Austria-Hungary is interesting in any weather

Austria-Hungary existed in the second half of the 19th century. It arose in 1867 as a result of the political agreements of the ruling aristocracy. It existed only until 1918, breaking up as a result of the First World War. But over these half a century, Austria-Hungary has firmly linked the data of the country. And until now, they are perceived as parts of the once entire empire.

austria hungary

This influence turned out to be so strong that now travel companies often offer trips uniting these states. What can you see if you decide to travel to Austria-Hungary?

You will find the architectural grandeur of the former empire. Of course, the leading place here is Vienna - the capital of Austria. Numerous palaces and castles of the Crowned Habsburg family, well-equipped parks - these are what tourists show. In addition to the architectural, there is also a cultural subtext - Austria-Hungary (more precisely, the Austrian Empire) glorified the Vienna Opera throughout the world , and Vienna itself, as you know, is the capital of the waltzes. Now, every self-respecting tourist considers it necessary to look at the Vienna Opera, or even visit the famous balls, with at least one eye.

Budapest, of course, has a touch of past provincialism, but here there are beautiful historical buildings and legends dating back to antiquity about why and how they were built. Both Vienna and Budapest are ready to receive guests at any time of the year, and save their entertainment for every season. Of course, in bright sunny weather it is best to do photo shoots. But in the rain (and not only), tourists will appreciate the local pinakothek - art galleries.

tours to hungary

Austria-Hungary has prepared other all-weather entertainment for its guests. It is worth visiting the local restaurants, and you will leave with a lot of impressions. For example, in Hungary you will certainly be struck by the local "patties" - chops the size of a huge plate, so the whole side dish is placed exclusively on top of the meat. And Viennese coffee houses and pastry shops are a legend, and if you have not tried the real Sacher cake, some may doubt whether you were in Vienna at all.

tours to austria

However, tours to Austria have a much wider program than just visiting the capital. In particular, tourists skiing here, swimming in the cleanest mountain lakes, can go to explore Salzburg or small alpine cities with a completely open-air view. In other words, whatever the season and the weather outside, this country will find something to entertain and entertain tourists of all ages.

Tours to Hungary cannot boast the same picturesque views - there are no mountains here, and there are not many lakes. Only Balaton can offer its resorts to vacationers. But in this relatively small country there are several wine regions that produce real legends in the world of this hoppy drink. What does Tokai alone cost - in order to understand it, it is best to visit the town of the same name. And you can recommend Eger, where there are thermal springs. In general, go, do not get bored!


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