"Germent Moment": restorer of seams (reviews)

Starting to get acquainted with the assortment of the modern market, which offers a great variety of tools for sealing seams and joints, consumers understand that a special niche in this variety is occupied by the sealant under the Moment brand from the manufacturer Henkel. This composition in some varieties is used as glue.

Why it is worth choosing “The moment of Herment”

herment moment

Among the main advantages of the material should be highlighted:

  • Ease of use;
  • optimal composition;
  • variety of species.

Solutions from the manufacturer Henkel are designed specifically for use in all areas of life, this should include:

  • sealing mirrors;
  • leaking aquariums;
  • sealing joints;
  • shipbuilding.

The product line called “Moment” is the result of the fruitful work of the harmonious team of Henkel, which is located in Germany and has been around for 130 years. During this time, products have taken a leading position in the market for industrial and domestic goods. Among others, the “Herment Moment” should be highlighted, which will be discussed below.

Appointment Reviews

moment herment restorer seams

The above-mentioned composition, according to consumers, does not react with alkaline surfaces, does not contribute to the occurrence of metal corrosion and is a one-component, high-quality neutral silicone sealant that is actively used to fill and seal joints and seams inside and outside the premises. The application of the composition, according to users, can be done on plaster and concrete, without fear that the sealant will react with them.

Use the "Germent Moment" can be used to seal showers, bathtubs, as well as sinks. Great material for installing mirrors. This mixture is so popular among consumers also for the reason that it has a high level of adhesion to various materials, among them:

  • ceramic tile;
  • glass;
  • metal;
  • ceramics;
  • varnished, painted or impregnated wood;
  • alkaline surfaces.

As for metals, copper, zinc and aluminum should be included here. "Germent Moment", as emphasized by home craftsmen, perfectly adheres to plastics, among which are:

  • polyester;
  • PVC
  • polyacrylate;
  • epoxy resins.

Among the additional advantages is good weather resistance.

Technical Specifications Reviews

moment herment restorer seams reviews

Choosing the sealant described in the article, you should familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics. This is a white in color mixture, which has a density of 1.38 g / cm 3 . The composition is odorless, and can be applied, according to customers, in the temperature range from +5 to +40 ° C. As practice shows, a film is formed in 10 minutes, which is true at a temperature of 23 ° C and relative humidity, which is equivalent to 50%.

Germent Moment can be operated at temperatures ranging from -40 to +150 ° C. Under the conditions mentioned above, which are true for the optimal formation time of the surface film, the composition will harden up to 3 mm per day. Some specialists are interested in such a characteristic as Shore hardness, for this sealant it is 25 A. “Germent Moment” is a joint restorer that has an elastic modulus of 0.48 MPa at 100 percent elongation. Elongation at break is 5.9, with regard to tensile strength, then this parameter is 1.4 MPa.

According to customers, they often give preference to the described material also for the reason that it is resistant to ultraviolet rays. After drying, the layer remains transparent. Its density is 1.03 g / cm 3 . The composition is odorless and can be stored for 18 months from the date of issue in a closed cartridge. It is important to ensure dry indoor conditions during long-term storage. Air temperature can vary from -20 to +30 ° C.

Reviews about the features of restoration of sutures

sealant moment herment

According to consumers, the “Herment Moment” joint restorer should be applied using a special technology. Before use, the composition is kept at room temperature for 12 hours. The air temperature should be approximately 20 ° C. According to consumers, work should be carried out at a temperature of +5 to +40 ° C. The surface should be prepared by making it dry, smooth and free of oils.

It is important that the base to be treated be free of dust and stone chips. It is important that you read the reviews about Moment Germent, the restorer of joints, before acquiring the described composition. From them you can find out that the old sealant, if there is one on the surface, must be removed before applying a new layer, using a mechanical method. For an aesthetic and clean look of the seam, stick tape around the edges. Consumers emphasize that when working with porous surfaces, it is not necessary to apply a primer to their base.

Application Features Reviews

silicone herment moment

Before starting work, the tip of the cartridge is cut off, the nozzle should be installed on the tip. The tip of the nozzle is cut at an angle of 45 °. According to consumers, this must be done in such a way as to obtain the required joint width. Using a gun, the sealant can be applied to the seam as evenly as possible. The applied composition, as consumers advise, can be leveled with a rubber spatula that is pre-wetted in water. A dishwasher should be added to the liquid. After completion of work, the adhesive tape is removed.

When curing the sealant, acetic acid vapors will form. It is important to exclude their prolonged inhalation, as this can cause respiratory irritation. Consumers are advised to carry out work in well-ventilated areas.

If such conditions cannot be created, then a protective mask should be used. If the uncured sealant got on the mucous membrane or in the eyes, then the affected area should be washed immediately with water. As for the hardened composition, then, according to customers, it is completely harmless to health.

White universal silicone sealant reviews

sealant silicone moment herment

Herment Moment, reviews of which you can read below, is also offered for sale in white. The tube contains 280 ml and is sold at a cost of 203 rubles. This 100% silicone universal sealant is a premium product and is used to fill and seal joints and seams. The mixture is suitable, according to the words of home masters, for most of the construction works outside and inside the premises, which are subject to increased quality requirements.

The sealant, according to customers, has resistance to shrinkage, is characterized by increased durability and is resistant to color loss and cracking. Silicone sealant "Herment Moment" in white has excellent adhesion to most building materials. It is resistant to ozone and high temperatures. According to consumers, the formed layer is able to prevent the formation of mold and has high strength.

Technical Specifications Reviews

moment herment reviews

The extrusion rate of the mixture is 200 g / min. The film, according to customers, forms in a maximum of 25 minutes, this is true at a temperature of 23 ° C. As for vulcanization, in 24 hours the layer will harden 3 mm in depth under the above conditions.

Sealant "Herment Moment" in the cured state has a fairly impressive heat resistance. Consumers, in their words, quite often choose the described composition for the reason that it is able to undergo the influence of temperature from -40 to +120 ° C. The hardness of the composition according to Shore is 25 A. With a hundred percent elongation, the elastic modulus is 0.49 N / mm 2 . Elongation at break is 115%.

Application Reviews

According to consumers, the described material has a fairly wide area of ​​use. The mixture can be used to seal aluminum window frames, movable joints and door frames. The composition proved to be excellent during repair and construction works.

According to home craftsmen, you can use the composition for general sealing of windows. The mixture is so popular also for the reason that it has excellent adhesion to aluminum, ceramic tiles, glass and other materials.

Reviews on the features of the application

Before acquiring the described mixture, it will be useful to read the reviews on the moment restorer of the moment “Herment Moment”. In them, consumers emphasize that the application must be carried out on surfaces free from condensation. The base should be cleaned of ice and snow. It is important to degrease the surface by treating with acetone or TANGIT. If the “Germent Moment” silicone is applied to metal surfaces, then, according to experts, they can be prepared using white spirit.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8682/

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