"Ted Travel" - tour operator: reviews of tourists, features and services

Going on a regular vacation, many lovers of overseas holidays try to choose a proven travel agency. They ask friends for advice, are interested in contacts of travel agencies with friends, carefully study the reviews. Tour operator Ted Travel is one of the companies that attract attention and cause a number of completely opposite opinions. What can I say about her? Where did she go? And how did she manage to fulfill her obligations to clients?

ted travel tour operator reviews

Some information about the company

The Ted Travel company is relatively young. It was founded in 2015. Its main office was in Moscow. Until recently, Ted Travel or Terra LLC has been registered in a single register of travel companies. It is known that the company had several representative offices, and a total of 50 employees worked in the state.

In what areas did you work?

If you pay attention to many reviews of the tour operator "Ted Travel", you can notice the directions in which he worked. Mostly it was Turkey, Cyprus and Greece. It is here that Russian tourists so often thirsted to relax and have a great time.

What are the features of the company?

Based on the many reviews of the tour operator "Ted Travel", it is quite realistic to draw conclusions about the principle of its operation. For example, it was this company that offered foreign trips at extremely low prices. Drawing an analogy with similar tourism products, customers happily turned to representatives of Ted Travel. But was this risk justified?

ted travel tour operator travel agent reviews

Did the company fulfill its obligations?

And now the fun begins. According to the reviews of tourists, the tour operator Ted Travel did not always fulfill its obligations. To begin with, this company is an intermediary, and it does not have its own tourism product.

This means that she always negotiates with representatives of other organizations that are the host country. They are also responsible for meeting, transfer and settlement of tourists. However, as reviews on the Ted Travel tour operator show, very often the meeting party, as well as the one responsible for the resettlement of visitors, were from completely different organizations.

Moreover, sometimes there was a clear uncoordination of actions. For example, when visitors became left to their own devices. Simply put, the tour operator Ted Trevel (customer reviews confirm this information) forgot to transfer money to the meeting party.

tour operator ted travel reviews of tourists

Several times, representatives of a travel company simply did not deign to inform the host country. But intentionally this happened or due to some employee forgetfulness, it’s hard to say. In any case, the innocent tourists of the Ted Travel tour operator suffered. The responses of travel agents working in the state of the host country often describe strange and even curious situations with this company.

According to the stories of one of the employees, several times he had to literally break away from lunch. And all because the operator sending the vacationers forgot to notify the travel agent company. Going to the next dinner, the employee did not even suspect that it was at this time that he should meet tourists from the company.

ted travel tour operator reviews

Reviews about Ted Travel in Moscow

What do customers say? Most tourists in special colors describe the work of this operator. Some of them say that after arriving at the hotel they could not be settled for a long time. And all due to the fact that Ted Travel did not send the bank payment on time. More precisely, he seemed to be, but passed in non-banking time and was delayed. For this reason, tourists were held in the lobby from morning until evening.

As a result, they were hungry and tired, they lost one day from paid vacation. In addition, to clarify the circumstances and the reasons for the delay, they had to spend a lot of money on telephone calls with the central office of a company located in Moscow. And this is roaming. Fortunately, the tourists were adults and without children, to whom such a delay would be a burden.

Other users talk about an incomprehensible situation with the sale of tickets for a non-existent flight. According to them, they had to sit with children at the airport for more than one day, since their names were not listed in the passenger lists. After that, the vacation was ruined, and the vacation itself turned into a real horror.

Still others talk about the fact that they immediately lost several burning trips. And this is after full prepayment. From their words, it becomes clear that for an unknown reason, the flight to their plane was delayed for two days.

Fourth tell that after arriving in the territory of a foreign state they were offered a hotel much worse than they promised at the beginning. And this despite the fact that the ticket (taking into account a good hotel) has already been paid.

ted trevel tour operator customer reviews

Should I believe positive reviews?

In addition to the negative about this travel company, you can hear a lot of positive reviews. Most of these statements are described in a single way, and their meaning boils down to something like the following: you can rely on Ted Travel, the operator is normal, and the rest passed without problems.

That's just the lion's share of such reviews, according to users, is paid advertising. The purpose of such reviews is to attract the attention of buyers and dispel very real concerns about the company's reputation. No, there are, of course, some real reviews from users who liked everything. But there are very few of them, and they are extremely rare.

ted travel in Moscow

Unpleasant cases with a tour operator

Despite the grandiose advertising, partially bought positive reviews and incredibly attractive prices for tours, the company's reputation was completely damaged. And this happened due to the fact that inconsistencies with tickets, inconsistency with the meeting party and problems with booking rooms abroad were no longer random. Company problems arose more and more often. User dissatisfaction grew like a snowball. And very soon the company went bankrupt.

It is noteworthy that before the official statement of their insolvency, the company managed to sell over 700 permits. Mostly these were tours to Turkey. But the main thing is that the company paid only one way. And when the tourists were about to return, they received an unpleasant surprise in the form of unpaid tickets.

The company announced its closure on August 24 this year. Among the reasons for the liquidation of this tour operator was the insolvency of an organization offering low prices at a loss to itself.

Surprised and desperate passengers

The news of the liquidation of the tour operator took many tourists by surprise. None of them expected to encounter problems while flying home. Moreover, many of them were with children. Of course, many hotels made concessions and provided temporary shelter for the victims for a separate fee. Others were less fortunate, and they were forced to remain in the waiting room at the airport.

Some time after the identification of the problem, an emergency meeting of representatives from the Supervisory Board of "Tourist Assistance" was announced. During this meeting, they decided to provide urgent assistance to the affected tourists and take them out with the help of Yakutia Airlines. At the same time, the aforementioned airline undertook to pay for such a flight.

The first 170 tourists stuck in Turkey through the fault of a bankrupt travel operator flew home on August 26. The rest later returned home. At the same time, over 2000 people also bought tickets, but did not manage to go on a trip due to the stoppage of the tour operator's activity.

Of course, insurance will cover part of the money. But another thing is surprising that the representatives of the bankrupt company themselves refuse to take any action in order to resolve the already difficult situation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8710/

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