Yellow vegetable. The list and properties of yellow vegetables

A well-known fact - the color of fruit crops determines the presence of vitamins in them. The leading position in the content of trace elements is occupied by yellow vegetables. Some are afraid to eat them, as the fruits of bright colors contain allergens. Of course, people suffering from this ailment should limit the amount of yellow and red fruits, berries and vegetables. Healthy people should enrich their menu with natural vitamins.

General characteristics of yellow vegetables

According to statistics, 21% of people around the world consume insufficient amounts of yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. But this can lead to the appearance of various diseases.

Yellow vegetables are rich in various trace elements:

  • alpha and beta carotenes;
  • hesperwine;
  • lycopene;
  • potassium;
  • flavonols;
  • phthalides;
  • terpenoids.

Flavonoids, which are rich in yellow vegetables, help numerous enzymes increase activity. In addition, the body is protected from radiation and solar radiation. Many medicines, dietary supplements and vitamin preparations contain flavonoids. They are actively used in the cosmetic industry.

Flavonols can help in the fight against age-related impairment of memory and cognitive abilities.

The help of yellow vegetables to the body is invaluable:

  • Immunity rises, diseases recede.
  • Blood pressure and bad cholesterol goes down.
  • Cardiac activity returns to normal.
  • The brain is normalizing.
  • Memory is improving at times.
  • The joints remain healthy.
  • There is a fight against free radicals.
  • Skin condition is improving.
  • Vision is normalized.
  • Prostatitis stops its development and retreats.

Do not forget about various vitamins. Needless to say, each fruit or vegetable has its own set of trace elements. But yellow crops are especially rich in vitamin C.

List of vegetables

The benefits of bright sunny cultures are scientifically proven. What foods are on the list of the most healthy yellow vegetables?

  • pumpkin;
  • melon;
  • yellow tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • corn;
  • yellow bell pepper;

In combination, you can add bright healthy fruits or seasonings:

  • a pineapple;
  • mango;
  • citrus;
  • peaches;
  • turmeric;
  • ginger.

Each yellow vegetable is worthy of attention, so you need to get to know it better.

Pumpkin: Queen of the Garden

This vegetable is not very popular among the inhabitants. But in vain. Yellow pumpkin is the champion among all vegetables in terms of iron content. In addition, it contains vitamins B, C, D, E, P, T. The latter, by the way, is rarely found in nature. And he is able to normalize metabolism.

yellow pumpkin

Regular consumption of pumpkin allows you to get rid of kidney disease and high blood pressure. Vegetables perfectly remove cholesterol, toxins and toxins from the body.

Pumpkin seeds contain elements such as:

  • calcium and potassium;
  • magnesium and manganese;
  • zinc and copper;
  • iron and phosphorus;
  • folic and linolenic acids;
  • selenium;
  • amino acids.

Yellow bell pepper

This vegetable contains a record amount of vitamin C. Here it is even more than in citrus fruits and currants. In addition, yellow pepper is rich in vitamins P and A, trace elements:

  • iodine;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium and potassium;
  • calcium
  • iron.
yellow pepper

Due to the content of these nutrients, the state of blood vessels improves, vision is restored, hair becomes healthy, bowel function normalizes, and blood pressure decreases.

People who suffer from depression or insomnia should definitely include yellow bell pepper in their diet.


In cooking, it is called a dessert vegetable, because it pleases with a sweet taste and amazing aroma. Melon is rightfully recognized as a storehouse of vitamins (P, A, PP, E, B1, B2) and trace elements (carotene, folic acid, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, silicon, etc.). Among gourds, a dessert vegetable is considered the champion in vitamin C.

melon is a berry or vegetable

For many, the question is fundamental: "What is melon - is it a berry or a vegetable?" Even the content of a large number of vitamins fades into the background. According to scientific data, culture is considered false berry. Nevertheless, the inclusion of melons in the diet will improve mood, normalize the hormonal and nervous system.

Doctors recommend using culture for people with physical and mental activity. Melon is one of the few foods that can remove harmful cholesterol from the body. Those who have abnormalities in the digestive tract should also take a closer look at the gourds. It helps with constipation and hemorrhoids, weight loss and complex cleansing of the body.

Carrot: an assistant in overcoming the craving for sweets

It may be closer to orange, but its benefits are evident. Carrots successfully cope with diseases:

  • lungs;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • liver
  • the kidneys.
yellow vegetable

To get rid of anemia, chronic fatigue, hypertension and angina pectoris, it is enough to consume 0.5 l of carrot juice per day.

The inclusion of a vegetable in a daily diet can strengthen bones and blood vessels, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to the content of fiber and trace elements.

Also, carrots are useful for losing weight and watching your diet. Vegetable copes with cravings for sweets and becomes an excellent addition to any dish (meat, vegetable, dessert).

Corn: Queen of the Fields

Yellow vegetables are useful not only in raw form, but also in canned and heat-treated. So, corn is rich in vitamins B, C, P. Yellow crops contain various trace elements, but only the queen of fields will add fluoride and copper to the diet. Thanks to the use of corn, you can activate metabolic processes, improve well-being, increase vitality, and improve the health of the body as a whole.

yellow vegetable

Overweight people and those who want to lose weight need to include dosed maize grains in their diet. This is due to the high calorie content of the product.

Yellow tomatoes: unusual and tasteful

Perhaps this particular culture is the richest in lycopene, which can cleanse the body and normalize the composition of the blood. This yellow vegetable is different from the red fellow sweet taste. Such tomatoes can prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and oncology. The inclusion of yellow tomatoes in the diet will slow down the aging process and rejuvenate the body.

yellow vegetables

Menu Enrichment Methods

A person is able to enrich his diet if he prepares the following dishes from yellow vegetables:

  • Stuffed Pumpkin. The filling can be varied.
  • Mango Salad. Both vegetables and fruits can keep him company.
  • Carrot and sweet potato soup.

Of fruits stand out especially:

  • peaches and pineapples (especially as part of a smoothie);
  • oranges and tangerines;
  • melon (although it is not quite a fruit).

Healthy salads are not complete without dressing. It is worth adding turmeric or ginger to it, the dish will sparkle with new colors.


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