Indoor poisonous flower: list, names and features of care

The abundance of indoor plants in a house or apartment has always been considered useful. Every housewife who wants to create coziness in an apartment does this with the help of green “friends”.

When buying a room flower, not everyone thinks, but is it really useful? And even more so, few people suspect that the so-called green "friend" can cause significant harm to the health of the pet and person. That is why it is important to know the enemy in person and it is advisable not to bring him into the house. We bring to your attention a small list in which the most poisonous indoor flowers are presented.

Adenium - a poisonous desert rose

Adenium is an exotic plant of the kutra family . This flower has received its distribution relatively recently. He attracted the attention of gardeners with his original form, somewhat reminiscent of a bonsai plant.

This flower has a woody trunk, at the top of which beautiful bright red flowers grow . Despite this beauty, adenium is one of the most toxic. This poisonous flower contains milky juice, which can cause severe burns to the skin and mucous membranes.

African tribes use adenium as a poison and apply its juice to the tips of their arrows. All parts of the plant are also poisonous. Therefore, it is undesirable to grow it in apartments where small children and pets live. Even if you follow all safety measures, children cannot do this yet.

poison flower

Oleander - a plant with a mysterious legend

Oleander is another plant of the kutra family. This poisonous flower is an evergreen shrub with a dark green color, having bright flowers. According to one of the many legends, we can conclude about the whole essence of this attractive plant.

Once the ancient warriors decided to stay for the night in foreign lands. To make a fire, they used dry, smooth rods that were nearby. These were the oleander rods. Unfortunately, the next morning, none of the warriors woke up.

The oleander is so dangerous that only one leaf of it, ingested, can lead to the death of a person. First, an upset stomach begins, followed by diarrhea with blood, a drop in blood pressure, a decrease in heart rate, followed by respiratory arrest and death. So think a few times before bringing an oleander to your home.

poisonous indoor flowers

Anthurium - flamingo flower

Anthurium is a true beauty. Each flower grower wants to settle such a flower for himself. This is a plant with beautiful green leaves and bright unusual flowers.

Should I keep an anthurium in my apartment? A moot point. After all, this plant is able to purify dirty air in the room without emitting harmful compounds. But at the same time, you need to be careful in handling this flower, and put it wherever pets and small children can reach. Contact with the juice of this plant can cause severe poisoning, allergies, and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

poisonous home flowers

Pachypodium - Madagascar palm

Pachypodium is another plant of the kutra family. In general, almost all the flowers in this family are poisonous.

Pachypodium is also called the "thick leg". He has a very extravagant appearance. He has a fleshy trunk, which is completely covered with thorns, and this is what makes him akin to a cactus. And on top are long leaves resembling palm leaves.

Of course, many flower growers just dream of settling such a handsome man in their house. But only those who have neither children nor animals can afford it. The fact is that the juice of the plant is poisonous, and its thorns are dangerous, since they are very sharp. If juice gets on damaged skin, a severe allergy begins, which is accompanied by severe itching and peeling.

poison flower

Dieffenbachia - celibacy flower

Around this large plant with spotty large leaves there are many legends, is present regarding it and will take a lot, and all of them have negative moments. Nobody will tell you about the truthfulness of all, but much is known about the toxicity.

First of all, this is a plant of the aroid family, which means that the juice contains acid and, upon contact with the skin, causes severe irritation and burns. If the plant’s juice enters the mouth, it will cause swelling of the mucosa, which could result in respiratory arrest. Cats are especially at risk, because a small portion of this juice can kill an animal.

poisonous home flowers

Zamioculcas - dollar tree

Zamioculcas can be found in almost every lover of indoor plants. Of course, judging by the name, this tree makes a profit, so it should be present in everyone’s house.

This flower was not accidentally on our list. Since it is quite popular, you should know what to expect from it. This plant is not deadly poisonous, but it can deliver unpleasant chores. When flower juice enters the skin, a strong burning sensation occurs.

poison flower

Callas - the flowers of death?

Calla lilies, or Callas is a swamp poisonous flower. According to most, callas are funeral flowers. Where these prejudices came from is not clear. One thing is invariable: these flowers are truly elegant. There is even a legend that this flower is a reincarnation of a beautiful girl.

Swamp white poisonous flower is dangerous for both people and animals. Moreover, all its parts are poisonous. White poisonous flowers contain milky juice, which is irritating, causing inflammation. Once inside the body, it stimulates vomiting, convulsions and inhibits the work of the heart.

poisonous indoor flowers

Cyclamen - flame petal

Cyclamen is loved by many housewives. This flower resembles butterflies fluttering over leaves. Plant flowers come in different shades: white, pink, red.

It is considered quite capricious in care, but this does not prevent gardeners from acquiring it in stores. Cyclamen is also considered a poisonous flower. Its juice is toxic and causes skin irritation and severe itching.

poison flower

Plumeria - "paradise on earth"

No wonder this flower bears such a name. It has unusual, geometrically accurate and symmetrical petals. Each of them is saturated with many shades. In addition to external beauty, plumeria has an incredible citrus aroma. That is why this flower is often used in aromatherapy. But alas, all this beauty hides insidious cruelty. Plumeria is a very dangerous flower, the poison of which can cause disturbances in the work of the heart and death.

poison flower

Poinsettia - Christmas Star

Indeed, this plant is very similar to a Christmas star, in addition, this flower always blooms by Christmas (according to the Catholic calendar). It is so bright and beautiful that they decorate a holiday table or give it as a gift.

But you should be careful with this beauty, since the milky juice of this plant and all its brothers of the euphorbia family contains euphorbin, which causes burns to the skin and mucous membranes. If the juice enters the eyes, it can lead to blindness, and if it enters the mouth, a burn of the oral cavity, indigestion and disruption of the central nervous system occur.

poisonous home flowers

Ivy - home liana

Perhaps someone will start to argue and disagree with the fact that this house plant was on the list of poisonous ones. After all, ivy is considered useful, it cleans the room from polluted air and chemicals. But few know that the leaves and stems of this plant are toxic. If a pet wants to taste them, he will die. Rarely, but still ivy blooms, and these flowers are even more poisonous. Therefore, it is better to cut them before they bloom.

poison flower

Care features and safety measures

At a time when a small child or pet appears in the house, poisonous indoor flowers should leave their owners. It will be better if you pass the plants in good hands. But if you do not want to part with the plant, then in this case you need to observe safety measures:

  1. First of all, you need to place the flower pot in a place inaccessible to animals and children. After all, neither kids nor pets can explain that it is impossible to touch the plant in any case, it is dangerous.
  2. When handling the plant, such as transplanting, cuttings, etc., wear rubber gloves.
  3. If contact could not be avoided, and poisonous juice got on the skin, immediately and thoroughly wash this area with warm water and soap.
  4. If poison enters the eyes, flush the mucosa for 20 minutes until the burning sensation has passed. If improvement does not occur, consult an optometrist immediately.
  5. If parts of the plant get into the mouth, you should drink plenty of water and repeatedly induce vomiting. Then take activated charcoal.
  6. If the poisoning is accompanied by dangerous symptoms (loss of consciousness, nausea, palpitations), urgently call an ambulance.
  7. All the above-described poisonous flowers, the names of which we presented to you, are considered the most common. If you buy an exotic flower in the store, then first familiarize yourself with its properties.


Surely many, having read the article, looked around and saw at least one plant from the list on their windowsill. Run to throw out poisonous home flowers? Yes, if the apartment has small children or animals. But if you have the opportunity to leave a poisonous flower for yourself, be careful and follow safety measures!


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