The meaning and origin of the surname Lazarev

Surnames in Russia were formed in different ways: on behalf of a nickname, from a profession, craft, from a place of residence.

An example of assigning a generic name. In the Vologda province there lived a peasant who hunted rabbits. His mastery was especially noticeable when he brought the hare in the winter. And he had the nickname Belyak. When it came time to assign a surname, they did not even ask him, they wrote down Belov. We are talking about the ancestor of Belov, Vasily Ivanovich, a Russian writer. The history of the origin of the surname Lazarev has similar features.

Peasants in the field

The assignment of generic names began relatively recently, most of the population began to receive them in the middle of the XIX century, after the abolition of serfdom. Then the peasants received freedom. They had to decide on a free life. Until this time, nobles had surnames, noble families and peasants of free lands, such as Novgorod.

What is the origin of the surname Lazarev?

The surname is based on the name Lazarus. According to the Bible, Lazarus is a notable character, a contemporary of Jesus. He lived in Bethany with his sisters Martha and Mary. Mary was the one who anointed the Lord with the world and wiped His feet with her hair. And Lazarus is sick. The sisters sent to tell him that the one "whom you love is sick." Hearing this, Jesus said: this disease is not to death, but to the glory of God, that the Son of God be glorified through it. And the Lord was glorified by the resurrection of the dead Lazarus. This is the biblical story. Therefore, it is not surprising that this name is so well known in Russia.

The name itself comes from Elazar - "God helped" (Hebrew). That's where the meaning and origin of the surname Lazarev came from.

Names were given at the baptism of children for a millennium after the Baptism of Russia. There were many names of Lazarus. So, there are many such names. The surname Lazarev is considered purely Russian.

The story of Lazarus

At one time, the phraseology “singing Lazarus” was widely spread among the people. He is also associated with the Bible, with the "Gospel of Luke", where another Lazarus is mentioned. This man was sick, complained about fate, sought to arouse sympathy, begged, whined ... "And he remained poor, like Lazarus" they said, if something was upset.

Search for the etymological meaning of the word

There is another interpretation of the origin of the surname Lazarev. Some scientists have searched for etymology in the word “climb,” that is, “climbing” mountains, for example. In the case of this option, a person could get the nickname Lazarus, and then the name Lazarev.

Also, the nickname Lazarus could get an amateur climb, a lazy student, a dodger, a flatterer. But such a version is unlikely. It is now impossible to find out a reliable version, since the formation of generic names, albeit not in droves, has been going on for centuries.

Is there a trace of Cossacks in the history of the surname?

In ancient Rostov settlements namesakes are often found. Usually they live in the villages of the same name. There are from 2-3 to 10 such villages. Cossack settlements are an enclave whose inhabitants do not mix with the country's population. Among local anthroponyms there are those that are found only here and nowhere else in the world. Turks and Bulgarians are also found here. Also unusual is the fact that there are Russian surnames, including the Lazarevs. Among the historical Scythian-Sarmatian cultures, wanderers, runaway peasants, all free people, robbers and adventurers there are Lazarevs.

Don Cossacks

How did they end up here, and what does the Cossacks name Lazarev mean? Most likely, the carriers fled from some kind of problem and hid among the Cossacks. Families were created, children were born, and so they took root in foreign territory. But it should be noted, not assimilated.

Maybe they brought with them the names from which they received the last names? But the Cossacks are Orthodox people, they also baptize children and give them names. No, isolation of the surname eloquently says that they are not related to the Cossacks by kinship.

Famous carriers

Among the carriers of the surname Lazarev there are many who fought for the fatherland, glorified it and served for the good of the motherland until their death. The most famous among them is Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev, who, along with Fadey Bellingshausen in 1820, approached the shores of Antarctica and recorded the presence of the mainland. This was declared contrary to J. Cook, who denied that there was land in those latitudes. Mikhail Petrovich was then appointed head of the Black Sea Navy.

Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev

He carried out the re-equipment of the fleet and Sevastopol, built a library for military schools, and improved the educational processes of military institutions. Now the practice had to be carried out in a combat situation. Lazarev was the mentor of rear admirals: Nakhimov, Kornilov, Istomin, Butakov. Mikhail’s two brothers - Aleksey and Alexander - are also naval commanders, vice and rear admiral, respectively. This is a combat family from Central Russia, Vladimir Region. Lazarev showed mercilessness to the enemy during the Crimean Russian-Turkish war. In one battle, destroyed 5 enemy ships.


Analyzing the big picture, we can say that the etymological version looks very strained. From these words - climb, flatterer, dodger - other names appeared. Lazutin, Lovkachev, Flatterers and options. The Cossack is rejected because the Russian surnames "live" all by themselves. There remains one reliable version of the origin of the surname Lazarev - biblical.


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