Veterinary clinic of Nizhnevartovsk: description and reviews

Unfortunately, pets often suffer from all kinds of diseases. Animals that live outside the house and experience the vagaries of the weather are increasingly becoming ill with various diseases. Animals that have a home are less likely to suffer from illnesses, because the owners and their pets go to the veterinarian on time. Among colds, oncological, urological, renal problems and a number of other dangerous diseases are more and more common.

Pet care services

If your pet is sick, then you should visit the central veterinary clinic of Nizhnevartovsk.

animal inspection

There, your favorite animals will receive expert help. Specializations of the central veterinary clinic:

  1. Pet treatment.
  2. Sterilization of cats.
  3. Planned caesarean section for cats.
  4. Rabies vaccinations.
  5. X-ray
  6. The treatment of parrots.
  7. Euthanasia of animals.

Also, veterinarians of the clinic provide paid services:

  1. Inspect cats.
  2. Take an animal blood test.
  3. Chips cats, dogs and other pets

You can use the services of qualified specialists to treat your pets at affordable prices. Services are provided on schedule. You can pay for services in cash, as well as by card. Address of the central veterinary clinic of Nizhnevartovsk: Internatsionalnaya, 24.


  1. Monday from 09:00 to 18:00 hours.
  2. From Tuesday to Friday, reception is from 09:00 to 15:00.
  3. Saturday and Sunday are holidays.

Tasks of the Center

Qualified specialists from the central veterinary clinic in Nizhnevartovsk believe that taking care of the smaller brothers is a priority. Doctors of this center quickly respond to a problem with an animal. Make the right decision, whether it's surgery or treatment. They can recommend a course of therapy using modern methods and drugs of a new generation. They will advise how to organize the right care for your pet. They will offer quality and environmentally friendly products.

A telephone for inquiries can be found on the official website of the hospital. Free oral consultation is provided on all issues: services, tariffs, reception schedule. Whether the ears are sore, or the eyes are festering, or the animal’s appetite has disappeared, all problems will help to be solved in the central veterinary clinic of Nizhnevartovsk.

cat inspection

Visitors reviews

Opinions of visitors about the center are both positive and not very. In most cases, customers express their gratitude to the doctors for their kind attitude to animals, the high qualification of working specialists, for the timely assistance and low prices.

thanks to the doctor

Of course, among the barrels of honey there will certainly be a fly in the ointment. You can also hear some negative reviews about the central veterinary clinic of Nizhnevartovsk. Someone did not like the sanitary condition or it seemed that the doctors did not treat the animals very politely. Someone does not like the schedule.

In any case, you need to look for your doctor - a polite and good specialist. And you will definitely find one in the veterinary center.


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