Ravenclaw is a faculty of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Who studied at the Ravenclaw faculty? Harry Potter

Once upon a time, when there was no ministry or school of sorcery in the magical world, four great wizards and sorceresses lived. In this article we will tell you about Candide Ravenclaw. The faculty, which she founded at Hogwarts, was intended for students who differed from others in intelligence, good memory and quick wit.

Hogwarts School Foundation

About a thousand years ago, the great sorcerers of England faced the question of systematizing their knowledge and passing it on to other generations. So they decided to establish a school of sorcery. Wizards thought for a long time about which faculties to establish at Hogwarts. And so each of the sorcerers created his own faculty, which he called his own name. Slytherin accepted the most cunning, the Gryffindor the most daring, the Hufflepuff the most hardworking, and Candida Ravenclaw the smartest.

In the English version, Ravenclaw is called Ravenclaw, which literally means "Ravenclaw." The well-known proverb of this faculty says to many: "A keen mind beyond measure is the greatest asset of man." Despite the name "Crow's Claw", the eagle is a symbol of the faculty. Because of this, many readers get confused.

Ravenclaw Faculty

How to enter the living room of Ravenclaw

It is noteworthy that with the help of a password it will not be possible to enter the living room, which is located in the Kogtevran tower. The faculty, which was founded by the most intelligent sorceress, differs from others by this. In order to get into the tower, it was necessary to answer the question posed by the guard guarding the door. The difficulty is that the questions changed every time. From the living room a beautiful view of the surroundings of Hogwarts.

What is interesting in Ravenclaw?

This faculty is interesting in that the most intelligent and inventive students came to it. Dean of the Ravenclaw was half-human Professor Flitwick Filius. Also, the faculty had its own ghost, which the students called the Gray Lady. The faculty coat of arms depicts an eagle. In the book it is made in blue and bronze, and in the film in silver and blue. According to the old legend, Candida Ravenclaw possessed a special magic item - Diadem. It was he who, along with the Slytherin medallion and the Deathly Hallows, appears in the last part.

harry potter 3

Who studied at the Faculty of Ravenclaw

The faculty, which accepted only the smartest, is known for the following students: Akerli Stewart, Belby Marcus, Brocklhurst Mandy, Booth Terry, Davis Roger, Ingbley Duncan, Cornen Michael, Carmichael Eddy, Lovegood Polumna, Page Grant, Svirk Orla, Stratham Jeremy , Turpin Laisa, Chang Jo and Marietta Edgecom.

Over the years, the elders of the faculty were Goldstein Anthony, Crystal Penelope, Patil Padma and Billiard Robert.

Peneloppa Crystal is known for not only being the head of the faculty, but also meeting with Percy Weasley, Ronald's brother. Ron and Harry once came across her when, in the guise of Goyle and Crab, under the influence of a circulating potion, they were looking for Slytherin's living room. Then she probably went on a date with Percy.

Penelope was quite tall, she had blond long hair. The fact that she was dating Ron’s brother, became known only in the second book, when Ginny told her friends that she had seen kissing Percy and Penelope.

In the second book, Penelope fell under the numbing spell that sent the Slytherin monster to her. She also loves Quidditch. She liked Harry's broom, which Sirius gave him, and made a bet with Ron's brother about the result.

The further fate of Penelope is unknown. She never became Percy’s wife. It is known that he married a girl named Audrey.

In Harry Potter 3, the protagonist begins dating one of Ravenclaw’s students, Zhou Chang. She was a catcher in the faculty team. She was a member of Dumbledore’s squad. Her friend Marietta betrayed the detachment, having told about it to Dolores Umbridge herself. When Marietta spoke about the unit, a curse was sent to her.

Candida Ravenclaw

Luna Lovegood also studied at this faculty. She first appeared in the fifth book and since then she is one of the key characters. Thanks to her and her father, Harry was able to give an interview on how the dark lord was reborn. She was with Harry and his friends at the Ministry of Magic, and she also took part in the Battle of Hogwarts. In the seventh book, Polumnu was kidnapped by supporters of the dark lord due to the fact that her father supported Harry Potter in his articles.

