Monday is a hard day. Why do they say that?

Everyone knows that there are seven days in a week. Each of them has its own name and even its own planet - according to the astrological calendar. Each day in time lasts the same. But why is it said that Monday is a difficult day? Let's try to figure this out.

The excuse for lazy people

For some reason, most people are firmly convinced that on Monday the greatest amount of the most difficult work awaits them, and this very day is full of setbacks and calamities.

But not everyone thinks so. Mostly pessimists and lazy people believe in this. For them, any day will be difficult, because in most cases, Monday’s complexity is associated with work. The fact that Monday is a difficult day is also said because it is right after the weekend. It is very difficult for many people to return to work after a holiday.

Monday is a hard day

Think positively

Your every day depends on how you set yourself up. You should always think positively and not bother about all kinds of little things. What mood you give to the world and the Universe, you will receive the same answer. After all, man is inextricably linked with the Universe not only on the physical level.

Every new day you need to meet with joy and the realization that you live, are active: go to work, cook dinner or breakfast in the morning, chat with different people. Every manifestation of this world must be perceived as a gift. And if minor failures sometimes or serious problems happen, take it as a test and experience and remember that you have passed through it, which means that there is no more fear.

Monday is a hard day, but on Friday, on the contrary, everyone relaxes. People’s thoughts are a long-awaited weekend, when you do not need to get up early, go somewhere and work all day.

monday day heavy tuesday

Monday Religiosity

There is an opinion that dislike for Monday arose long before the advent of civilization and is associated with religion. After all, the Bible clearly says that the world has its origins precisely on Monday. And as you know, the hardest part of the job is to get down to it. And besides, remember how many times you were going to start doing something on Monday, but you didn’t do anything. Monday is a hard day, Tuesday is already easier, people are completely joining the work.

Gentile attitude on Monday

If we talk about ancient people and the appearance of all sorts of signs and superstitions, then here we were not welcomed on Monday. On this day they avoided starting any business; they did not go on a trip. Gentiles called Monday the day of the moon. Witchcraft and sorcerers were engaged in that era, and it was at that time that magical rituals were held. Therefore, in fear of evil spirits, people put off all things the next day.

If you delve into the history of ancient times, you can find out that Monday was considered a truly cursed day and avoided all kinds of accomplishments: did not start work, did not harvest, did not move and did not build a new home.

Although in our time on Monday, the work week begins . Complete contradiction!

In addition to everything, judging by old beliefs, money-related activities were undesirable. This refers to borrowing and lending.

monday day heavy tuesday too

Monday - stress for the body

Monday is a difficult day from a psychological point of view, because we are used to getting up at the weekend at a time convenient for us, planning our day, and on the first day of the week the body gets stress from a sharp wake up. And besides, until the next weekend another five days.

In fact, it is wrong to live from the weekend to the weekend. You need to appreciate every day, including Monday. After all, different events constantly happen to us, this is part of our life. And if you live only on the weekend, then what kind of life is this? In addition, on Monday people are upset about the past weekend, thus remaining in the past.

For many people, Monday is a difficult day, Tuesday is also stressful, the environment is not easier ... But think for at least a second: if your work is so hated, maybe you should change it? But the courage to quit is not enough. People are so afraid of change, although it is they who lead to renewal. This is good. The most important thing is to make a decision and take, perhaps, the most important step in your life. But there are people who really love their work, and for them, Monday is no different from Saturday. In most cases, these are people of creative professions.

And if you think about it, the whole thing is in our thoughts. As we are set up, this will be our day.

monday day heavy tuesday is also stressful

Monday is the day of the moon

Why is Monday a hard day? Maybe this is not so at all? If you delve into the question of Monday from the point of view of magic, esotericism and astrology, as well as recall pagan beliefs, this is not such a bad day. Yes, it was considered a moonlit day when sorcerers practiced their magical abilities. But in fact, the Moon controls emotions, symbolizes reason, motherhood and brings a feeling of happiness and satisfaction. Perhaps those who consider Monday a difficult day simply do not possess some knowledge, succumb to herd feelings and, like everyone else, repeat the same thing. You need to learn to think independently, to open your mind to new, nothing like knowledge and ideas.

Any day will be unfavorable for a person if he incorrectly uses the resources of his body and the energy that the Universe rewards him.

Of course, this day is not recommended to strain much, because the Moon brings soothing energy, aimed at relaxation and relaxation. On Monday, all matters related to the family will be successful.

Gather in a warm circle of friends and relatives, chat heart to heart. Particularly favorably will be hen parties and women's meetings.

Based on the knowledge of Vedic astrology, we can say that on Monday it is good to take a walk somewhere near the reservoir, especially in the evening under the moonlight. This will not only bring aesthetic pleasure, but will also renew your energy, pacify and soothe.

Yes, of course, if you work somewhere in the office, you won’t especially take a walk. But what prevents you in the evening, instead of just relaxing on the couch in front of the TV, go outside, in the cool of summer greenery and, breathing in the aroma of succulent plants, walk for half an hour in the park. If you are planning to do this, in the morning you will be in anticipation of an evening walk, and Monday will not be so difficult.

But astrologers believe that the moon is changeable. Because of this, she brings in too much fuss on Monday. But after all, change, as already mentioned, is always good! Therefore, do not blame Monday so categorically for their failures. After all, we ourselves are the blacksmiths of our own destiny.

why is monday a hard day

Take a fresh look at the world

Monday is a hard day, Tuesday is also no easier ... Every day can be better if you take a different look at the world. You just need to open your soul to positive emotions, treat others with kindness and understanding.

Inspire people with your smile - and the world will open for you. Try to enjoy joy in the morning, and you will see that Monday is no worse than your happiest day.


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