Scarf "barbury". How to distinguish an original from a fake?

When it is cold and chilly in autumn or frosty winter, you want to wrap yourself in something warm and pleasant that will “warm your soul”. A great option for creating personal comfort and warmth can be a Barbie scarf. He has already managed to become a classic of the genre and take his position in the wardrobe of almost all fashionistas. The product is of high quality and fashionable colors, so both women and the stronger sex loved it.

Brand history

The Barbury brand has existed on the market for more than a hundred years, and over the years has managed to establish itself from the best side. And the Barberi scarf is one of the most famous accessories of this fashion house. It is worth noting that this product is universal, since both women and men are happy to wear it.

barberry scarf

The things of this brand are basically elegant, but modest and seasoned classics. Recently, among the most fashionable things of this brand are umbrellas, clothes, shoes and, of course, a Barbury scarf. As fashion experts respond about this wardrobe item, such a scarf refers to items of clothing that demonstrate good taste and affluence.


Traditionally, scarves are sewn from cashmere or natural silk. Its coloring is a classic cell, which is also called Nova Check in a different way. Recently, however, the Barberi brand decided to release, in addition to the traditional version, other product variations: wide stoles, very long scarves, short ones, models in the form of a pipe, etc. Thanks to such a variety, any fashionista or fashionista is able to choose a suitable option.

barbary scarf original

How to wear?

According to stylists, in the closet it is necessary to have several scarves, each of which will correspond to one or another mood of the owner. So, on a warm sunny day, it is appropriate to supplement the outfit with a cute scarf of a small size, which will emphasize mischief and gaiety. In the office for work or for a business meeting, it is better to choose a silk flower pot.

It will be pleasant to walk in the park with a Barbie scarf made from natural cashmere: it will be warm, cozy and fashionable. In rainy or cloudy weather, the palatine will become an excellent emphasis in general.

It is worth noting that the men's scarf "Barbury" is practically no different from the female. The only difference is that there are more female models of scarves, and male models are most often made in the traditional form.

How to distinguish a fake from the original?

It’s no secret that Barbary brand products are very often faked, and there is a big risk to buy a fake piece of clothing. In order not to experience disappointment, experts recommend that you carefully look at the product. There are several nuances by which it is easy to determine the fake with the naked eye.

men's barber scarf

In particular, the original “Barbury” scarf is always made of natural and expensive fabrics and, accordingly, cannot be cheap. Synthetic fabrics are never added to the composition of the material. If there are any on the label, this indicates poor-quality products.

You can also see the fake by the famous Nova Check cage. In the original, all lines should be clear, even, and the picture should be proportional. If the lines are crooked or the pattern is asymmetrical, then you can immediately refuse such a product.

As for the tear-off label, it should be made of thick cardboard and attached to the label with black thread, and fastened with a thick plastic signet. When the label is faked, most often it is attached to the scarf with low-quality beige thread.

The size and composition of the product are printed on the label, and the brand is also indicated. In addition, another light-beige label is sewn with the logo, brand name, and manufacturer information.

It is noteworthy that a fake piece of clothing can be identified by a simple sign. It turns out that in fakes quite often grammatical mistakes are made in the brand name or they indicate the name with a capital letter. If this is an authentic Barberi scarf, then the brand name on it is always represented exclusively in capital letters - BURBERRY.

barbury scarf for women

Pay attention to the packaging

Particular attention when buying goods should be given to what the Barbary scarf is packed into. Female and male versions are equally packaged in light beige boxes. There should be no flaws on them, only the number of the season and the box itself are indicated. Judging by the reviews of deceived buyers, the fakes were in black boxes or in unremarkable plastic bags.


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