How to paint ceilings correctly

How to paint the ceilings? The question is stupid at first glance. Indeed, nothing is easier to come up with than just picking up a roller and walking it over the entire surface of the ceiling. But this is not so. Each process has its own technology, which must be followed. This is the key to successful work.

how to paint ceilings
If you do not know how to paint the ceilings correctly, then you can get an unsightly result that, instead of pleasant feelings from a fresh and beautiful repair, will only cause notes of disappointment in the soul. In our case, these are the so-called Neprokras. That is, surface areas where the paint has a different texture and, as a result, different shades. In order not to get such a result, you should follow some very important recommendations. If you follow them, then the likelihood of quality work performed will increase significantly.

The first thing to start with is the choice of tools. This work can be done using a spray gun, roller or brush. The last option is better to immediately cut off, because using it to get the perfect result is very difficult. Only large professionals can do this. Using a spray gun is, of course, a good option. But it needs to be taken somewhere else. If you buy, the repair cost will increase significantly. The most suitable tool is the roller. The price does not bite him, and getting a high-quality result with it is quite simple. Therefore, we will try to figure out how to paint the ceiling with a roller.

The issue has been resolved with the painting tool. You can safely begin to do the work. And the first thing you should focus on is stirring the paint. A lot depends on the quality of the operation. If it is mixed unevenly, then the texture of the paint applied to the ceiling will be different. And this will lead to stains. The paint should be uniform. Be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions. If it says that when stirring, water or other liquid should be added in some quantity, then this should be done. If there are no such recommendations, then you should not do this on your own initiative.

how to paint the ceiling with a roller
Very important is the distribution of paint on the roller. And anyone who knows how to paint ceilings will confirm this. It should be uniform. This is very easy to achieve. The roller should be dipped in a container of paint. It is to dunk, and not to immerse completely. After that, the paint on the roller should be rolled out according to a pre-prepared mesh or a piece of hardboard or linoleum, or even better - purchase a special container. This is necessary in order to evenly distribute it throughout the instrument. It is possible that you will have to lower the roller into the paint tank again. If this is not done, and immediately begin to apply the decorative layer to the ceiling, then it is likely that spots will appear due to the different thicknesses of the paint layer in certain areas of the surface. And it will immediately catch the eye.

The next important point in the question of how to paint the ceilings correctly is the application of the material itself. This should be done evenly and quickly. Gaps in the work should not be. The entire operation of applying a decorative coating should take about 15-20 minutes. During this time, the paint will not have time to dry. It will have a uniform texture. If there are gaps somewhere, then they should be immediately painted over until the paint has dried. It is not always possible to see the performer, so in the corner of the room it is better to place an assistant who would look at the work and indicate problem areas.

how many times to paint the ceiling
With the process of applying a decorative layer, everything is clear. Another question: "How many times to paint the ceiling?" To achieve the required quality, it is enough to apply 2-3 layers. Moreover, each of them should go perpendicular to the previous one. With this approach, minor defects will be almost invisible. Another important condition that must be observed is that each subsequent layer must be applied after the previous one has completely dried. It is very important. Drying times are indicated on the packaging.


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