Grapes "Victor" - variety description

The modern garden is an amazing sight. Fruit trees and bushes are harmoniously combined with ornamental plants. And vegetable crops are frequent guests here. And with all the variety of plants there is always a corner for an amazing representative of the flora - grapes.

Variety selection for the garden

Each gardener, before acquiring a particular plant, is faced with a huge selection of existing crops. Currently, each of them has a wide range of varieties. When choosing them, the buyer is haunted by the desire to find something new, promising. Preference is given to unpretentious and resistant to weather conditions, diseases and pests. Detailed descriptions provide complete information about a particular variety. This information helps not only to make the right choice, but also to avoid mistakes in growing plants in the future.

Grapes Victor Description

Key Features

The table hybrid we are considering is named after its creator, amateur breeder Viktor Nikolayevich Krainov. It is obtained by crossing varieties of Talisman and Radish. The result of this work was appreciated. After the test, he added to the list of ten best grape varieties. Many gardeners involved in the cultivation of this amazing culture, have in their collection of grapes "Victor".

Grapes Victor

Description of the variety can be started by indicating the timing of fruit ripening. Harvest will ripen in a hundred or one hundred and five days. At the same time, a friendly ripening of the entire bunch is observed.

The vine of this hybrid is distinguished by strong branched shoots. They mature perfectly, and after the formation of the branch, they grow rapidly. In addition to such quality as early ripeness, resistance to severe frosts is important for this variety. Grapes "Victor" can withstand temperatures down to twenty-four degrees Celsius. Gardeners who replenish their collections with this plant confirm the good frost-resistant properties of the bushes. In some areas, this culture does not even require shelter.

In addition to early ripening and resistance to low temperatures, it is resistant to various diseases.

Grapes "Victor": variety description

A powerful vine after budding is covered with bisexual flowers. This property contributes to their rapid pollination. In the early days of June there is a friendly flowering. After pollination, a bunch of grapes begins to form. The berries are large, oval, slightly pointed in shape, have a pink or purple color. Some of them reach a weight of fifteen grams. The delicate pulp has a pleasant slightly acidic taste. A powerful weighty bunch weighing from six hundred grams to one kilogram will please its owners with the Victor grape variety .

Grapes Victor grade description photos
A photo of a ripening crop makes one admire this plant. It can also be said that due to the dense skin (which in no way affects the taste of the variety), the berries have reliable protection from pests, such as wasps.

Grapes "Victor-2"

As a rule, breeders do not stop there. The next author's work, V. N. Kraynov, is a variety very similar to "Victor" grapes. Their description is similar. However, there are differences. The new species, which is considered the brother of the above instance, is called "sympathy." What is the difference? Grapes "Victor-2", or "sympathy", has a later ripening period. Harvesting begins in one hundred twenty five or one hundred thirty days. Harvest will pleasantly surprise the owners of this miracle with heavy bunches of delicious berries. The weight of individual grones reaches one and a half kilograms. Berries of "sympathy" are distinguished by larger sizes: usually each of them weighs from twelve to eighteen grams. But this is not all the advantages of this variety. Having a decent weight, Victor-2 grapes are characterized by excellent transportable properties. Otherwise, these two varieties are similar as brothers.

Growing Features

When growing grapes should take into account its characteristics. A powerful branching plant requires some care. Grapes "Victor" perfectly bears fruit on high supports.

Grapes Victor Description
This method will allow you to grow powerful branched bushes. Planted in well-lit sunny places. A sufficient amount of heat ensures the ripening of a highly productive crop. Watering should be moderate. During the vegetative period, fertilizing with fertilizers will not be superfluous .

The resistance of the culture to frost in regions where the temperature in the cold season does not drop below twenty degrees allows you not to shelter the vine for the winter. And since this variety is very resistant to all kinds of sores, it is possible to reduce the number of preventive measures to combat the main diseases of grapes.

How to use Victor grapes

The description of the variety, the photo of which perfectly illustrates its merits, speaks of dining qualities. This is a wonderful dessert for the festive table. Yes, and on weekdays hardly anyone will refuse to enjoy a delicious treat.

grape variety Victor photo

The variety has a high stable yield. From one bush get up to fifteen kilograms of well-ripened berries.

Ripen clusters perfectly tolerate transportation. Dense ripe berries do not crack. The crop is well kept. Weighty clusters are particularly attractive. At the same time, berries intended for fresh consumption have a great taste and amazing aroma.


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