Moldovan citizenship: conditions for obtaining and refusal, dual citizenship, necessary documents, deadlines

Recently, some people have become interested in obtaining Moldovan citizenship. The citizenship of this country is primarily interesting because of the ability to travel to Schengen countries without a visa. The Russians do not have such an opportunity. That is why the idea of ​​obtaining citizenship of the former Soviet republic is quite attractive.

citizenship of Moldova

Production methods

Residents who are legally in the country can choose the most suitable procedure for obtaining Moldovan citizenship, namely:

  • by birth right;
  • through adoption;
  • through naturalization;
  • repatriation;
  • recovery.

The main requirements that the applicant must meet include the following:

  • it must be a competent person at the age of 18 years;
  • to have on hand a renunciation of valid citizenship;
  • know the basics of constitutional law of the state;
  • have an official income that allows you not to apply for social benefits and subsidies;
  • the applicant must have no outstanding criminal record.

Applicants for citizenship must, before submitting documents, learn the national language, get acquainted with the foundations of the state and law, the constitutional system of Moldova.

Naturally, in each case, the candidate and his documents are considered individually.

passport for investment

By birth

The procedure for obtaining Moldovan citizenship for persons born in the state is automatic. A child becomes a subject if both or at least one parent is a citizen of Moldova.

If a person was born in Moldova, but the parents are not citizens of the country or are considered refugees, then the baby still becomes a full citizen. Also, automatic citizenship includes:

  • persons who became orphans at the time of birth;
  • if upon reaching adulthood the applicant does not prove that he is a citizen of another state.


If the child is adopted by Moldovan citizens, then he automatically becomes a subject of this state. In cases where one of the adoptive parents is a subject of the country in question, the couple must independently decide which country the child will become a citizen of. If they cannot agree, then this issue will be resolved in a judicial proceeding.

If custody of a child is taken by a person who has citizenship of another state, then he has the right to apply for a Moldovan passport and move to a country of permanent residence.

All these grounds give the right to applicants to apply for a shortened period of obtaining Moldovan citizenship, that is, only 3 years must pass before the application is submitted.

Moldavian march


This procedure involves the return to the homeland of a person who previously lived on the territory of the state (or its ancestors). You can fall under this procedure in the following cases:

  • have confirmation that the applicant was born in the territory of the state;
  • to have blood ancestors who are (were) the indigenous inhabitants of the republic;
  • have family ties with residents of the Herz district, Bessarabia, and the north of Bukovina, who lived in these territories until 1940;
  • to have relatives-immigrants from the above territories after 1940.

Recovery procedure

Moldovan citizenship for citizens of other countries can be obtained if they previously lost it for objective reasons. In such a situation, it will be necessary to provide the authorities of the republic with evidence that the applicant did not commit crimes against other states, humanity. Moreover, such a person has the right to request the preservation of existing citizenship.


This procedure is the longest, requires the collection of a huge package of documents. Before applying for citizenship of Moldova, you will have to live in the state for at least 10 years.

If we are talking about refugees, then this period is reduced by 2 years. In addition, the applicant must learn the national language, know the basics of the constitutional order, have a good and mandatory official income.

Investments from other countries, including Russia

Moldovan citizenship can be obtained through an accelerated program, but it is necessary to have a decent amount of cash on hand, namely 100 thousand euros or more. Favorable geographical location of the state allows to establish export deliveries of goods, organize production. Moreover, the country is a member of the WTO, CEFTA. It has several free economic zones where the state provides incentives for doing business. There is an opportunity to participate in the privatization of state property.

And finally, the country has a competitive corporate income tax rate of only 12%. Moldova has double taxation treaties with many EU countries.

To obtain citizenship in this way, it is necessary to deposit 100 thousand euros or its equivalent in any other currency into the Public Investment Fund. However, such subsidies are non-refundable. You will also have to confirm the legality of the origin of this money.

getting a passport

Marriage bond

This is one of the easiest ways to obtain citizenship. In this case, in order to apply for citizenship, you must live in the territory of the republic for 3 years and, naturally, married to a citizen of the country.

