Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich: comparative characteristics (table). Bazarov and Kirsanov

The problem of the relationship of fathers and children in literature is not a new topic. However, Turgenev was the first to create the image of the advanced man of his time. The writer refers to the protagonist of the work "Fathers and Sons" ambiguously.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov are representatives of different generations. Let's try to compare and analyze in what aspects these two characters differ.

Bazaars and Pavel Petrovich comparative characteristic table

Writer about the work

Turgenev says of his novel that he is directed against the aristocracy, which was considered the advanced class in Russia.

Bazarov and Kirsanov are two characters whose contrasting views formed the basis of the plot of the work. The specifics of the worldview and position in society of these heroes can be presented in the form of a table. This form allows you to see the main aspects of their contradictions most clearly.

Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. Comparative characteristics. Table

Pavel Petrovich KirsanovEvgeny Bazarov
Attitude to the aristocracy
Aristocracy is the driving force behind the development of societyThe futility of the aristocracy, the inability to lead Russia to the future
Attitude to Nihilism
Considers nihilists harmful to societyNihilism is a powerful driving force for development
Relation to the common people
It touches the patriarchal nature of the peasant family, says that the people canโ€™t live without faithConsiders people ignorant, dark and superstitious, notes the revolutionary spirit of the human spirit
Attitude to art, nature
He loves nature, art, musicDefines nature as a workshop in which a person manages. Art considers useless
Born in a noble familyBorn in the family of a zemstvo doctor, brother-in-law

Attitude to the aristocracy

Kirsanov believes that the aristocracy is a key driving force for the development of society. The ideal form of government, in his opinion, is a constitutional monarchy, which can be reached through liberal reforms.

Bazarov notes the inability of aristocrats to act, they cannot be useful, they are not able to lead Russia to the future.

So relate to the aristocracy of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. A comparative characteristic (the table is presented above) reflects this, gives an idea of โ€‹โ€‹how different their understanding of what is the driving force for the development of society is.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazaars

Attitude to Nihilism

The next question, on which two heroes argue, concerns nihilism, its role in society.

Pavel Petrovich defines representatives of this worldview as impudent and cynical who do not respect and do not recognize anything. He is glad that there are few such people in society.

Nihilists note the need for revolutionary change. Bazarov believes that people are ignorant, but revolutionary in spirit. Eugene sees the point only in what is useful, he does not consider it necessary to speak big words.

This is how Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich look at nihilism . A comparative characteristic (the table is in the article) displays this moment, shows how the attitude of the heroes to this worldview is different.

Pavel Petrovich and Bazaars table

Attitude to ordinary people

Pavel Petrovich is far from the people, while patriarchy and religiosity are touched. Bazarov considers the peasants dark, ignorant, knowing nothing about their rights.

Kirsanov believes that the life of ordinary people is correct according to the orders of great-grandfathers. Bazarov despises the ignorance of the peasants.

Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov (the table captures this moment) differently perceive the position of the common people in society.

By origin, Eugene is closer to ordinary people. He is a commoner. Consequently, he understands the peasants more. Pavel Petrovich comes from a noble family, he is absolutely far from understanding the life of ordinary people. What Kirsanov considers faith is what Bazarov calls superstition.

A compromise between these heroes is impossible, which is confirmed by the duel of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich.

duel of bazarov and pavel petrovich

Attitude to art, nature

The views of Bazarov and Kirsanov differ even in the perception of art. They are differently related to nature. According to Bazarov, reading fiction is an empty matter, and he evaluates nature only as a resource. Kirsanov is the exact opposite. He, on the contrary, loves the world, art, music.

Bazarov believes that it is necessary to rely in life only on personal experience and feelings. Proceeding from this, he denies art, since it is only a generalized and figurative interpretation of experience, distracting from the matter. He denies world cultural achievements.

This is how Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich look at nature and art differently. The comparative characteristic (the table shows this) once again shows the practicality of Eugene's views.

bazaars and kirsans

Biography of heroes, attitude to life

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov are two opposing characters. The author makes it clear to us. Kirsanov hated Eugene for showing Pavel Petrovich the futility of his existence. Before meeting with him, Kirsanov believed that he was noble and worthy of respect. When Eugene appears, Pavel Petrovich comes to the realization of the emptiness and meaninglessness of his own life.

Kirsanov, undoubtedly, is a worthy representative of the nobility. He is the son of a general, an officer who squandered the best years of his life in an effort to win his beloved woman. Senior Kirsanov, of course, is honest, decent, loves his family.

Turgenev notes that, having described the best representatives of the nobility in the novel, he wanted to emphasize the failure and futility of this class.

Bazarov's parents are very devout people. His father is a Zemsky doctor, his mother, as the author writes about her, was supposed to be born two hundred years ago.

In terms of his social position, Bazarov is a commoner who loves work. He is a man with a strong mind and character, educated himself.

Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov (the table clearly shows this) are two completely different in views and origin of man.

In the novel Fathers and Sons, the author contrasts two very vivid characters. The convictions of Pavel Petrovich characterize him as a representative of the past. Bazarovโ€™s views are too advanced and progressive, extremely materialistic, with which, perhaps, the death of this hero at the end of the work is connected.


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