Types of garages: pros, cons, features

It often happens that when buying a car a person does not really care about the future place of its storage. As a result, when he is faced with the question of what kind of garage is best, there is almost no money. Therefore, the choice too. Therefore, you have to either buy what you have enough money for or rent. Well, or even put up with storing the car under the windows or in a paid parking lot.

Usually this happens to beginners, whose mind is completely absorbed in euphoria, but sometimes experienced drivers forget because of the fuss about this "insignificant" detail. So it is advisable, in anticipation of this problem, to study it in advance. After all, it is not as simple as it seems. First you need to find out what types of garages exist now, as well as to understand their pros and cons.


Definitely, this is the most expensive type (over 100,000 rubles) and, accordingly, reliable, since in fact such garages are made of sufficiently durable materials and, as a rule, with a foundation. Most often they are located in a protected area, they have an impressive, by the standards of garages, area (more than 18 m 2 ). Many of them are equipped with electrical wiring, which indicates the presence of a couple of outlets and lighting, and some even have some kind of heating. True, and the cost because of this grows significantly.

Capital garages

This type of garages is divided into aboveground and underground.

  • The first option is usually a little cheaper, but also more dependent on weather conditions (snow before entering, puddles, etc.), and not always in the place where it is located, there are conscientious watchmen.
  • In the second case, there may be high humidity, which contributes to the appearance of corrosion. Such a garage can be located far from the house, of course, if it was not bought with the apartment. It may have a difficult entrance to the gate itself. Well, one of the most important advantages, along with reliability, is the presence of a hole for access to the bottom, but not all garages of this type have it.

Metal box

This is perhaps the most common type of garages in the former CIS. Although it is much worse than the previous one, but, due to the lower price and only slightly inferior to the area, they were bought much more often. However, now the situation is insignificant, but it is changing. This happens in connection with the introduced laws that make it possible to demolish such buildings in order to ennoble the city, if, of course, there are violations.

I don’t want to go into legal aspects, so immediately go to the bottom. Metal boxes are now better not to buy. And if there is no other way, first of all it is necessary to find out if only the construction of the garage itself or a full-fledged parking place is for sale. And if the site is included in the transaction, it is necessary to thoroughly check all documents through open databases. It is also worth noting that the biggest problem with such garages is insecurity. With a strong gust of wind or a fallen tree, one can only rely on the conscience of the material manufacturer.

Metal box

Also, naturally, they do not have a pit. Exceptions are cases when a conscientious owner personally created some analogue of it, but this rarely happens. Otherwise, they have the same disadvantages as overhead capital structures.

The main and perhaps the only pluses include the ability to transfer the garage to another place. This can be very useful when moving. The presence of modularity in some models will expand the box when buying a larger vehicle (we are not talking about height).

In general, due to great demand, there are a lot of options for these designs: with a sloping or flat roof, with gates opening up or to the sides, with or without a visor, but all these differences are not significant.

Garage Shell

This is the cheapest and, of course, less practical type. Due to their extremely low cost (about 20,000 rubles for a quality option), they are still popular. In fact, this is the same metal box with all its minuses, just with a specific way to open the gate, if this word can be applied to this form at all.

The fact is that its body is usually divided into two parts, one of which, the front, rises, giving the car the opportunity to call under it. Therefore, for the correct operation of such a mechanism, the second half of the structure is lower and rounded. Consequently, there are additional restrictions on the machine.

3D model of a seashell garage

True, it is worth noting that this view has its own plus - due to the absence of walls (they are raised), it becomes a little easier to park the vehicle.

You also need to say about the compactness of this type of garage. Most often, its dimensions are only slightly larger than the size of an average car, which allows you to arrange a garage shell even on a small plot of land. However, this obviously affects capacity, which many do not like. They independently lengthen the front part, cutting the case and brewing the desired metal insert. It looks awful and is popularly called the "collective farm."


This type of garages is more common in developed countries and usually can not exist separately from the house. At its core, this is a kind of capital, as they are almost always built from the same materials. But sometimes even wooden options are found. They can be either a continuation of the house or a detached building, have different gates, including blinds, have a hole or not. All this depends only on the desire of the owner, because they are created to order or independently.

House garage


If there are no special budgetary restrictions and no relocation is planned, the main garage will be the best choice among all types. And if there is a site and opportunities, then - a house building. But if there is not much money, you should pay attention to the metal box. And only in extreme cases, if necessary, you can buy a shell.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8741/

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