Ayn Rand's Source Book: Summary, Quotes, and Reader Reviews

Ayn Rand source
In this article we will touch upon the work of Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum, who went on a visa to study in the USA in 1925 and received citizenship here. The pharmacist’s daughter, having put a lot of effort, “made herself” on American soil, turning into a recognized literary classic and philosopher Ayn Rand.

"Source" is a novel written by her in 1943. At first he was undesirably criticized, but after a couple of years this work, having turned into a bestseller, took a prominent place in American literary classics. What prompted Ayn Rand to write a novel? The idea of ​​the value of human genius, human ego for the whole society, individualism opposing dullness, a protest against the shooting in 1937 of faraway Russia of Lev Beckerman, who was Alice's first love?

Protagonist and heroine

The protagonist of the Ayn Rand novel, The Source, is a man of the creative profession, architect Howard Roark. This extraordinary image reflects the philosophical views of the writer, which can be very briefly described as rational individualism. Our architect considers it ridiculous to consult with others, because a person must clearly understand what he wants to achieve in life. In contrast to the "command", "ant" collectivism, Roark feels a deep personal need to create and change the world. He is charismatic, principled and consistent in upholding his views on the need for a creative person to have the necessary degree of freedom.

A difficult central female image is the book "Source". Ayn Rand portrays business woman Dominic Francon, who also does not change her self. Before finding family happiness in a marriage with Howard Roark, she was married twice - to Peter Keating and Gail Wynand.

Close circle

book source ain rand
A man unable to choose the path of the protagonist is his friend and fellow student Peter Keating. Unfortunately, he wants to follow only the external side of success, without having an internal core for this. On his example shows the story of most professionals with the broken fate of Ayn Rand. The "source" reveals the reason for his life’s defeat - the rejection of his "I" in order to please the interests of the "right people". The writer highlighted the cause of his crisis in relief - disorientation of life, the substitution of a real desire to become a great desire to be considered by other people.

Gail Vinand, the owner of the Znamya newspaper, is a more solid person. However, possessing the qualities of an organizer and a leader, he gradually weakens, levels his potential, following the opinion of representatives of influential layers of society. In the past, when building a career, he was an individualist. Remembering the beginning of his career, the cool editor joked that the obvious minus (then no one helped him) gave rise to a plus (but no one interfered). However, at the end of the novel, having lost his ego for the sake of encirclement, Vinand also fails.

In the novel, the novel also portrays Howard's open ideological opponent, critic and journalist Ellsworth Tucha, a collectivist of his own conviction, acting by unscrupulous methods. This is a short and mean person.

Unfinished Institute, Unpromising Place of Work

source ain rand reviews
From his youth, Howard Roarke uncompromisingly follows his life path. Perceiving architecture as a matter of his life, he abandons the classical methods of building design, coming into conflict with teachers at the Stanton Institute of Technology. He prefers to be excluded, but to remain faithful to his ideals. The young idealist finds in New York a little-known, but self-sufficient and creative architect Henry Cameron, whose work he considers worthy and promising. However, this bureau soon becomes bankrupt. Howard changes several jobs in different companies. Not inferior to the attempts of colleagues to influence their vision of architecture, he prefers to abandon it and get a job as a masons.

Personality of Peter Keating

The book "Source" shows another, pragmatic beginning of a life path. Peter Keating, unlike him, follows the beaten path. He graduates from the institute and goes to work in a top architectural agency. The young careerist does not feel mental discomfort, catering to customers. At the same time, his attitude to the art of architecture is formal. He spends his mental strength to achieve an external gloss in work. Faced with a problem, Peter knows that a prompt from Howard Roark will surely help him.

Beginning of dating Howard and Dominic

book source ain rand reviews
The theme of love is the highlight of many novels, and the book “Source” by Ayn Rand is no exception. Reviews indicate that human relations in it are depicted masterfully. Dominic, the daughter of Guy Frankon, the owner of the quarry where Howard Roark works, sympathizes with him. However, the communication of these two young people with a strong ego comes to a standstill, ending in rough sex. The girl did not even recognize the name of the extravagant stonemason.

