Plum Greengage collective farm: description of the variety, especially planting and care

Variety plum greenhouse collective farm would be bred by I.V. Michurin at the end of the 19th century and since then has not lost its popularity among gardeners. This is a hybrid of thorns and greenclod green. The date of birth of the masterpiece of selection can be called 1899. This year, ten years after planting a tree, the first fruits from this variety were obtained. Many years later, in 1947, the hybrid was sent for testing in the northwestern and central regions of the country. You can grow this plum from the seed, using the plant as a stock for other varieties. Plum trees not only bring tasty and rich in useful substances fruits, but also serve to decorate the garden. In the spring they will be covered with wonderful snow-white flowers, filling the space around them with fragrance.

collective farm plum

Grade description

Plum Renklod collective farm - a representative of the home plum group. The ripening period is early or medium. Plum Greengage farm collective fruiting on bouquet branches. The size of these trees is small: only 3 meters in height. They have a medium-leafy and spreading crown of rounded shape, smooth silver bark, straight shoots of medium thickness and a reddish hue. Lentils a little, they are small. The leaves are oval, medium, light green, wavy along the edge. Petioles are pigmented. The flowers are white, small in size.

Fruits of the variety Greenhouse collective farm

Fruits are medium sized, yellow-green in color, rounded with flattened tips. Plum is sweet, but with a slight acidity. The side of the fetus, which lies on the ridge of the bone, is often better developed than near the blunt rib. Berries from the sunny side sometimes acquire a brownish blush. The plum peel is matte, thin, covered inside with small grayish dots on the entire surface. The weight of the fruit is an average of 20 g. The abdominal suture is not distinguished, in contrast to the lateral suture of the bone. Plum contains a huge amount of substances useful to the human body. It leads in the amount of substances such as potassium and vitamins of group P in the pulp. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and strengthen the vascular system.

home plum

The main characteristic of plum Greenhouse collective farm is a plentiful harvest. The yellow pulp of the fruit is juicy, with a very delicate structure, medium density. A small bone separates from the pulp quite easily. The fruits have a sweet taste with a slight acidity. The plum tastes very pleasant, juicy, it can be eaten both fresh and made from jam, juices, marmalade and other preparations for the winter. The light bitterness of the skin gives it a subtle shade. The pulp of the fruit is light green in color, tender and compacted. The variety begins to bloom late, the berries ripen in late August.

The beginning of the fruiting period depends on the planting method: it occurs at the root offspring for 6 years, when planting a grafted seedling - one or two years earlier than this. The crop is plentiful, from one young tree, at the age of 6 years, you can collect up to 8 kg of plum, from an adult (more than 10 years) - about 40 kg of fruits. The maximum possible yield is 51 kg. Due to the number of ovaries, the branches can sag, so the crown becomes flat. Harvest must be harvested promptly, otherwise the plum will begin to crumble.

plum grafting

Plum Greengage collective farm: pollinators and vaccination

This variety is self-infertile, that is, it needs pollinators to set fruit. Plum from the stone can also be taken for stock. The seeds of this variety quickly germinate and develop. The plant cannot be pollinated with the Chinese variety. The best pollinators are the varieties Skorospelka red, Hungarian Moscow, Eurasia 21, Large-fruited turn, Volga beauty. It is optimal to use two types of home plum at the same time. The greenhouse collective farm is propagated most often by grafting plums onto another tree. The fruiting period depends on the stock. The procedure is carried out in early spring, when the plants have not yet woken up. The most common way is grafting plums into a split. Other options are possible, for example, grafting under the bark or into a slice on the side, but this method can be practiced only after the start of active sap flow.

Features varieties Greencod collective farm

One of the main advantages of the variety is its very high yield and ability to withstand severe cold. Other features:

  • Thanks to the smooth trunk, the tree is not prone to sunburn.
  • The seeds of this home plum are excellent stock material. They germinate very well, they are easy to use for plant propagation.
  • The fruits are soft, tasty, medium in size and attractive in appearance.
  • Fruiting occurs early enough, and often already in the sixth year you can collect a plentiful harvest of plums.
  • The fruits begin to ripen around mid-August.

Among the shortcomings can be identified as follows:

  • the fruits stick weakly on the branches and quickly crumble when overripe,
  • in root plums of this variety a strong shoot is formed.

