Eric plant: description, methods of reproduction, cultivation and care features

From the very beginning of spring to late autumn, the amazing Eric plant, belonging to the heather family, has been pleased with its lush, long flowering, variety of colors . Originally from South Africa, it thoroughly won the hearts of gardeners in different corners of the globe.


Most Erica species are evergreen shrubs that are very similar to heather. It differs in narrow needle leaves up to 1 cm long, similar to needles that grow at right angles to the shoot. During the flowering period, Erica is covered with numerous small flowers resembling elongated drooping bells. They are collected in large one-sided brushes and have a variety of shades - from white to dark purple. After flowering, the color persists for a long time. The fruits are boxes with very small seeds that retain viability for several years.

Erica plant

In the role of a cultivated plant, natural species of Erica began to be used in England in the middle of the 18th century. Then, already in Belgium and Holland, after almost a hundred years, they began to carry out breeding work, thanks to which many hybrids appeared. Today Erica plant, a description of some species of which is given below, is grown both in open ground and in pots, decorating window sills and terraces. It is unpretentious and does not need special care.

Types of Erica

This plant is distinguished by a large variety of species. Among them there are several gardeners who are distinguished by an increased interest in them:

  1. Erica is the very first to bloom grassy, ​​or rosy - already in April it is covered with pink or reddish bells. The height of this shrub is from 30 to 50 cm. Its outstretched stems are capable under favorable conditions to form a pillow on the soil surface with a diameter of up to half a meter.
  2. Erica Grace is cultivated mainly as a potted plant. Flowering begins in November and lasts for several months. There are several varieties of elegant Erica - with white, pink and reddish flowers.
  3. Eric Darlen's plant is a hybrid created by the English breeder Darley Dale in the early twentieth century. Today it is widespread in Russia. It is characterized by high winter hardiness and plentiful long flowering. There are more than 20 varieties of this species, the highest of them reaches a height of 50 cm.
  4. Erica pink plant is one of the shortest species. Its height rarely exceeds 20 cm. Dark red flowers appear in April.

All species of this plant are propagated using seeds or cuttings. Seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place no earlier than after 1.5–2 years.

Erica plant care

Seed propagation

This method is quite laborious and is recommended mainly for planting natural species of Erica. Seeds are sown on prepared soil, consisting of coniferous, heather soil and sand (in a ratio of 1: 2: 1, respectively) and covered with glass or plastic wrap. The temperature should not be lower than 18 Β° C. Daily soil with seeds is sprayed with warm water. The process of seed germination is quite lengthy and takes at least 1 month. As soon as the seedlings appear and grow a little, they are dived and gradually accustomed to sunlight. In order to grow stronger, seedlings will need another 2 months.

Propagation by cuttings

Plants grown in this way begin to bloom much earlier than those planted with seeds. Planting material is harvested in the fall, cutting off the tops of lignified shoots. Soaked previously in a growth stimulator, cuttings are planted in a substrate consisting of a mixture of peat and sand. Before this, it is recommended to spray them with water. The soil should be sufficiently moist and loose, and the temperature within 18–20 ⁰. Landings should be protected from direct sunlight.

After about 3 months, the cuttings take root. Now you can begin to gradually expose them to the sun and fresh air. This hardening period lasts for a month. Only then can a young Eric plant be planted in the garden.

Erica plant planting and care

Choosing a place to land

It should be noted that in nature, plants grow only on breathable soils. Without providing good drainage, they simply will not fully develop. The plant does not tolerate stagnation of water. When choosing a landing site, avoid areas where there is an accumulation of thawed snow. In order to maintain a bright color of leaves and flowers, Erica needs a sufficient amount of sun. Do not plant it in shaded and windy areas. Erica is a plant, planting and care for which does not cause difficulties, if the right place for it is chosen.

Care Features

Erica prefers slightly acidic or neutral soil. If you add a little river sand to it, then the plants will feel great for many years. Growing Erica is a strength even for a novice gardener. All that this plant needs is to provide timely watering, top dressing, and pruning the shoots when flowering is over.

Erica is a plant, home care for which also includes preparation for winter. Before the onset of the first frosts, it is necessary to moisten and mulch the soil, and cover the plantings themselves with dry foliage or spruce branches. Mulch will not only provide the plant with a good wintering, but also enrich the soil with useful substances.

Erica plant description

Top dressing

Mineral fertilizers are usually applied during planting, before flowering, and after pruning. They are scattered on the surface of the soil, raising the branches of the plant to prevent their burns. You can add fertilizer to the water used for irrigation. When loosening the soil, a layer of mulch is poured on top (up to 5 cm thick). Pine bark, wood chips and peat are used as it.


Although Erica is a drought-tolerant crop, caring for it necessarily includes regular watering. Care must be taken to keep the soil moist. Water should be soft, at a certain temperature. When the soil dries, watering is especially plentiful. The potted plant can be completely immersed in water for half an hour. Eric plant is very sensitive to humidity. Therefore, the ground part is recommended to be sprayed periodically.

Erica pink plant


This procedure, necessary to maintain a decorative look, is performed immediately after the flowering of Erica. It allows you to form a bush of a beautiful and regular shape. In addition, pruning contributes to a more magnificent and abundant flowering in the next season.

Only the green part of the shoot, on which there are leaflets, should be removed. Experts recommend performing asymmetric pruning - it allows you to preserve the natural appearance of the plant and give a more attractive appearance.

Diseases and Pests

The most common diseases characteristic of this plant are caused by fungal and viral infections. Among them, gray rot is most often found. The reason for its development is usually increased humidity. The first signs of the disease are gray plaque, falling leaves and the death of young shoots. Today there are quite a variety of antifungal insecticides that help to cope with gray rot: Fendazol, Topaz. In case of very serious rot lesions, spraying with a 1% solution of copper sulfate is recommended. Treatment of diseased plants is carried out twice with an interval of 5-10 days.

Erica plant in the garden

For preventive purposes, spraying is carried out in the autumn-spring periods, using the aforementioned drugs for this.

As for insect pests, their Eric plant is almost not interested. Occasionally, worms and ticks can be found on it. Against them, the treatment of the stems and leaves of the plant with an alcohol solution that is applied with a brush is effective. Then the areas affected by pests are treated additionally with special tools called Actellik and Fitoverm.

Landscape design application

Erica, thanks to her late flowering - a real find for gardeners involved in the creation of rock gardens, rockeries and flower beds. Landscape designers often use it as a groundcover. In addition, in monocompositions, and in group plantings, flowering Erica looks great.

Erica Home Care Plant
The plant in the garden creates a special microclimate that contributes to the development of other crops - heather, cereals, barberry, Japanese spirea. With such neighbors, Erica looks especially attractive.

For many years this plant has been a recognized decoration of the garden.


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