Russian family law: basic concepts

Family law defines the legal relationship of the parties, limited by the family framework. It clearly articulates the goals of legal family regulation and its basic principles.

The goals of family law in the Russian Federation are:

· Stimulation of strong relationships within the family, based on respect and love, deep responsibility and mutual understanding of each family member ;

· Contributing to the establishment in the family of such relationships, which are the most favorable atmosphere for the free development of the citizen and for the education of the younger generation.

Family Law: Basic Principles

As the main principles of regulation of relations in the family are called:

1. Equality of both spouses.

2. Marriage on the basis of voluntary consent.

3. Resolution of conflicts, disputes within the family on the basis of mutual agreement.

4. The priority of family relations is upbringing and care for children, their well-being and normal development.

5. Ensuring the protection of the interests and rights of minors - family members - as a priority principle of family existence.

Family law: the main directions of regulation of relations

The family is not a set of principles and legislative acts; here everything is much more complicated and interesting. However, the family cannot do without situations, for the solution of which a certain legislative base is simply necessary, otherwise everything can end as badly as possible for any of the parties. It is especially important to quickly and fairly respond to family incidents, when as a result the most sacred - children suffer.

Family law of the Russian Federation first of all establishes the procedure for conclusion - dissolution of marriage. The family code regulation also includes the following:

· The conditions under which a marriage can be considered invalid;

· The consequences of invalidating it;

· Property relations;

· Personal (non-property) relationship of the spouses;

· Property and personal relationships between spouses (one of the spouses) and children, other relatives;

· The establishment between spouses of equality of rights and obligations regarding the upbringing of children, their material well-being and education;

· Determination of the order of placement of children without parents in foster families.

Family Law on Family Law

The subject in family law means social relations between family members, regulated by the norms of family law. The subjects of family law do not include relations based on the registration of acts of civil status: marriage, name change, adoption or establishment of paternity, birth or death of citizens, restoration, modification or cancellation of certain entries in the book of acts is regulated by the norms of the Federal Law “On acts of civil state ".

Priority in family law is the personal (non-property) relationship of the spouses.

Divorce law

Divorce is a common social phenomenon that results in family breakdown. The procedure for divorce is clearly defined in the RF IC, it provides for two ways of divorce:

· A simplified procedure through the registry office;

· Judicial procedure.

More recently, a new bill has been passed regulating new aspects of the divorce proceedings. Basically, the changes touched the side of the issue in which children participate. For example, if earlier, without the consent of the second spouse, you could not take the child abroad, and the punishment for violating this norm was not severe, then now you can be held criminally liable. The maximum bar has been set for a term of imprisonment for concealing a child from a second spouse and obstructing their communication (it is now equal to 10 years). From the age of 14, a child has the right to determine with whom he agrees to live after the divorce of his parents. These and other changes can be found in the Federal Law “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”.


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