Maverick Trap

Roarke is returning to New York to work in his specialty. Finally, his work is noticed. However, Ellsworth Tukha, driven by the rejection of the personality of the protagonist, decides to destroy him with newspaper slander. His calculation is correct. First, the journalist provokes Roark to non-standard architectural creativity. To do this, he persuades the customer of Hopton Stoddard to instruct Howard to build the temple of the human spirit. He creates a truly original project, and it provides for the figure of a naked woman as an architectural element. (They again met in New York with Dominic, and she posed for him to create a sculpture.)

Ellsworth convinces Hopton of the incompetence of the performer, and he initiates a trial. The "traditional" architects who do not like Roark's "black sheep" testify against him. Intercession in court Dominic did not help. Howard was convicted. By the way, his former classmate Peter Keating testified against the accused. Ellsword triumphs.

Personal life Dominic

quotes ayn rand source
After the trial, Dominic Francon, trying to figure out his feelings for Roarke, decides to end his relationship. She is getting married to Peter Keating. She is struggling to help him pursue a career in architecture. And it goes so far that a woman, by agreement with her husband, is given to the editor of the famous newspaper Gail Vinand. He falls in love with a young woman and, in turn, makes her an offer. Dominic, disappointed in St. Petersburg, agrees. The ex-husband receives an expensive order as compensation for moral costs.

However, despite the trial, clients are turning to Roarke. Fate is often ironic. By chance happens one of her hoaxes. To build his new family nest, the successful editor Vinand, of his own free will, chooses an architect whose buildings he invariably likes, namely Howard Roark. They become friends. The businessman does not know that his wife and architect previously had a relationship.

Peter uses Roarke

At this time, careerist Keating manages to get a task to develop a state-promising and complex project - the development of the Cortland area. Economy class houses should subsequently become the standard for such construction in various regions. Peter turns to Roarke for help. He, being interested in such a job as a professional, agrees to anonymously and free of charge do it. The agreement is simple: Keating must build a building that is strictly consistent with the developed project.

However, Howard, returning from vacation, found that the arrangement was broken. His ego is offended. He angrily destroys the constructed building, blowing it up. At the same time, Dominic distracts the watchman. The Vinanda newspaper first speaks in support of Roark, and then, against the pressure of the union.

Happy end

Ayn Rand
The denouement of the novel confirms the idea that a talented person is talented not only in his professional sphere. The brilliant speech of the accused in defense of himself convinces the judges of his innocence. Roark convincingly talks about the role of ego and individualism in real creativity. Dominic and Howard get married. The Ayn Rand quote confirms that only a person who loves himself can fully understand and fall in love with another.

Vinanda newspaper is closing due to problems. The rich man asks Roarke to design a skyscraper for himself as a monument to the spiritual power that he could have, while the former editor admits that Howard possesses it.

The novel ends with the scene of the meeting of the spouses Rorkov and Gale Vinand on the roof of an already constructed building.

The main idea of ​​the novel

The only criterion for the value of the people around that Howard Roark recognizes is their personal independence. This cornerstone idea is presented to its readers by Ayn Rand. “Source” is a book about human dignity, its primary meaning for any person. And the only criterion, litmus paper, determining whether a person actually possesses it, is the degree of his independence.


book source
The fate of the novel "Source" Ayn Rand has a happy fate. Reviews about him are numerous, there is an impressive filmography, the circulation of the book exceeds 7 million copies. Is this a coincidence? To a large extent, the intellectual potential inherent in the novel is attractive to readers . The philosophy of objectivism runs through Ain Rand's quotes as a red thread. "Source" is the novel that everyone should read. This will help to realize the obvious truth that individualism is indeed one of the engines of progress. After all, the ego drives scientists, people in creative professions, athletes, and skilled craftsmen.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8686/

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