Landing and care

Planting yellow plum The greenhouse collective farm in central Russia begins in the spring. There is an option for autumn planting, but then the risk is great that the tree will not take root if it does not develop a root system of sufficient size. With this method, seedlings often freeze out, not having enough time to get strong enough for a full winter. If it is not possible to wait for the spring thaw to plant a plum, you will have to dig it in the area and cover it with a thick layer of pine conifer for the winter, and additionally sprinkle it with snow in winter. Thus, you can increase the chance that the seedling will successfully survive the frost.

stone plum

The place for planting the plants is chosen as well lit as possible, but with protection from cold drafts. It is best to choose the southeastern part of the garden or plant a plum in the south. It is important to plant a tree in a place where other plants will not cover it with their branches. In the shade, it will develop more slowly and fruiting will come soon. Before planting a plum seedling, you should choose the right soil and prepare the planting pit. For this variety, it is best to use loamy soil with an acidity of 6.5-7.0 pH. Groundwater should not be too close to the root system of the plant. The minimum distance to them is 1.5 m.

How to cook a landing pit

Preparation of the landing pit begins two weeks before the start of work, but sometimes it is better to do it in the fall. The diameter of the pit should be approximately 70-80 cm, and in depth - 0.5 m. If you plan to plant several seedlings together, the distance between them should be 3 meters. It is very important to properly prepare the soil, making it fertile and nutritious. To do this, 8 kg of compost and humus are added to a freshly excavated pit, adding 100 g of wood ash to the mixture. Organics can be replaced with a complex mineral fertilizer, consisting of 200 g of superphosphate with the addition of 80 g of potassium sulfate. 50 g of fluff lime is added to the acidic soil. A mixture of soil and fertilizers are thoroughly mixed and poured into a pit. A small slide is made in the center and a tree is placed on it, gently spreading the root system.

A peg is inserted from the south side so that the seedling is stable and does not break from sudden gusts of wind. The pit is evenly covered with nutrient soil, the tree at this time needs to be shaken a little so that the soil fills all the voids between the roots. The root neck cannot be deepened to avoid rotting. It should be 6 cm above ground level. When the planting is over, it remains to water the plant abundantly. To do this, you need 2-3 buckets of water, which is shed around the trunk circle, previously made into a narrow furrow to facilitate watering. It is important to regularly moisten the soil around the tree in the hottest months, this also applies to adult trees, otherwise you can completely lose the crop: the fruits will begin to crack and fall off. Regular watering is required during fruit setting and laying flower buds.

Then the drain must be tied to a peg, and the soil around it should be mulched with peat crumbs, sawdust, humus or other material. After two weeks, the seedling will again need abundant watering. Plum Greencod collective farm is a moisture-loving variety, like most trees of this species. With insufficient watering, the soil around it cracks, and the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall. The optimal amount of moisture - when the water goes deep into the ground by 40 cm. Therefore, it is so important to mulch the trunk circle and keep it clean, eliminating grass and litter - this will help keep water inside the soil. One of the mandatory rules for the care of the drain is considered to be regular loosening of the soil around. It relieves the plant of weeds and is the prevention of pests.

plum greengage collective farm planting and care

You can decorate the near-stem circle using a border tape, but it is not recommended to use metal or concrete blocks. It is important to regularly remove excess shoots - about 5 times per season, otherwise the yield is greatly reduced, because the shoots require nutrients and take them from the mother plant. Cut it whole, without leaving stumps, the cut places are treated with garden var. Autumn dig around the earth. Watering is stopped at the end of August, otherwise the shoots will continue to grow, but it is important to focus on weather conditions and regulate watering, depending on them. In dry years, it is better to continue to water the tree until the onset of frost.

Proper top dressing

Topping plums begins in early spring. But, having acquired a seedling, he should prepare special conditions so that he takes root and abundantly bears fruit. A landing pit is prepared in advance by adding organic fertilizers, superphosphate and potassium sulfate to it. Substances containing nitrogen are not introduced. They begin to feed the plum tree the next year after planting.

The area from which the tree receives nutrients is approximately 9 m 2 . Every 3 times on nutrient and annually on poor soils, organic fertilizer, a bucket of compost or humus for 2 m 2 are applied under the root to feed the plum. Superphosphate can be added to organics. In March-April, when the tree has not yet begun to bloom, 20 g of ammonium nitrate and urea are introduced into the trunk circle per 1 m 2 . When the fruits are poured, fertilize with urea and nitrophos, introducing 30 g of the substance. After harvesting, again fed with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. The last time fertilizers are applied in the fall, without adding nitrogen to the composition.

