How to choose a pumping station for a summer residence: tips and reviews about manufacturers

The most popular and profitable way to provide water supply is the installation and connection of automatic water supply devices. Most of the devices are easy to install and use, and a wide selection of automatic pumping stations for summer cottages will allow you to choose the most affordable and reliable option.

Varieties of pumping stations

According to the type of control, they distinguish:

  • Manual stations
  • on automatic;
  • with remote control.

These types are ideal for summer cottages. Water pumping stations can be adjusted manually or using instruments (e.g. timers). Remote control will enable and disable the device at a great distance from the object. To avoid unnecessary waste, you should determine the approximate frequency and duration of use of the installation, the number of residents. You can also check the composition of the water (you may need to install an additional filter system).

Well pump

According to the type of pump, the stations are divided as follows:

  1. Stations with built-in ejector. Such plants have high power and are widely used in gardening. They are able to raise water from a depth of up to 45 meters.
  2. Stations with remote ejector. Installations of this type have low efficiency, but at the same time raise water from a depth of up to 34 meters. The station can be installed at a distance of up to 40 meters from a well or well.
  3. Pumps that are not equipped with an ejector have good pressure and performance. Water is supplied in a multi-stage design. The main advantages are wear resistance and low noise level.
  4. Multi-pump. Such systems are designed to increase the pressure of water in the house. They are compact, durable and emit a low noise level.

Station principle

One of the most necessary systems is water supply in the country. The pumping station, in turn, provides an uninterrupted supply of water for human needs.

The supply may be from a well, well or open source.

Hydraulic accumulator

The standard equipment of the station includes:

  • pump;
  • cumulative capacity (tank, hydraulic accumulator, etc.);
  • electronics (relays, sensors, control system);
  • network access;
  • restrictive devices (valves, gates, cranes, etc.).

The principle of operation is as follows:

  • the pump lifts water from an acceptable depth;
  • water is accumulated in the drive (for example, in the tank), and then enters the system.

Upon reaching a predetermined level in the tank, the pump stops, and resumes its work only after the sensors are turned on. The most primitive sensor is a float. It is installed on all devices with automatic and remote control.

Pumping stations for home and garden: advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the installations are:

  • convenience and ease of use;
  • simple installation and adjustment;
  • resistance to voltage drops and water hammer;
  • installations practically do not require additional investments.

The disadvantages are:

  • small depth of water rise;
  • noise level (depending on the type of installation).

In order to supply water from great depths, you can use additional equipment - ejectors. If such equipment is installed separately from the station, the noise level will be much lower.

Varieties of hydraulic tanks

But the ejectors mounted in the installation casing emit a rather high noise level. Unfortunately, it will not work. You can only place the installation in an isolated room or at a distance from the house.

Having studied the advantages and disadvantages, you can determine how to choose the right pumping station for the cottage.

How to choose the right pump for a summer residence

When choosing an installation, you should first pay attention to the following points:

  1. Power consumption of the pump and its performance. Power significantly affects the water supply (pressure), and the performance shows how much the unit can let through itself per unit of time.
  2. The height of the water. This parameter is very important, because inappropriate installations will not be able to supply water to the required height (for example, if the cottage is located on a hilly territory or communications are located on the second floor).
  3. The volume of the hydraulic cylinder of the pumping station for giving. The specialist will tell you how to choose the most suitable one, because it does not make sense to install an unreasonably large (or small) installation.
  4. The presence of protection against dry running. This function allows you to automatically turn off the device in the absence of water.

A good addition will be the cleaning filter, which is installed on the inlet pipe. It is designed to delay pollution, which, in turn, can disable the installation. The filter should be regularly cleaned and replaced if necessary.

Features of the installation. Specifications

Technical characteristics are very important when installing a pumping station for cottages. How to choose the most suitable, the consultant will tell. The parameters that affect the duration of operation are: suction depth, sensors, pressure level, economy, tank volume.

Installations with protection against dry running are considered more reliable (they stop working if water disappears).

Pump station assembly

The pressure value depends on the power consumption of the pump (this parameter, in turn, affects the distance of the water supply from the well or well to the destination).

To reduce energy consumption, automatic installations with a large tank should be selected.

Important! The larger the water tank, the longer the installation. This is due to the fact that a large margin significantly reduces the number of starts of the automation system. Also an advantage will be the supply of water for a period of lack of electricity.

The owner should think carefully about how to choose a pumping station for a cottage if installation in a constantly heated building is necessary.

In what place is better to establish a station in the country

When designing the site should take into account the placement of pumping stations for cottages. It’s not the same thing to pump from a well, well or open water. The nature of the soil, the depth of rise, as well as other criteria also affect the location of the station.

If water supply is necessary in the warm season, the station is installed anywhere near the reservoir. An important criterion for such an installation is the height of the water rise (friction losses should be taken into account).

If the unit is used continuously, it must be placed in a warm and well-ventilated room. Do not forget about the correct supply of pipes - they are laid below the level of freezing of the soil. In the cold season, the pond closes and is insulated.

Important! If the installation emits a high level of noise and interference, it is installed at a great distance from the living area.

Installation tips

Uninterrupted operation and durability of the installation depend not only on the correct choice, but also on the location and connection of the station.