In different years, the following students were included in the Ravenclaw team: Davis Roger, Chang Zhou, Chambers and Bradley.

The most famous students of Ravenclaw

The school of sorcery and magic is known for its famous students. No wonder it is one of the most prestigious schools! Especially many famous students released Ravenclaw. The following characters completed this faculty:

  • Millicent Bagnold was Minister of Magic. After her, the post of minister was taken by the chubby wizard Cornelius Fudge.
  • Quirrell Quirinus was a supporter of the Dark Lord and a teacher in the first book. He wanted to help steal the Sorcerer's Stone and revive Voldemort with it. However, Harry, Ronald and Hermione prevented him from doing this.
  • Lokons Zlatopust is a teacher of protection against dark magic in the second book, which has lost its memory. It is distinguished by its boasting and the fact that by deception, he stole the memories of the exploits of other wizards and appropriated them to himself. After Lokons deprived himself of his memory with a faulty wand, he was sent for treatment to a magical hospital.

which faculties at hogwarts

  • Trelawney Sibyl - a fortune teller who owns the prophecies about Harry and the dark Lord. She rarely spoke real predictions. In Harry Potter 3, Ron and Harry agree that she is just an old quack. In the fifth book, she was almost kicked out of Hogwarts by Dolores Umbridge. But Dumbledore, knowing that she was in mortal danger outside the school, leaves Trelawney at school.
  • Flitwick Filius - Dean of the Faculty of Cognevran. There are goblins in his family, and therefore he is notable for his small stature. His voice is squeaky. Flitwick is considered one of the best Spell teachers. At the distribution, the magic hat thought for about five minutes where to send Flitwick to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.

Ravenclaw Faculty of Harry Potter

Candida and her daughter Elena

In honor of this sorceress, the faculty to which this article is devoted is named. Candida Ravenclaw was supposedly no later than the middle of the 10th century. She had a daughter, whose name was Elena Ravenclaw (or Helena). It was she who envied her mother and stole the magic Tiara from her in order to become smarter than her. As you know, this magic item makes its owner the most intelligent person.

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

The mystery of the bloody Baron

When the great Candida Ravenclaw learned of the disappearance of the Tiara, she did not tell anyone because the very fact of theft of her daughter was incredibly shameful to her. When she became seriously ill and felt that she was going to die, she asked the bloody Baron, who was in love with Elena, to find her and persuade her to say goodbye to her mother. But unfortunately, Candida Ravenclaw never saw her daughter before she died.

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Hope Elena to surpass the mind of his mother did not materialize. Out of shame, Candida's daughter hid in the Albanian forests. When the Baron found Elena and was refused, he killed her with a knife, since he had a very violent disposition. When he came to his senses, in horror at what he had done, he laid hands on himself. Since then, Elena Ravenclaw has become the faculty cast of the Gray Lady, and the Baron has become the cast of Slytherin. As a sign of repentance, he often puts on shackles and chains.

Elena Ravenclaw and Tom Reddle

The diadem stolen by Elena remained in the Albanian forest in the hollow of one of the trees. Around the forties of the last century, a student was found who managed to charm and talk to the Gray Lady. It was Tom Riddle, who a short time later became a famous magician Voldemort. Elena told him her secret, and Tom found the Diadem after he graduated from Hogwarts.

Lord Voldemort made a crucifix from the Tiara. This is a special subject in which a part of a person’s soul is contained. It is after the crucifixes that Harry and his friends are hunting. Candideta Ravenclaw diadem (Harry Potter faculty was named after her) Voldemort hid in the room "So-and-so", believing that no one except him knew about her. However, the Diadem was still found and destroyed during the fire by the infernal flame, which was arranged by a friend of Draco Malfoy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E875/

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