"Baytril" for cats: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Cats are very hardy animals. They get extremely rare. But sometimes health problems can begin with such a pet. Associated diseases of cats are often associated with infection of the body of various kinds of viruses and bacteria. In this case, antimycoplasmic drugs can also be used to treat animals . One such remedy is Baytril. For cats, this tool is used quite often.

Composition and form of release

This product is available on the market in the form of a solution in vials intended for injection, or tablets used orally. The main active ingredient of this medicine is enrofloxacin.

Treatment of a cat "Baytrilom"

โ€œBaytrilโ€ is for sale, like any drug intended for the treatment of animals, in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. If desired, the owner of the cat can purchase a solution with 2.5%, 5% or 10% of the active substance. For injection, only the first two varieties of the drug are used. A solution of 10% is intended for oral administration. That is, with such a medicine, if necessary, they simply water the cat food.

How does it work

The drug "Baytril" belongs to the group of drugs with a wide spectrum of action. When a cat enters the body, it can suppress both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. This medicine reaches its maximum concentration in the animalโ€™s body within half an hour after administration.

Indications for use

This drug is prescribed to cats if they have such problems, for example, as:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;

  • respiratory organs;

  • genitourinary system.

Also, this medicine is often prescribed by veterinarians for salmonellosis, colibacteriosis and other diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to fluoroquinolones. For blood poisoning, this medicine may also be used.


The drug "Baytril" for cats is used quite often and is at the same time quite powerful. Use it, of course, is in strict accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the veterinarian. Not all cats can give injections or give Baytril tablets. Contraindications to the use of this tool are:

  • the presence of nervous lesions in animals, accompanied by convulsions;

  • Serious disorders in the development of cartilage tissue in cats.

Veterinary "Baytril"

Also, this medicine should not be prescribed to pregnant pets or nursing kittens. There are restrictions on the use of Baytril by age. They are not allowed to treat small kittens.

Interaction with other drugs

In complex treatment "Baytril" for cats by veterinarians can be used. But it is allowed to use it at the same time by no means with all drugs. You can not combine the reception of "Baytril", for example, with the use of:

  • tetracyclines;

  • "Chloramphenicol";

  • "Theophylline."

Using Baytril for Animals

You can not combine this drug with other anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs. To treat animals whose body is resistant to fluoroquinolones, it is useless to use this tool.

Instructions for use "Baytril" for cats: dosages

Before using this drug, the owners of the animal need to consult a veterinarian and follow his recommendations in the future. Dosages of this drug are usually selected individually depending on the age, weight of the pet and the specific disease. But most often, injections of this drug to cats are given once a day. In this case, the course of treatment in most cases lasts 5-7 days.

Injections of Baytril

The dosage of Baytril for cats is usually 0.2 ml per kilogram of their weight. For such pets, only a 2.5% solution is allowed.

What you need to know

You can use Baytril for cats, including at home. In this case, the owners inject the medicine to the animal themselves. However, injecting this drug into pets, of course, needs to be done correctly. To give injections to cats daily should be in different places. Otherwise, the animal will experience severe pain. If the drug does not help, you need to examine the cat for its body resistance to fluoroquinolones.

If the catโ€™s condition improves after applying the medicine, you cannot change it to another similar remedy. This can accelerate the development of resistance of the animal to antibiotics.

Instructions for use "Baytril" for cats requires you to strictly follow the treatment regimen chosen by the veterinarian. The animal should be injected every day. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the drug will be significantly reduced.

Prescribing Baytril injections for cats on their own is not possible. Before using this drug (according to the instructions for use), it is supposed to perform laboratory tests to identify the causative agent of the disease and strains resistant to antibiotics.

Baytril Injections for Cats

Side effects

Sometimes this drug can have a negative effect on the cat's body. The most common side effect of using Baytril is a gastrointestinal disorder of various kinds. Also, sometimes an allergic reaction to this drug is observed in cats. In this case, it is recommended to give him antihistamines to alleviate the condition of the animal.

How to store medicine

In a sealed bottle, the shelf life of Baytril for cats and other pets is 3 years. However, after opening the container, the medicine should be used for a maximum of 28 days. Pricking a cat with an expired drug is, of course, impossible.

If the animal is injected without opening the bottle, but simply piercing its cap with a needle, it is also possible to store the medicine in the subsequent period of time for 3 years. At home, this medicine should be kept in a dry and cool dark place, for example, in the refrigerator.

Reviews about Baytril for cats

The opinion of pet owners about this drug has developed quite well. The advantages of this medicine, consumers include low cost and effectiveness. This antibiotic helps sick cats, according to many pet lovers, very well. Also, the advantage of this drug is a small number of side effects.

The main drawback of Baytril, according to the owners of cats, is that its injections can be very painful for animals. Many consumers are even advised to trust the injection of this medicine exclusively to the veterinarian. Also, of course, some of the disadvantages of Baytril is that it cannot be used to treat kittens.

Veterinary preparation "Baytril"

Analogues of the drug

Means "Baytril" - effective. But if necessary, for the treatment of cats, you can, of course, use its substitutes. The analogues of this drug, which have earned good reviews from consumers, are, for example:

  • Enrofolks

  • "Ciprofloxatin";

  • Enromage.

Also, sometimes the analogue of Baytril for Quinokol cats is prescribed by veterinarians.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8815/

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