How to write a report on dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs at will? Application form and sample

Service in the police requires special psychological stamina, and at the same time physical endurance. The main task of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is to ensure legal order, and in addition, the fight against crime. Every day, police have to deal with the hardships of life. At the same time, they must remain decent, honest and responsive people, as they protect the interests of ordinary citizens.

True, police service is an ordinary job, during which different situations arise. For some reason, dismissal may be required. To do this, draw up a document addressed to the head. A sample report of the dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of their own volition with recommendations for completion are given below in this article. So, let's start by considering the basic prerequisites in order to leave the service.

Ministry of Internal Affairs dismissal report

Reasons for the dismissal of employees

Any rights with the duties of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are regulated by various legislative acts. This is, first of all, directly related to the specifics of their activities. All procedures are clearly stated in the law, which further guarantees the observance of the freedoms of citizens. The rights of the police themselves are also protected by regulations. For example, the reasons for the justified dismissal are described in detail in the law, which is called "On Service". The initiators of the dismissal are different sides, while the factors can be qualified as follows:

  • Personal desire along with dismissal on a common basis.
  • Management decision in case of violation by the employee of the law.
  • General grounds for dismissal.

In the first case, the policeman can quit due to common reasons, which implies the following options: termination of the contract along with retirement upon reaching a certain age. Family circumstances may include the following:

  • The need for child care in the absence of a second spouse.
  • The need for care of a relative.
  • When the level of salary does not allow providing for a family.
  • Inability to use an employee’s existing education.
report on dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on length of service

Leadership initiative

The management may initiate the dismissal of an employee in the event that he violated the law or committed an offense that dishonored an employee of the authorities. The rules that must be adhered to by the police are set out in federal law. In the event of a violation, an internal investigation is carried out, in which the employee’s degree of guilt is assessed, making an informed decision.


In the framework of the investigation, the commission takes into account the circumstances against which the offense occurs, the previous merits of the person and his relationship with all colleagues are also taken into account. It must take place one month after the incident. With a resolution on the dismissal of an employee, they are deprived of all payments and he will have problems with subsequent employment.

Independent reasons

These include:

  • Contraction factor. As in any other department, the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not exclude the possibility of reorganization with a reduction in the number of different units.
  • Due to health conditions. In the event that, according to the conclusion of medical research, the employee will not be able to fulfill his direct duties in connection with the actual deterioration of health.
  • The death of an employee.

So, first of all, the procedure for dismissing such an employee requires the presence of one of the following papers: a report on the dismissal of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs along with the conclusion of the audit and the results of certification. In the latter situation, the dismissal of a policeman is directly related to his mismatch of the position he occupies.

sample report leave mvd dismissal

Report form and sample

The reasons for the need for dismissal from service can be very diverse. In any situation, it is necessary to refer, first of all, to labor legislation. Its provisions govern the procedure for dismissal. In the event that it is initiated by the employee, he is obliged to draw up a report.

How to write a report on dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs? It can be issued in a free form. True, it is better when it includes information that indicates the competence of the person who submits the report. Consider a sample report on leave, dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs at will.

So, as it should be, first indicate whose name the paper is drawn up on. In the center they write the word "report". The main text will be as follows:

“Based on the labor legislation and article No. 19 of the law“ On the Police, ”I ask you to dismiss me from the Department of Internal Affairs from such and such a date, as I wish. I refuse to go through the HVAC. In connection with the dismissal, I ask you to make a full payment listing all the financial resources due, as well as to issue documents that relate to the service in this unit. ”

In this case, we are talking about a military ticket, a work book, a copy of the order for dismissal, a pension insurance certificate and a certificate of income for one year, which is done in duplicate. Then the text continues:

“In the event that the above documentation or payment of arrears is refused within the time period established by law, I will file a statement with the prosecutor’s office, which will state all the facts of violation of rights and provide information on causing moral and material damage.”

retirement report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Registration at the secretariat

The report on dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs shall be registered with the secretariat of the Department of Internal Affairs directly on the day of submission. By showing in this way his knowledge of the laws, the employee makes it clear that in violation of his right he will not stop and will strive to achieve justice. True, you can use a simpler form of dismissal report from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is easy to download from official sources.

Stages of dismissal

Any actions related to the dismissal procedure are described in the legislation. Their violation may lead to the possibility of appealing decisions regarding dismissal. In this regard, to comply with the rights required:

  • The presence of a foundation. In this role, depending on the circumstances, the report on dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs acts along with the results of certification or the decision of the commission.
  • The employee is warned of dismissal in writing.
  • Conducting a conversation. It is carried out to familiarize the employee with his personal file, and also sets the date and reasons for dismissal.
  • Preparation of documentation. At the appointed time prepare and sign a letter of resignation.
  • Drawing up the order.
how to write a report on dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Features of dismissal

In the event that the employee has expressed a desire to quit, a dismissal report from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is submitted for a month. When there is a bilateral agreement, such a procedure can go much faster. True, the dismissed person must necessarily fulfill the conditions of Article No. 89 of the Law on the Service. She orders him to hand over weapons with other property that is assigned to him. In addition, an identity card with a personal badge is sent to the personnel department. Similar actions are controlled directly in the bypass sheet. For their implementation usually provide five days.

At any time, starting with the submission of a report on dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, up to its actual adoption, employees can withdraw it by submitting a written request. In this case, he has the right to continue his service. Moreover, in the event that the warning period is completed, and the dismissal did not happen, while the employee does not insist on it, then the contract continues. According to the law, an option is possible, within the framework of which, upon completion of the warning period, employees can stop fulfilling their duties. But before that, they must hand over weapons with a certificate.

form of report on dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Employment record

After the issuance of the order, they record in the employment on the service life, and also record the numbers of documents on admission and dismissal. The reason for the dismissal, as a rule, is not indicated. After that, the calculation and payment of debts that occurred at the time of leaving work are performed. First of all, we are talking about monetary allowance, as well as compensation for unused vacation. In this case, you can also write a vacation report followed by dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. An employee can take a sample report on leave and dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the personnel department.

In the event that the cause is a reduction or deterioration in health, then the person receives an additional benefit, which depends on the length of service and ranges from five to twenty monthly salaries. For other reasons, the employee receives forty percent of the allowance. If there is a government award, the reward is doubled.

Retirement and dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on length of service

Such employees can go on a well-deserved rest if:

  • They worked a sufficient number of years without any interruption in service at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In other words, they earned a pension granted after years of service. The report on dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on length of service should contain information on the number of years that have been given to service at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • The employee has reached the retirement age, after which in any case they must appoint a cash security. The report on the retirement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is drawn up in the same form as on their own.
  • As part of the performance of duties in the service, an employee at the Ministry of Internal Affairs has acquired disability and is forced to retire.
report on the dismissal of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In the event that, as a result of the service, a law enforcement officer reaches a certain rank that corresponds to the middle or highest officer rank, then right after retirement they retain the right to wear uniforms according to their official status.

The uniform of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, even against the background of their dismissal, is an indicator of patriotism, and at the same time fidelity and respect for those who are responsible for ensuring security in the state. Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have in our country a number of benefits and bonuses that are provided for by Russian law.


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