What does the flag of Guadeloupe look like and what is its history?

The exotic country of Guadeloupe stands out even with its symbolism. What do its state symbols look like and what significance do they have?

Flag description

Officially, the modern banner looks like a square of white color. In the center, the flag of Guadeloupe is complemented by the same smaller figure, divided by a drawing into two parts. There is a blue field above and a green field below. Drawing - a stylized image of a flying sea bird, made in dark blue against the backdrop of the rising sun, which is made yellow. Under the green part of the square, “Guadeloupe Region” is written in black , the inscription is made in French. Under the text is a yellow horizontal bar. There is also an unofficial flag of Guadeloupe. It has a classic rectangular shape, divided into two halves. The dark blue part above and the black below. In the center is a golden drawing of the sun, followed by green sheaves of sugarcane stalks , which are the basis of the local agricultural industry. Heraldic lilies are also depicted on the blue field . Such a flag of Guadeloupe is no less famous in the world, but it is not used by government agencies and solemn dates.

Guadeloupe flag

Appearance story

This territory on the islands of the Caribbean began to belong to France in 1674. In the course of history, Guadeloupe was conquered by other countries, but then it again returned to the former colonialist. In 1916, the status of the state was officially secured, and thirty years later, in 1946, the islands received the title of Overseas Department. In those days, the flag of Guadeloupe was identical to the French. A change in status has also led to changes in symbolism. The title of the department determined what the flag of Guadeloupe looks like, as follows: it, especially in its unofficial version, traces both features of the colonial state and unique, national ones. Now the country is governed by the prefect, and the General Council uses a separate banner, which looks like the coat of arms.

What does the flag of Guadeloupe look like?

Coats of arms of the country

Both the official and unofficial versions of the emblem coincide with the type of banner they represent. The national flag of Guadeloupe, whose photographs can be seen as often as with the traditional version, refers to French rule. The coat of arms in the form of a heraldic shield recalls the same. It is divided into two halves, the upper of which occupies one third of the height of the image, and the lower two. The first is made in dark blue, and the second is bright red. On top are three golden lilies, the heraldic symbol of the French, and below is a sign associated with Guadeloupe. This is a green bundle of sugarcane, in front of which the yellow sun rises.

Guadeloupe flag, photo

The unofficial flag of Guadeloupe uses exactly the same symbolism. The state flag is also similar to the coat of arms adopted by law. This is a white square with a smaller color in the center, divided by a stylized figure of a flying bird in black, under which is the name of the country, underlined by a yellow line.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8743/

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