Pumping station

The process of installing a pumping station for a summer residence, the connection is made in stages, while the general rules should be followed:

  1. The installation is mounted on a flat horizontal surface and is rigidly fixed.
  2. After fixing, a supply line is constructed (the pipe should be lowered by at least 30 cm into the water). In this case, the reverse side of the nozzle is connected to the pump at a certain angle.
  3. The inlet pipe and installation are filled completely with water through the discharge valve. During filling, the desired pressure is regulated.
  4. At the end, the station connects to the network. The correct connection and operation is indicated by the system shutdown upon reaching the required pressure.

Important! Prior to installation, all preparatory work is carried out: preparation of trenches, foundations, pipe laying, etc.

The well should be punched near the house. Before the heating season, all supply pipes are insulated.

Tank capacity

If contaminated water (e.g. particles of soil) comes from the water supply, check the filter. Also, this phenomenon may indicate an excess of the allowable water flow. In this case, it is necessary to turn off the unit for a while and wait until the well (well) is full, then clean and start the pump.

Users recommend installing budget options for pumping stations for summer cottages for the first 2-3 years after drilling the well. It is not safe to pump contaminated water from a well. It's all about the possibility of rainfall. After the level and water supply from the source are adjusted, a more expensive and reliable station can be installed.

Budget installation options

Among reliable low-cost pumping stations for summer cottages, consumers distinguish:

  1. "Jilex Jumbo 70/50 H-24." The installation is adapted to a normal climatic zone, withstands network swings. The main advantages are: a large volume of the accumulator (24 liters), work at an average depth (up to 9 meters), a high-quality molded case, and a long service life. The water supply pressure is individually adjustable. Among the disadvantages are: increased noise during operation and lack of protection against dry running.
  2. GARDENA 4000/5 C. This low-cost installation with low power consumption (less than 1 kW) is able to provide 3 taps at once. Other advantages include: reliability, compactness, the availability of instrumentation (for water level and temperature). Also in the pump there is a check valve and a strainer.
  3. Wilo Jet HWJ L 202. This model is recognized as the most suitable for giving in the rating of pumping stations. It is capable of delivering up to 5 m 3 / h from a depth of up to 7 meters. Among other advantages, simplicity of design, profitability and reliability are distinguished. Despite the positive characteristics, the installation still has several drawbacks: the large mass and complexity of preparation for the first launch.
  4. "Whirlwind ASV-1200 / 24CH". Installation of a domestic manufacturer is compact and inexpensive. Whirlwind will provide water even to a small country house without any problems. Advantages of the installation are: high power and technical specifications, low cost components.
  5. Marina CAM 100/25. A powerful station is suitable even for hilly terrain and great depths. Also, the design without interruptions transfers long loads, while emitting a low noise level. Among the disadvantages are: the difficulty in connecting to the PDN pipes and the established restriction on water temperature - not higher than 35 ° C.

Popular installations among users

Summer residents often install:

  1. Quattro Elementi Automatico 1000 Inox. This automatic installation maintains the necessary pressure even at several points of the intake, and is also one of the best pumping stations for giving. Advantages are: a capacious membrane tank with a volume of 50 liters, a housing made of improved steel, high performance. Among the shortcomings highlight the need for heating the room where the station is located (in the cold season).
  2. An expensive but popular station is the Grundfos Hydrojet JPB 6/24. The installation is reliable, durable, has high power and performance. This model has a feature: for its installation you need a separate room (due to very noisy work).
  3. A great option for a summer cottage will be "Aquareobot JS 60". The design of the device withstands voltage drops, designed for 2 points of water intake. Installation is economical, has several degrees of protection. A small tank volume does not affect performance.
  4. Installation with a smooth start of the engine will provide long-term and reliable operation for a long time. Aquario AUTO AJC-60C has such an advantage. Also, the hydraulic pump is protected against dry running.
  5. The design of the DAB AQUAJET 132 M is very easy to use and is suitable for both a summer house and a country house. The installation is able to maintain pressure in the network, has several degrees of protection. The main disadvantage is noisy work.

Manufacturer's Reviews

In resolving the issue of how to choose a pumping station for a summer residence, user reviews will help. The latter emit:

  1. Station from the Chinese manufacturer Sprut. Among the advantages: affordable price, good lift height and large water supply. The main disadvantages are: a shaft made of ferrous metal and a flaw in the layout - the bearing is located near the impeller (it creates some inconvenience when replacing).
  2. Station AL-KO HW 3000 Inox Classic. Users, first of all, appreciated the height of the water rise - up to 35 meters. Also, the device fully complies with the specifications provided by the manufacturer. It works on an automatic system and withstands heavy loads. The main disadvantage is the high cost.
  3. The Chinese manufacturer Klever has also earned the trust of users. The main advantages of its products are: small dimensions and power consumption, good pressure and suction height (up to 8 meters). The disadvantage is the material of manufacture of the tank.
  4. The German manufacturer Metabo has earned the trust of users primarily by the reliability of its inventions. Also important characteristics are: material of manufacture (cast iron), good water supply (up to 55 liters per minute), tank capacity (24 liters).
  5. The Ukrainian manufacturer of stations "Pumps +" is also popular among users. The high degree of protection IP44, volumetric accumulator, long-term operation and high quality layout materials - this is not the whole list of advantages of devices from this manufacturer.
Sectional tank capacity

The characteristics of devices and manufacturers given will help determine how to choose the right pump station for a summer cottage or for a home.


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