Prune pruning

Proper pruning helps to regulate the size and taste of the fruit, yield and size of the tree, as well as prevent the development of diseases. The shoots of young seedlings are shortened by a third to stimulate the laying of the crown. To shorten the branches of plums, without risk of reducing the fruiting of the variety, one should take into account its peculiarity: most of the fruits are tied on bouquet shoots, and only a few on last year's.

A young tree must be formed by cutting branches and leaving only 4-6 skeletal shoots. In adult plants, branches that are bent to the ground under the weight of the fruit are removed. Every 3 years, the main shoots are cut to a third of the length, the weak ones are removed, leaving only straight and strong. You need to be careful about the tops and not confuse them with strong branches when cropping. Sanitary pruning is also necessary to prevent the spread of insect pests and diseases. The crown is thinned out, diseased and broken branches, as well as non-fertile shoots, are removed.

Runklod collective farm should begin to form a plum in early spring, and not in late autumn, so as not to harm the trees. If part of the tree needs to be removed, hemp is not left, cutting everything to the ground. When the annual growth began to decrease sharply, the shoots are shortened to two-year-old wood. But you can not immediately cut a lot of branches, otherwise the plum may die. No more than a quarter of the entire crown is removed at a time. With a seedling height of 2.5 meters, they begin to limit vertical growth so that the branches become more spreading and better through which the sun's rays pass. This will allow the development of side branches.

As soon as the tree is planted, the lower branch is cut into a good bud to remove the top with undeveloped buds in the upper part of the growth. All other shoots are cut at the bottom. It is possible to turn branches that do not fall into the skeletal part of the crown into semi-skeletal branches, if they are cut more severely or bent, thus translating into an inclined position. A narrow crown can be made wider if the main branches are cut into second-order shoots that are oriented in the opposite direction from the trunk.

Preparing for the winter

The farm collective farm is one of the most winter-hardy plum varieties. It is characterized by excellent endurance indicators. Adult plums easily tolerate ordinary frosts and practically do not freeze without shelter even in severe cold. But young seedlings are not yet hardened, therefore they need additional shelter for the winter. Low temperatures can ruin the delicate trees: they are insulated with a layer of sawdust and cover the trunk circle with spruce branches. In severe winters, small branches in adult plants sometimes freeze, but this practically does not affect the fruiting period, usually the plants recover in a year. This plum variety is one of the most resistant to frost and a sharp temperature drop.

There is another option for preparing the seedling for winter: a structure is made of arched guides above the tree, covered with straw or hay from above and fixed with a rope or twine. Snow will serve as an additional insulation, because this design will reliably protect the drain from frost and drafts. Other covering materials may be used. The tree trunk is also recommended to wrap with a heater, for example, nylon. This will protect the stamb from the encroachment of rodents and other small animals.

plum yellow greenhouse collective farm

Disease prevention

Plum greenhouse collective farm, planting and caring for which are not difficult, is practically not susceptible to fungal diseases: it can suffer from infection only in wet years. The tree is resistant to gumming. For prevention, anti-aging pruning is performed: diseased and dried branches, leaves and fruits are cut and burned. The resulting saw cuts and cracks are treated with garden varieties or a mixture of milk of lime and copper sulphate. Before the first leaves appear in spring, the whole tree is sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux fluid, and in the fall, urea is treated to reduce the risk of clastosporiosis. It is important to correctly observe the processing time and carry out prophylaxis at least 30 days before the start of harvest.

Pest control

Plum pests are most often found in fruits and under the bark. The collective farm plum sawfly and moth are most dangerous for the Greenclod variety. Weakened plants suffer especially from these insects, for example, after abundant fruiting. You should begin to deal with plum pests in the early spring: Trees are sprayed with special preparations several times, depending on the phase of development of the larvae. To combat the moth for the best effect, about 5 treatments are performed with a difference of 10 days. Sticky traps made from burlap, preventive collection of fallen leaves, and regular loosening of the soil work well. When fruits are tied up on a tree, damaged plums with pests inside should be regularly cleaned, collected and burned. Moths can hibernate inside the bark of trees, so you need to regularly remove exfoliated areas. In private farms, it is recommended to carry out treatment with biological substances safe for humans, and not use chemistry. Then the fruit will not contain hazardous impurities.

feeding plums

Collective farm greenhouse is a classic plum variety that is not inferior in taste to most modern hybrids. The tree is characterized by increased winter hardiness, which is very important when growing in areas with a cold climate. The variety is time-tested and is still in demand by summer residents. Properly caring for him, every year for the season you can collect a rich harvest and enjoy delicious fruits.


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