Ice - what is it? Classification, distribution and methods of deicing

Ice is a natural phenomenon that causes a lot of trouble to residents of many parts of the Earth. What is the essence of this phenomenon? What is its geography? Under what conditions do ice form and how can one deal with them? Our article will tell about all this.

What is ice?

Ice is a cryogenic natural formation. In simpler words - layered massifs of ice formed on any surfaces, buildings, roads, already frozen reservoirs at negative air temperatures. The main condition for the formation of ice accumulation is the presence of periodically pouring water of natural or technogenic origin.

A vivid example: in the winter in the city there is a breakthrough of the water supply system. As a result, water from damaged pipes is poured onto the surface of the road, spreads and freezes. Each new portion of water forms a new layer of ice. Both drivers and ordinary pedestrians suffer from this unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon.

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But do not think that ice accumulations are formed exclusively in settlements. Sometimes they form on the surface of frozen lakes or cover the slopes of river valleys. The main conditions for the formation of ice are only two:

  1. The presence of a solid surface in the form of ice or other cooled body.
  2. Discrete (intermittent) migration of water along this surface.

Classification and distribution of ice

Ice is a strictly zonal phenomenon. That is, it is found only in certain geographical areas or regions. So, ice is widespread in permafrost zones (Yakutia, Chukotka, the northern regions of Canada). In other parts of the planet seasonal frost can be observed. In general, the intensity of their formation depends on groundwater reserves, the depth of soil freezing and other natural factors.

There are several classifications of this natural entity. So, in the area of ​​ice there are:

  • Small (up to 1,000 sq. M.).
  • Medium (1-10 thousand sq. M.).
  • Large (10-100 thousand sq. M.).
  • Very large (100-1 000 thousand sq. M.).
  • Giant (over 1,000 thousand sq. M.).

By genesis, all the ice is divided into natural (natural) and artificial (man-made). At the location - on the slope, valley, watershed, riverbed, coastal, etc. The shape of the ice is divided into several groups:

  1. Flat.
  2. Elongated.
  3. Rounded.
  4. Lobed.
  5. Cascading.
  6. Pounding puddles.
  7. Cash flows, etc.

Ice on the road: ways to fight

The most unpleasant thing is ice on the roads. After all, they become the cause of a large number of road accidents. Most often they form on city roads due to a sharp decrease in air temperature and freezing of melt or rain water.

ice on the roads

How to deal with ice on the road? Traditional methods are the processing of road surfaces with technical salt or sand. An alternative is the use of special chemicals (liquid or solid). These funds are more effective, however, they do some harm to the environment. Therefore, their use should be dosed.


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