Guelder-rose "buldenezh": planting and care of a plant

Quite a strange name - viburnum "buldenezh". Planting and caring for this plant, despite its exotic name, are quite simple. This variety can be used to decorate sites. Esthete lovers venerate it for its magnificent color. "Buldenège" is a French word which means "snow globe" in translation. Indeed, if you look at this wonderful plant, you might get the impression that fluffy snowballs are growing on the bush.

viburnum buldenezh landing and care
From the photos it seems that this is an ordinary bush. Its leaves are large and impressive in width, have 3-5 lobes. The flowers are large, white. Berries of bright red color are collected in an umbrella-type brush. Viburnum is widely represented in our climatic zone (varieties "black", "pride", "notched", "Canadian" and others).

According to medical studies, with the help of viburnum berries, many diseases can be treated, but not every species has the necessary properties. Some have poisonous fruits, this refers to the "black" variety. Therefore, initially you need to decide for what purpose this plant will be cultivated, and whether viburnum "buldenezh" is suitable in accordance with your needs . Landing and caring for her are simple.

tree nurseries
For reproduction, root shoots, bush division or cuttings are used. Seeds are used extremely rarely. This is due to the fact that for their germination it will take a lot of time, and, accordingly, a full-color ornamental bush should not be expected earlier than in a few years. Therefore, root shoots or cuttings were chosen as the most affordable method of propagation. They can be of any kind - both young and numb. It is enough to separate the shoot from the base and put it in the water.

Tree nurseries offer a huge number of already sprouted cuttings or shoots of viburnum. However, even at home, it is not at all difficult to obtain roots. The cuttings are planted in the ground. You can use immediately open ground. Kalina will surely take root. For planting, it is better to choose spring or autumn periods. For this

viburnum varieties
a landing pit is dug, the bottom of which is sprinkled with organic fertilizers mixed with ash. The seedling is covered with earth, and the root neck is covered by 3-5 centimeters. The surface from above can be sprinkled with peat, after which the seedling is abundantly watered.

Kalina "buldenezh", landing and care for which does not require much effort, can hardly bring problems. For this representative of the flora, it is only necessary to choose fertile soil, a good area open to the sun with sufficient moisture. The plant perfectly develops and forms independently. He just needs abundant watering in dry times and thorough dressing, which is carried out every five years. Guelder-rose "buldenezh", landing and care of which are described in the article, can be transplanted at any age and at any time. However, it is necessary to carefully monitor pests that can completely destroy this beautiful plant.


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