Where to begin

Obtaining Moldovan citizenship to a Russian citizen is possible provided that the latter is rejected, as countries look at the availability of two passports from their citizens differently.

The obtaining of citizenship of Moldova takes place in two stages:

  • obtaining an immigration certificate;
  • obtaining citizenship.

Russians are allowed to stay on the territory of Moldova for 90 days without visas.

It is already possible to apply for an immigration certificate after 60 days in the country. This is actually a similar residence permit document. It gives the right to be lawfully in the country within the following terms:

  • up to 3 months;
  • for 3 years;
  • indefinitely.

What documents are required and what needs to be done?

How to get Moldovan citizenship? The best place to start is by learning the language and culture of the country. If the applicant does not pass the exam, then it can be retaken only after three months.

You can apply for citizenship at any territorial passport office of the republic or at the consulate in the host country. You must have:

  • an application whose form will be issued at the place of circulation;
  • an autobiography, which is compiled in a free form and should contain information about activities and life in the territory of the republic;
  • valid passport;
  • international passport
  • birth certificate (as well as certificates of children, if any);
  • document confirming the fact of registration or divorce;
  • a certificate stating that the applicant has no outstanding criminal record;
  • certificate that the applicant has no debts to credit institutions and tax authorities;
  • Photos 3.5 x 4.5 (2 pieces);
  • receipt of state duty.

An autobiography and an application from citizens of the Russian Federation for Moldova are submitted in two copies, one of which is compiled in Moldavian, and the other in Russian.

how to get citizenship

Issue price and application review deadlines

The deadlines for considering the application and documents are quite short, from 15 to 30 days, but if the applicant has to go through the standard procedure, the whole process can drag on for one year.

The cost of the state duty is not more than 300 lei. However, persons with disabilities, minors and veterans are entitled to submit documents free of charge.

Grounds for refusing citizenship

As a rule, persons who have entered the country legally and have complied with all the conditions of the current legislation do not receive a refusal. If, nevertheless, the decision is negative, then it is always issued in full, with justification of the reasons and with links to local regulations. Most often, ATC specialists have doubts about the reliability of the applicant or the legality of his income. There are times when the applicant is suspected of terrorism. Those who are members of banned groups or military organizations of other countries will definitely be refused.

Dual citizenship in Moldova

Is it possible to obtain citizenship of the republic as a second, or to acquire the citizenship of another country without abandoning the existing one? No, at the level of Moldovan legislation, citizens have no such right. This issue can only be solved on an individual basis, for example, if the authorities wish to accept a well-known person, politician or artist, scientist or the applicant has any other services to the country.

Moldova and Russia have long been negotiating the signing of a dual citizenship agreement. It is no secret that many citizens of the Russian Federation and Moldova have two passports each. However, the legislation of both countries does not recognize dual citizenship and considers bipatrites as citizens of their country. A similar situation is with Romania.

Although there is even an exception to this rule. But this will not be considered as dual citizenship, but simply as the presence of passports of two different countries. Persons who until June 1940 lived on the territory of Bessarabia, Herce and the north of Bukovina (including their ancestors) can count on such a benefit.

For Moldova, citizenship of the Russian Federation is also important. Such persons are entitled to a second passport, but provided that they have relatives in the republic.


How to refuse citizenship of the republic

Life is so unpredictable that at some point, on the contrary, you may need to go to a permanent place of residence in another country. Renunciation of Moldovan citizenship is based on the following documents:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • autobiography;
  • passport of the state to which the person went for permanent residence;
  • Photo;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.
list of documents

Instead of a conclusion

Despite the fact that Moldova is still a developing country, there are enormous opportunities, a convenient location and a good climate. The ability to travel to any EU country without a visa is a definite advantage.

Although speaking of a visa-free regime, crossing the Moldovan border will have to confirm the border guards of another country with the availability of funds for accommodation during the trip and a return ticket. You will also need to present a document on hotel reservation or an invitation from the host. But in any case, crossing the border is much easier than if the departure was from Russia.


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