Cherry Tomatoes. Varieties. Collection.

Today in every supermarket we can find cherry tomatoes on the shelves. Varieties of these tomatoes are always very tasty and nutritious. Small-fruited tomatoes are extremely dietary, but some of them have perfect sweetness with various shades of cherry, raspberry and even melon flavors.

Cherry varieties - a chic decoration on any holiday table. Often, these tomatoes are used for fresh consumption, while preserving all the most valuable and useful substances.

Unfortunately, many residents of the CIS countries do not know much about cherry tomatoes; they rarely eat them. Small-fruited tomatoes are more common in countries such as Israel, Spain, Turkey. These countries gladly boast of their tomatoes to guests and tourists, because cherry is a truly ideal product for those who strive for proper nutrition.

A similar rarity also explains the high price of tomatoes and cherry seeds . They were developed by one of the Israeli scientists back in 1973.

Do not forget also that all the fruits, thanks to long-distance transportation, are collected even with technical ripeness. This cannot but affect the value of any product.

A practical way out of the situation may be the idea to grow cherry tomatoes at home. Do not be surprised, but people of all countries have been growing these nice little tomatoes for several years on their windowsill - in flowerpots. However, experts argue that the most comfortable for their germination are all kinds of pots. Growing tomatoes, you should have paid attention to how branched these plants are. Even ordinary tomatoes require special attention, let alone what conditions need to be created for the smallest and most delicious tomatoes!

Until now, we still notice that the demand for cherry tomatoes, varieties of small-fruited tomatoes is ahead of supply. However, for the sake of justice, it is worth noting that the cherry from the local supermarket is not exactly those tomatoes that are really tasty and healthy. This is due to the largest suppliers who do not always cope with the supply volumes, therefore they are forced to sell immature, unprepared for sale cherry.

Among the cherry tomatoes, there are three most popular types:

  1. Cherry Tomato F1 'Cherry' - an early ripe hybrid that is grown on open ground or in greenhouses. The fruits of this variety have a pleasant orange tint. A full brush of tomatoes has about twenty fruits, the average mass of which reaches 25 grams.
  2. F1 Cherry Lycopa is a mid-ripe cherry hybrid. Taste quality of the fruit is almost perfect. One brush of this kind of cherry has about a dozen fruits.
  3. F1 Cherry Kira is another cherry-shaped hybrid, but with early ripening dates. Orange color pleasantly pleases the eye, and the number of fruits on one brush is up to 18 pieces.

You have probably already learned that cherry tomatoes, the varieties of which are varied both in taste and color, are more fragrant than other tomatoes. However, each variety has its own taste, so you can determine the most delicious for yourself in only one way: to taste several varieties at once. Only in this case will it be possible to determine the best variety.

Those who are nevertheless fascinated by the idea of ​​self-growing cherry fruits should pay attention to harvesting, because the assembly of these small tomatoes is a rather painstaking and laborious process.

Remember that if you harvest fruits that have not yet fully ripened, you cannot count on the fullness of the taste of such tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes, the varieties of which are original and unique in themselves, will not be sweet and soft enough, not so useful. Collect only those tomatoes that have already acquired a characteristic color for your variety - you will not lose!


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