethnography, was a full member of the archaeological institute in St. Petersburg. The wife had a strong influence on Remizov, taught him a lot. In 1904, the couple had a daughter, Natalia. In 1943, when Serafima Pavlovna died, Remizov plunged into a long period of despondency, and until the end of his days he yearned for her.

The writer died on November 26, 1957 in Paris.

Aleksey Mikhailovich Remizov writer

Writing style and main works

The example of synthetic writing, combining folklore, symbolic, existential motifs, was the writer Remizov Alexei Mikhailovich. “Swirling Russia”, “Iveren”, “The Sisters of the Cross” - these works became an example of his unique manner, plotless, associative and emotive prose. In them come true and dream, reality and myths. Sleep becomes a source of knowledge about the world, a harbinger of the future. Aleksei Mikhailovich Remizov, whose selected works are now included in school and university courses, has gone through a long period of oblivion in Russia. During the years of perestroika, his name returned to his homeland. Today, the best works of Remizov - "Limonar", "Clock", "Kitchen", "Vortex Russia" occupy a worthy place in Russian literature.


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