Types of Canadian Visas

Citizens of Russia and the CIS countries require a visa to visit Canada. There are several basic types of Canadian visas that vary depending on the purpose of the trip, for example: tourist, guest, work, student, etc. To get a Canadian visa, you need to clearly define the purpose of visiting Canada.

Temporary Visas

All visas with a visit to Canada up to 6 months are called Temporary Resident Visa and imply that the visitor leaves Canada after the visa expires.

Tourist visa

It is issued to those who want to visit Canada for the purpose of recreation, entertainment, visiting and sightseeing. Such a visa, as a rule, is issued for the duration of the trip and can be reissued for a longer period if there are no violations of the visa regime and the declared purpose of the trip. The basis for requesting a tourist visa is a tourist application with a description of the trip route.

Guest Visa

Issued for visits by friends and relatives living in Canada. The basis for the issuance of such a visa is an invitation to friends or relatives living in Canada.

Work Visa

Issued to those traveling to Canada at the invitation of a Canadian employer. The basis for the issue of a work visa to Canada is the very invitation from the Canadian company, drawn up accordingly, namely, it received confirmation from the Canadian employment service. A work visa gives the employee the right to bring his family to Canada and obtain a work permit for the spouse, as well as the right to use free medical care, which is one of the best in the world. Worker children can attend a Canadian school free of charge.

Business visa

Awarded to those traveling to Canada in order to run a business. It can be either your own business or employment. Like a work visa, a business visa allows you to bring family members of a manager to Canada.

student visa

It is issued to those who want to get an education in Canada (secondary or higher) and subsequently, perhaps, stay in the country and obtain citizenship. Education in Canada is considered prestigious (especially higher) and relatively affordable. The cost of one year of study ranges from 15,000 to 35,000 CAD. Upon completion of training, students receive the right to work, which in turn, after a year of work, gives the right to apply for permanent residence (permanent residence) in Canada. After three years of living in Canada with permanent residence status, you can apply for citizenship.

Super visa

A new type of Canadian visa designed for parents of residents and citizens of Canada. Their grandparents can also get it. A visa is initially issued for two years and can be extended up to 10 years without leaving Canada and registering a permanent residence.

Transit visa

It is necessary for those who are going to another country with a transfer in Canada and are not going to leave the airport. The only visa that is issued free of charge, the cost of the remaining visas is the same - 100 CAD.

Major Mistakes When Applying for Temporary Canadian Visas

For the most part, applicants for visas to Canada dream of getting into the country to work, for which they are trying to get a tourist visa. Naturally, such "tourists" are easily calculated by employees of the Canadian Embassy, ​​followed by a refusal to issue a visa.

Insufficient attention to the instructions of the embassy regarding the list and form of documents for submission is the second most frequent reason for refusing to issue a visa. If it is said that an extract from the bank account is required for 4 months, then this is what you need to take, and not a bank statement about the account balance.

The main thing that needs to be taken into account when collecting documents is that the visa is temporary, that is, the applicant must leave Canada after its expiration. In this regard, you need to provide evidence of a relationship with Russia, for example, that your family members, real estate, work, etc., remained at home during your trip.

Immigrant visas

Immigrant visas are issued to professionals and businessmen who apply for permanent residence in Canada. Professionals with high-demand professions and businessmen who are able and able to conduct business in Canada are issued visas for permanent residence with the possibility of subsequent citizenship for three years. At the same time, all family members are included in the application. The selection criteria must be met by the main applicant, who can be either spouse, and all family members receive visas automatically. This type of visa gives the status of a permanent resident of Canada and the right to reside in Canada for an unlimited time with only one drawback - there is no voting right. To become a full-fledged citizen and have the right to choose candidates for the highest authorities, you must apply for Canadian citizenship.

Canada is waiting for you

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8800/

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